第25行: 第25行:
[[File:Sp-2006-press-art-image-01-garrison-memberberries.jpg|thumb|220x220px|Garrison attempting to destroy the member berry to lose the election.|link=http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/File:Sp-2006-press-art-image-01-garrison-memberberries.jpg]]In [[http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/Season Twenty|Season Twenty]] Garrison is still running for President, but after realizing he could win and doesn't have any plans to do in his presidency, he tries to foil the election in order to lose his supporters by trying to sit down the national anthem during a football game, however he fails since the rebooted version of the national anthem allows people to sit, stand, or kneel. He again tries to foil the election by making derogatory remarks against women and the TSA during a campaign rally. Instead of losing supporters, he instead gets chased by an angry mob demanding answers. When he finds out that the reason of why he was gaining more supporters was because of the memberberries, he tries to destroy them with Randy but to no avail. However, having consumed a memberberry himself, he goes on his campaign, and wins the election.
[[File:Sp-2006-press-art-image-01-garrison-memberberries.jpg|thumb|220x220px|Garrison attempting to destroy the member berry to lose the election.|link=http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/File:Sp-2006-press-art-image-01-garrison-memberberries.jpg]][[第二十季]]中,加里森依旧在竞选总统中遥遥领先,但发现自己并没有任何对自己总统日程的实质规划,他尝试通过在演奏国旗时坐立而不起立的方式尝试糟蹋自己的选票,但重启后的国歌允许美国公民坐立,站立,甚至跪立。他又尝试在公共场合做出对女性有性别歧视的发言和立场,这导致一群愤怒的选民向他索要答案,并对他展开追杀。当他发现自己在不停获得支持的原因是因为[[回忆莓]]时,他尝试和[[兰迪·马什]]一起摧毁它们,但并没成功。相反的,在自己吃下一颗回忆莓后,他继续参加竞选并胜出。
As 3rd and 4th grade teacher, Mr. Garrison teaches a rather incompetent class. The students in his classroom never pay attention and instead chat with each other while he's giving a lesson. While the children do occasionally receive punishment for slacking off, such as Stan having to read an embarrassing note that Bebe passed up to him in front of the whole class in "[[http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/Clubhouses|Clubhouses]]", they never learn from their mistakes and usually repeated the behavior.
Mr. Garrison is also noted for his class showing no concern for his well-being. In "[[http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/Gnomes|Gnomes]]", when he announces that the school is considering firing him on grounds that he doesn't teach his class about current events, the students have no problem with it. Additionally, in "[[http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/Tom's Rhinoplasty|Tom's Rhinoplasty]]", Kyle even tells the [[http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/Ms. Ellen|substitute teacher]] that they have no respect for Garrison when she tells the kids to treat her the same way they treat him.
Despite this, however, Stan, Kyle, and Wendy go out of their way to visit him at the mental home and tell him that they hope he's able to come back to school soon and teach again in "[[http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/Weight Gain 4000|Weight Gain 4000]]".
Garrison wears dark green pants, a green jacket, and black shoes. He also wears black-framed eye glasses. He is mostly bald, with gray hair on the sides.
Garrison wears dark green pants, a green jacket, and black shoes. He also wears black-framed eye glasses. He is mostly bald, with gray hair on the sides.

2018年3月4日 (日) 23:43的版本




Craig-waiting 前方施工!!!










Garrison attempting to destroy the member berry to lose the election.







Garrison wears dark green pants, a green jacket, and black shoes. He also wears black-framed eye glasses. He is mostly bald, with gray hair on the sides.

As a woman, she tailored his jacket into a tank-top, wore lipstick and earrings as well as shorter pants and new white shoes. Her hair remained the same, however, bald spot and all.

After becoming male again in "[A Penis!|Eek, A Penis!]", Garrison wears an outfit identical to the original one, with the only exception being a belt added to the pants and a very minor change to his collar. Mr. Garrison is also left handed. His hair was brown as seen in "[Mom is a Dirty Slut|Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut]", but in "[Gain 4000|Weight Gain 4000]" as a kid his hair is grey, but he may have dyed it for the party in "[Mom is a Dirty Slut|Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut]", though. Ms. Garrison is highly renowned in the future as the symbol of Atheism, but this was prevented from happening by Cartman in [God Go XII|Go God Go XII].

In [Twenty|Season Twenty], Mr. Garrison's appearance changes to include an artificial tan, and a hair style resembling that of [Trump|Donald Trump], since he substitutes Trump for Republican candidate for the presidential election. As President of the United States, Garrison wears a dark-blue suit with a red tie and white shirt. In "[It Down|Put It Down]", he is shown to no longer wear his glasses.

To see images of Herbert Garrison, visit [Garrison/Gallery|Herbert Garrison/Gallery].


Herbert Garrison suffers from many psychological problems that are touched many times throughout the show, though it appears nothing is ever done about it. The most noticeable of his problems is multiple identity disorder, represented through various puppets. At the beginning of the series, while Mr. Garrison still taught Third Grade, he held a puppet on his hand known as [Hat|Mr. Hat]. Mr. Garrison used this puppet to show a second, more aggressive personality and to emote some of his most inner conflicts. One of these conflicts being the fact he was gay and his inability to come to terms with that. It was hinted many times that he was gay, but Mr. Garrison would take deep offense and insist he was straight. He would say Mr. Hat was gay and later admitted his second hand puppet, [Twig|Mr. Twig], was also gay. Mr. Garrison denied the fact he was gay so much, that he even appeared homophobic and believed gay people were an abomination and weren't human. In one particular episode he tells Stan, "Gay people are evil. Their hearts pump not blood like yours and mine, but rather a thick, vomitous oil."

Mr. Garrison is racist, first shown as a gag for "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo", where he proposes the town gets rid of all the[Mexicans] every Christmas, which he again suggests in "[Christmas in Canada|It's Christmas in Canada]", to which [McDaniels|the Mayor] angrily replies "Mr. Garrison, every year you suggest that and every year we tell you NO!" When rich black people were moving to South Park, he was able to gather the town's men into getting rid of them, under the pretense that the rich people were taking over the town. He got people to dress up like "ghosts" to scare them away and burned lower case T's on the black peoples' lawns standing for "Time to Leave." Once the town was rid of the rich people,

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Mr. Garrison and his lover, Mr. Slave

Mr. Garrison said they could all get rich by selling the houses. This confused the town folk, who replied that they would then become what they didn't want in the town. Mr. Garrison then exposed his true motive by saying "Well, at least we got rid of those damn nig-" (and the episode cuts to black and the credits roll). Mr. Garrison was also seen among a [Klux Klan|KKK] group, but said he wasn't a member, but Mr. Hat was, again using his puppet to dispute the conflicts inside himself. Mr. Garrison appears to be on good terms with [[2]] though, a black man who works at the school and was even at his funeral.

Mr. Garrison is an incompetent teacher, who teaches his students useless things, such as why Chubby Checker left [Beatles|the Beatles] and once spent a whole week of just showing his class old [Ebsen|Barnaby Jones] tapes. He has also taught his students a few times subjects far too advanced for them, like Stalin and Communism. There have only been a few instances, mostly in more recent episodes, when Mr. Garrison has been portrayed as more competent as of a teacher taught a normal subject for a Fourth Grade class (many instances being after his sex change to a woman and back to a man), mostly Times Tables. Yet he goes about it by insulting the kids when they get an answer wrong, which is often. It is possible that Mr. Garrison teaches the students more about pop culture because he himself does not know a lot about the school curriculum, or just doesn't pay attention to it.

One of Mr. Garrison's common personality traits since giving up Mr. Hat is how his aggressive behavior now causes him to take things to the extremes. When he came out as gay, he began performing extremely vulgar homosexual acts with Mr. Slave. Of course, part of this was most likely because of the fact he wanted to get fired in order to sue the school. However, after becoming a woman, he became obsessed with declaring how much of a woman he was in the loudest and again most vulgar way. For example, he once shouted loudly to other women about how wonderful it was to have a period. Later, when Mrs. Garrison begins a brief relationship with Richard Dawkins, she gives up her religious faith due to the fact the Dawkins found her attractive and then became obnoxiously vocal about Atheism to the point of being fanatical. The same held true for when Mrs. Garrison decided to be come a lesbian following a one-night stand with another woman. Following the encounter, Mrs. Garrison began to sexually harass all the women at the local lesbian bar and became obsessed with the idea of having random sex with women. These extreme shifts and stances of belief mixed with his already aggressive behavior makes it to where Garrison is often verbally abusive to any and all who disagree with him. All of this suggests that he is an extreme narcissist.

Due to the fact that Mr. Garrison has had both male and female relationships during the course of the series, it is now unclear whether or not he can or should still be considered gay, but rather pansexual. Since Garrison's last relationship was lesbian in nature prior to returning back to being a male, it has not been made clear what Garrison's current orientation is. It was once implied during earlier episodes that Garrison might have had sex with Cartman's pet pig '[[3]]', meaning he may also enjoy bestiality. In addition, "[[4]]" also suggests that same idea when the people are watching the Jakovasaur and Garrison suggests that they let him keep the Jakovasaur. They replied that he once found a bird that he kept at his house to keep it alive, but he ended up having sex with it, to which Garrison replies that the bird was a total slut and then he tells everyone who didn't have sex with the bird to raise their hands and everyone raises their hands (a reference to "[Mom is a Dirty Slut|Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut]").

Perhaps the most appropriate description of his orientation is in "[Death Camp of Tolerance|The Death Camp of Tolerance]", when Chef states that there is a big difference between being gay and being Mr. Garrison, suggesting that he believes Mr. Garrison is a pervert. Mr. Garrison may also be a pedophile, as he was shown attempting to "hook up" with young boys in "[Joins NAMBLA|Cartman Joins NAMBLA]".

Since returning to male gender in [Twelve|Season Twelve], Mr. Garrison's behavior as of lad has been shown to be less eccentric than before, having been involved in no acts of deviant sexual behavior, outrageous outbursts, or psychotic episodes. Instead, he's behaved more or less like a responsible and sane teacher. The closest exceptions to this has been when he offered up his students as hostages in "[Fun Time|Super Fun Time]" and being afraid (along with all the other Republican members of South Park) that it was the end of the world after [Obama|Barack Obama] was elected president in "[Last Night...|About Last Night...]"

But his weird behavior returned in the [19|Season 19] episode, "Where My Country Gone?," he is fired from his teaching job after he verbally bashes South Park's many Canadian immigrants. He begins a political campaign to get rid of all the Canadians by "fucking them all to death." After traveling to Canada and doing this to the Canadian president, he decides to go to Washington, D.C. to run for President, with [Jenner|Caitlyn Jenner] as his running mate possibly because they are both transsexuals.

Mr. Hat, Mr. Twig, and Mr. Slave

Throughout the seasons, Mr. Garrison has had three teaching assistants. The first of these was Mr. Hat. It was through this puppet that Mr. Garrison channeled deep emotions through him he was afraid to show, like the fact he was gay. Mr. Garrison would use Mr. Hat to voice things he himself would never have said at the beginning of the show. Mr. Hat was gay and racist, according to Mr. Garrison, who he himself denied being. Mr. Hat was able to do things without the help of Mr. Garrison, which makes many people wonder if Mr. Hat does have a mind of his own. Some of those instances are when Mr. Hat drove a car through a prison wall to rescue Mr. Garrison and Chef and he has blinked and moved his eyes around a few times. Mr. Garrison had a debate with Mr. Hat about whether or not to go to a KKK meeting and when Mr. Garrison refused, Mr. Hat disappeared from the room. He has also shown he has had Mr. Hat since he was a young boy.

File:Herbert Garrison.png

Mr. Garrison with Mr. Hat

Mr. Garrison replaced Mr. Hat with a new hand puppet, Mr. Twig. Mr. Twig is a twig wearing the same shirt as Mr. Hat and spoke in the same voice until his final episode, where he spoke in a French accent (although since Mr. Twig's final speech to Mr. Garrison was romantic in nature, it may have been simply a joke). Mr. Garrison's students did not receive Mr. Twig well and wanted Mr. Hat back. Mr. Garrison insisted Mr. Hat would never be coming back. In the episode "[Aid|Chef Aid]", Mr. Twig kept on ending up in unfortunate accidents. Mr. Garrison soon discovered they were being caused by Mr. Hat, who wanted him to take him back. In the end of the episode, Mr. Twig helped Garrison realize that Mr. Hat was the best choice and Mr. Garrison discarded him and Mr. Twig has not been seen since.

Recently in the episode "[[5]]", Mr. Garrison is forced by [Cartman|Eric Cartman] and his hand-turned-con-artist-puppet [Conner|Mitch Conner] to pull [Hat|Mr. Hat] out of storage, so as to reveal the truth about his father who until recently was believed to be Cartman's mother, [Cartman|Liane Cartman]. Garrison is initially dismissive of using the old puppet, saying he no longer needed it. However Mitch greets Mr. Hat, claiming they are old friends and war buddies and as the conversation between Mr. Garrison, Cartman, and Mitch progresses, Garrison seems to regress back to talk with and to Mr. Hat as if the puppet is alive.


Mr. Garrison has committed numerous misdemeanors and felonies throughout the series.


Mr. Garrison has had both male and female relationships before, during and after his sex change, because of this it's unclear what his sexuality is, it is likely that he is bisexual or pansexual.

Mr. Slave

Mr. Garrison starting dating Mr. Slave in "[Death Camp of Tolerance|The Death Camp of Tolerance]", this relationship lasted until his sex change operation. They had a falling out in "[That Egg!|Follow That Egg!]", where Mr. (at the time, Ms.) Garrison tried to sabotage Mr. Slave's and [Gay Al|Big Gay Al]'s wedding. Its hinted in "[Funny|Not Funny]" that Garrison might still have some feelings for Slave.

Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins was Ms. Garrison's first boyfriend since the sex change operation. This relationship was formed in "[God Go|Go God Go]" when Richard asks her on a date, He also successfully "converted" her to Atheism though this was probably just said because she was afraid to lose the first man who has found her attractive, in the future they get married and rid the world of religion, however thanks to [Cartman|Eric Cartman] who uses the [Prank Time Phone|time phone in] "[God Go XII|Go God Go XII]" to contact Mr. Garrison he reveals to Richard the truth about the sex change operation and doing so proceeds Richard to break up with her and runs out of the house in disgust.


Allison was one of the women who Ms. Garrison experimented with in "[[9]]" and officially made her a lesbian, it is unclear if they were dating or just friends with benefits, however after the events of the episode it may be clear that they never spoke again.


  • Garrison's sexual orientation remains ambiguous since his multiple sex-change operations. Forming relationships with both men and women, he is shown having a preference for both sexes.
  • He may or may not have had sexual intercourse with [Stotch|Stephen Stotch], as both of them were revealed to be regular visitors to [White Swallow|The White Swallow] bathhouse in "[Very Own Episode|Butters' Very Own Episode]", however this could have been where he met [Slave|Mr. Slave].
  • He is probably fond of bestiality, as it was implied in "[Elephant Makes Love to a Pig|An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig]" and "[[10]]", that he has had sex with a pigeon and Cartman's pet pig.
  • Mr. Garrison appears to be quite fond of [McCormick|Kenny], as in the episode "[Friends Forever|Best Friends Forever]" he is seen trying to bring food to Kenny in the hospital but gets arrested.
  • [Hat|Mr. Hat] is known to be a racist, member of KKK, in "[Goes Nanners|Chef Goes Nanners]" and Mr. Garrison stays out of the KKK and apologizes to an irate [[11]] for Mr. Hat's involvement. However, in "[Comes the Neighborhood|Here Comes the Neighborhood]" Garrison seems to be racist as well. He is also spotted during town
    File:1106 battle-cry.jpg

    Ms. Garrison leading the riot in "[[1]]".

    meetings suggesting to get rid of all the Mexicans as shown in "[Hankey, the Christmas Poo|Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo]" and "[Christmas in Canada|It's Christmas in Canada]".
  • When Mr. Garrison shows off his new boobs in "[Garrison's Fancy New Vagina|Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina]", while grotesque looking, they are more or less equal in shape and size. However in "[God Go|Go God Go]", when his reveals them again, they are even more misshapen, with one being notably smaller than the other. This may be due to one of them being damaged in "[Days Before the Day After Tomorrow|Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow]".
  • Mr. Garrison carries a gun with him to class, it is unknown why and it also unknown why he didn't use it when his whole class was held hostage in Pioneer Village in "[Fun Time|Super Fun Time]", although it could have been confiscated by the staff at school, the robbers, or he may have simply forgot to bring it.
  • Despite his sex-change and several seasons as a woman, Garrison was often addressed as "Mr." rather than "Mrs." by many of the students and even his colleagues in class.
  • Mr. Garrison is also one of only two teachers at South Park Elementary (the other being [Mackey|Mr. Mackey]) who have been fired from the school, but later returned.
  • In the episode "[Hair Tampons|Cherokee Hair Tampons]", his name that appears on the cover of his best-selling book is Ethan P. Garrison, a possible pen-name.
  • Mr. Garrison seems to get some of his more bizarre world views from his mother. When he returns home
    Garrison gas station

    World Wide Recorder Concert]"

    in "[Wide Recorder Concert|World Wide Recorder Concert]", his mother encourages his father to molest him (both she and her son see it as a sign of love) and is distraught upon hearing from Garrison that her husband never molested Garrison as a child. Mr. Garrison also seems to have inherited his mother's appearance more than his father's.
  • Before being a teacher, he was going to be an engineer. He studied mechanical engineering at university and in "[Wide Recorder Concert|World Wide Recorder Concert]" his father's gas station sign reads "Garrison and Son". How he came to leave his father's business and teach in Colorado has not yet been revealed. This also implies that he is an only child.
  • Mr. Garrison invented [[12]], a high speed vehicle that he built to put airplane companies out of business, but his business was shut down by the government due to airports losing money.
  • It is revealed in "[Entity|The Entity]" that Mr. Garrison is left handed.
  • His relationship with Mr. Hat was very similar to The Ventriloquist and Scarface from the Batman series. The reason is that they both had a puppet that they claim to have a mind of its own, they both wear glasses, and they forced the owners to kill people.
  • Even outside of school, he is still referred to by his teacher name, "Mr. Garrison", rather than his first name "Herbert".
