→‎出场:​clean up, replaced: "[[ → “(25), " → ]]” (25)
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{{南方公园角色|图片 = lizzy.png|英文原名 = Lizzy|性别 = 女|年龄 = 10|职业 = 学生|年级 = [[四年级生|四年级]]|配音 = [[莫娜·马歇尔]]|首次出场 = [[家庭与社会]]}}
{{南方公园角色|图片 = lizzy.png|英文原名 = Lizzy|性别 = 女|年龄 = 10|职业 = 学生|年级 = [[四年级生|四年级]]|配音 = [[莫娜·马歇尔]]|首次出场 = [[家庭与社会]]}}'''丽兹'''是一名[[四年级生|四年级]]女生。她第一次登场在[[第三季]]“[[家庭与社会]]”中。
'''Lizzy''' is a [[List of Female 4th Graders|female 4th grader]]. She made her debut in the [[Season Three]] episode, "[[家庭与社会]]".
She had a role in the episode "[[仇恨法案]]" when she and the other girls were competing against the boys in a sledding race. Despite her apparent death at the end of "[[仇恨法案]]", she has been seen in numerous cameos since then.
Lizzy wears a pink parka that covers most of her face, similar to [[Kenny McCormick]]'s parka. Her parka has gray fleece padding and buttons up. She also wears gray gloves, dark gray pants, and black shoes.
She seems to like insulting and taunting others, in "[[Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000]]", she taunted the boys, calling them insulting terms, such as "Butt Pirates" and "Rump Rangers".
*Lizzy wears a parka and has a sexually advanced vocabulary, making her similar to [[Kenny McCormick]].
*Despite the fact she was carried offscreen by a bear at the end of "[[Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000]]", she has been shown in later episodes. It is possible that the bear did not kill her, much like the bear in "[[Jewbilee]]".
*In the episode "[[Douche and Turd]]", there's another student that looks identical to Lizzy sitting a few rows behind her in the audience at the school pep rally.
*"[[家庭与社会]]" - Seen talking to [[Pip Pirrip]] at the party.
*[[家庭与社会]] - 可以看到她在派对上和[[皮普·皮瑞普|皮普]]聊天。
* "[[汉基先生的圣诞特辑]]" - Seen singing in the choir.
* [[汉基先生的圣诞特辑]] - 可以看到她在合唱团里演唱。
*“[[仇恨法案]]” - 她是女生雪橇队的一员。她辱骂男孩们,但是最后因为雪橇掉下了悬崖而输掉了比赛。最后她被一只棕熊叼走了。
*"[[仇恨法案]]" - She is a part of the girls sledding team. She insults the boys, but loses as a result of the sled falling off the cliff. She is then taken away by a grizzly bear.
*"[[残疾人的救赎]]" - Seen as part of [[Eric Cartman]]'s congregation.
*[[残疾人的救赎]] - 出现在卡特曼办的集会上。
*"[[卡特曼邪教]]" - Seen as part of Cartman's congregation.
*[[卡特曼邪教]] - 作为卡特曼教会的成员出现。
*"[[减肥营]]" - Seen on the playground.
*[[减肥营]] - 可以在操场上看到她。
*"[[南方孩子国]]" - Included on Cartman's side of the conflict.
*[[南方孩子国]] - 可以在卡特曼的阵营看到她。.
*“[[卡特曼乐园]]” - 可以在过山车上看到她。之后可以看到她站在人群中看卡特曼讨回他的钱。
*"[[卡特曼乐园]]" - Seen on a roller coaster and standing in the back of the crowd, watching Cartman begging for his money back.
*"[[性教育]]" - Seen in the cafeteria, and in the crowd at the end.
*[[性教育]] - 在餐厅出现,在结尾可以看到她在人群中。
*"[[宇宙级混蛋]]" - Seen in the crowd of school children watching [[Rob Schneider]] play on the playground.
*[[宇宙级混蛋]] - 出现在学校的一群学生中观看[[罗伯·施奈德]]在操场上玩。
*"[[卡特曼的明星手]]" - Seen in the crowd of schoolchildren.
*[[卡特曼的明星手]] - 在一群学生中可以看到她。
*"[[南方基园]]"- Seen watching the metro pride parade.
*[[南方基园]]- 可以看到她在观看都市美男游行。
*"[[摩门教家庭]]" - Seen playing on [[South Park Elementary]]'s playground.
*[[摩门教家庭]] - [[南方公园小学]]的操场上玩耍。
*"[[派对余生]]" - Seen in the background in one of the flashbacks.
*[[派对余生]] - 在其中一次闪回中出现在操场上。
*"[[吐出类固醇]]"Seen in the crowd at the end.
*“[[杰弗逊父子]]”- 出现在[[迈克尔·杰克逊|杰弗逊先生]]的房子里,在背景中玩摩天轮。
*"[[杰弗逊父子]]"- Seen in the background riding the Ferris Wheel at [[Michael Jackson|Mr. Jefferson]]'s house.
*"[[烂货选举]]" - Briefly seen in the audience at the school pep rally.
*[[烂货选举]] - 短暂地作为观众出现在学校里的选举动员会上。
*"[[尬舞风波]]" - Seen briefly at the arcade.
*[[尬舞风波]] - 短暂地出现在游戏街厅里。
*“[[超赞哦机器人]]” - 出现在观看[[卡特曼]]扮演[[布兰妮·斯皮尔斯]]的视频的人群中。
*"[[超赞哦机器人]]" - Seen in the crowd of kids watching the video of Cartman dressed as [[Britney Spears]].
*"[[永远的好朋友]]" - Seen sitting behind [[Kenny McCormick]] on the roller coaster.
*[[永远的好朋友]] - 在过山车上坐在肯尼后面。
*"[[硬梆梆的日子]]" - Briefly seen in the audience in [[Jimmy Valmer|Jimmy]]'s nightmare.
*[[硬梆梆的日子]] - 短暂地作为观众出现在[[吉米]]的噩梦中。
*"[[人熊猪]]"-Seen in the auditorium.
*[[人熊猪]]- 在观众中可以看到她。
*“[[向黑人道歉]]”- 作为听众短暂地出现在学校集会。
*"[[With Apologies to Jesse Jackson]]"- Briefly seen in the audience at the school assembly.
*“[[加拿大罢工]]”- 作为听众短暂地出现在学校集会。
*"[[Canada on Strike]]"- Briefly seen sitting in the audience at the school assembly.
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2020年3月20日 (五) 16:18的版本








  • 丽兹穿着风雪大衣并且会使用一些高级的关于性的词汇,这些都和肯尼·麦考密克很相似。
  • 尽管在“仇恨法案”一集的结尾她被熊叼到了屏幕外,她还是在之后的剧集中有出现。很有可能熊(曾出现在“犹太童子军”)并没有杀掉她。
  • 在“烂货选举”一集中的学校选举动员会上,听众里有另一个和丽兹看起来一摸一样的学生就坐在她后面几排。
