第1行: 第1行:
|名称 = 以斯帖
|名称 = 以斯帖
|英文原名 = Esther
|英文原名 = Esther|性别 = 女|头发 = 黑色|年龄 = 10|职业 = 学生|年级 = [[四年级生|四年级]]|配音 = [[伊莱扎·施耐德]]|首次出场 = "[[热带雨林惊魂]]"|图片 = <gallery>
|性别 = 女
|头发 = 黑色
|年龄 = 10|职业 = 学生
|年级 = [[四年级生|四年级]]
|配音 = [[伊莱扎·施耐德]]
|首次出场 = "[[热带雨林惊魂]]"
|图片 = <gallery>
'''Esther''' is one of the popular girls at [[South Park Elementary]]. She has never played a prominent role, however, she does often speak in episodes which heavily concern the [[List of Female 4th Graders|female students]]. She can be seen in the background of many episodes, usually playing with or talking to [[Heidi Turner]].
She has shoulder-length black hair, wears a sky-blue jacket with pink trimming, and pink trousers. She wears pink gloves as well, being a lighter shade than both her pants and her collar. Under her jacket, she has been shown to wear a sky blue blouse, as seen in "[[Rainforest Shmainforest]]".
As a "stupid spoiled whore", she wore a green-and-black military patterned halter top, blue jeans, and black stiletto-heeled boots. She also wore pink blush with blue eye shadow, similar to [[Red]].
At the sleepover in "[[Marjorine]]", she wore a violet pajama top with a deep purple lace collar and a pair of violet plaid pajama bottoms.
===[[Bradley Biggle]]===
Bradley and Esther were paired up in "[[Follow That Egg!]]". Bradley and Esther were also part of the [[Getting Gay With Kids]] choir in "[[Rainforest Shmainforest]]". It is also seemed that they could also be seen together in the background so it's possible that he and Esther are either a couple or very close friends.
A picture of Esther can be found in Bradley's room in the video game, "[[South Park: The Fractured But Whole]]", implying he has a possible romantic interest in her.
*In "[[The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs]]", she can be seen wearing exactly the same clothes and exact same hair style. However, her hair is brown rather than black.
*In "[[Pre-School]]", Esther is shown as a student who is evacuated.
*"[[热带雨林惊魂]]" - 作为童乐合唱团的一员出现。
*"[[Rainforest Shmainforest]]" - Appears as part of the [[Getting Gay With Kids]] choir.
*"[[男孩之战]]" - 第一次作为[[南方公园小学]]的学生出现。
*"[[Tweek vs. Craig]]" - First appearance as a [[South Park Elementary]] student.
*"[[仇恨法案]] "- 作为[[丽兹]]领导的女子雪橇队的一员。
*"[[Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000]] "- Is part of the female sled group lead by [[Lizzy]].
*"[[Cripple Fight]]"
*"[[卡特曼乐园]]" - 在卡特曼的主题乐园中出现。
*"[[Cartmanland]]" - Seen in the theme park.
*"[[性教育]]" - 在性教育课上出现。
*"[[Proper Condom Use]]" - Seen in sexual education class.
*"[[贝蓓的胸器]]" - 第一次拥有台词。她同意[[贝蓓]]是个荡妇。
*"[[Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society]]" - First speaking role. She agrees that [[Bebe Stevens|Bebe]] is a slut.
*"[[南方基园]]"- 短暂地看到她在观看在都市美男游行。
*"[[South Park is Gay!]]"- Briefly seen watching the metro pride parade.
*"[[失恋的斯坦]]"- 短暂地看到她在操场上玩。
*"[[Raisins]]"- Briefly seen playing on the playground.
*"[[烂货选举]]" - 作为啦啦队的一员出现,并被善待动物组织泼了血。
*"[[Douche and Turd]]" - Appears as one of the cheerleaders and gets doused with blood by [[People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals|PETA]].
*"[[蠢婊子摄影套装]]" - 在扮演“蠢婊子”时出现。
*"[[Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset]]" - Appears playing as a 'stupid spoiled whore'.
*"[[灵能侦探卡特曼]]" - 可以看到她在走廊上看卡特曼的巫师服装。
*"[[Cartman's Incredible Gift]]" - Seen in the hallway looking at Cartman in his psychic attire.
*"[[玛乔莉]]" - 可以在需要被监视的女孩名单里第一次看到她的名字,并且她出现在女孩们的通宵派对上。
*"[[Marjorine]]" - Her name is first revealed when she's shown in a lineup of girls to keep surveillance on, and she appears at the sleepover.
*"[[小心那颗蛋!]]" - 与[[布莱德利·毕格]]分到一组。
*"[[Follow That Egg!]]" - Winds up paired with [[Bradley Biggle]].
*"[[名单风波]]" - 在名单制作会议中出现。
*"[[The List]]" - Appears at the list-making meeting.
*"[[卡特曼老师]]" - 在走廊中作为背景出现。
*"[[Eek, A Penis!]]" - Seen in hallways; background only.
*"[[Tonsil Trouble]]"
*"[[人熊猪]]" - 在礼堂中作为观众出现。
*"[[ManBearPig |ManBearPig]]"-Seen in the auditorium.
*"[[歌舞童年]]"- 在走廊中出现。
*"[[Elementary School Musical]]"- Seen in the hallway.
*"[[无法禁足]]"- 在操场上作为背景出现。
*"[[The Ungroundable]]"- Seen in the background on the playground.
*"[[The Ring]]" - At the [[Jonas Brothers]] concert.
*"[[贞操戒指]]" - [[乔纳斯兄弟]]的演唱会出现。
*"[[与蓝精灵共舞]]" - 作为南方公园小学卡特曼早安秀的化妆团队的一员出现。
*"[[Dances With Smurfs]]" - Appears as a member of the make-up crew for Cartman's morning show at South Park Elementary.
*"[[性瘾治疗]]"- 在教室中出现。
*"[[Sexual Healing]]"- Seen in the classroom.
*"[[Crème Fraiche]]" - Seen in the cafeteria.
*"[[厨神兰迪]]" - 在食堂中出现。
*"[[搞笑机器人]]" - 在走廊中的团体镜头中出现。
*"[[Funnybot]]" - Can be seen in hallways and in group shots.
*"[[鸡鸡风波]]" - 在卡特曼被叫到维多利亚校长办公室之前,她是最后一个被他发泄激怒的女孩。
*"[[T.M.I.]]" - She is the last girl to get [[Eric Cartman|Cartman]]'s wrath before he's called to [[Principal Victoria]]'s office
*"[[马桶圈风波]]" - 在[[加里森先生]]的课上作为背景出现。
*"[[Reverse Cowgirl]]" - Seen in the background of [[Herbert Garrison|Mr. Garrison's]] class.
*"[[当金潮]]" - 在操场上作为背景出现。
*"[[Cash For Gold]]" - Seen in the background on the playground.
* "[[犹柏卡布拉]]" - 在复活节寻蛋活动中出现。
* "[[Jewpacabra]]" - Seen at the Easter egg hunt.
* "[[霸凌谁之过]]" - 在斯坦的反霸凌视频中出现。
* "[[Butterballs]]" - Seen in Stan's anti-bullying video.
* "[[卡特曼寻爱记]]" - 在[[加里森先生]]的课上作为背景出现。
* "[[Cartman Finds Love]]" - Seen in the background in Mr. Garrison's classroom.
* "[[拔高下限]]" - 在卡特曼谈论关于厌食症的时候在健身房出现。
* "[[Raising the Bar]]" - Seen in the gym when Cartman talks about anorexia.
* "[[信念危机]]" - 在[[加里森先生]]的课上作为背景出现。
* "[[A Scause For Applause]]" - Seen in the background in [[Herbert Garrison|Mr. Garrison]]'s class.
* "[[窃听风云]]" - 在食堂吃饭。
* "[[Let Go, Let Gov]]" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
* "[[黑人世界大战]]"- 在学校集会中出现。
* "[[World War Zimmerman]]"- Seen at the school assembly.
* "[[猎婊行动]]" - 因为[[猎婊42]]干的坏事,和女同学们一起计划反击男孩们。
* "[[Skank Hunt]]" - Conspires with her fellow female classmates to get back at the boys for [[Skankhunt42]]'s wrong doings.
* "[[露出小弟弟]]" - 在学校食堂出现。
* "[[Wieners Out]]" - Seen in the school cafeteria.
* "[[灌洗器与丹麦人]]" - 在女孩们和男孩们打架的时候出现。
* "[[Douche and a Danish]]" - Seen in the battle between the girls and the boys.
* "[[假日特辑]]" - 在走廊上因为要取消哥伦布纪念日的骚乱中出现。
* "[[Holiday Special]]" - Seen in the hallway rioting due to a cancellation of Columbus Day.
===''[[South Park: The Stick of Truth]]''===
Esther appears in the News Office, being interviewed. You can talk to her to befriend her.
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2020年1月20日 (一) 12:34的版本











  • 在“超恶心小说”中,可以看到她穿着一样的衣服,留着一样的发型出现,但是头发却是棕色而不是黑色。
  • 以斯帖和凯文的外观惊人的相似,两者的外貌似乎为对方的性别变换版。
  • 在“学前恩怨”中,可以看到以斯帖在被疏散的学生中。


