


A one-in-a-million pantry accident had turned Token Black into Tupperware, a cyborg superhero who has the power to construct deadly Tupper Turrets and keep the food fresh.



Tupperware is one of the Seven members of the first-generation superheroes, and the first ones to join Coon and Friends. After the disagreement on the franchise plan, however, he left the team and sided with the Freedom Pals.

He serves as the source of finance and the tank of his team, he also created Danger Deck as a mean to train his teammates, despite this, The New Kid is still allowed to have access to it as long as they pay for it.

He was first introduced in the mission Civil War, saying nothing, he fought Coon and Friends with Mysterion and Wonder Tweek, but he was defeated at last.

Tupperware reappear in Civil War 2: Playtime's over, accusing The Coon for stealing Doctor Timothy's phone, he joins the battle with Doctor Timothy, Mysterion and Toolshed, with the help of kindergartners. Despite his great advantage, he was again defeated.

He again appear when the New Kid enter the Freedom Pals’ base with Professor Chaos, as a part of the ambush. However, Doctor Timothy was on the scene and decided to trust the two.

Tupperware later heads to the Senior Center to deliver a community service, during which the New Kid upsets the residents after playing the flugelhorn anally, which made the residents realize the New Kid is the Farting Vigilante and assumes that their prescription drugs will be seized by the New Kid. Tupperware then proceeds to escape the Senior Center alongside the New Kid, Professor Chaos and Wonder Tweek.

Tupperware then joins in the mission on the third night at the Park County Police Station, where he almost got shot by the police officers on guard, twice. He then discovers his parents being imprisoned in the holding cells underneath. Later in that night, he encounters Sargent Yates, who unleashes Jared from his personal holding cell, which Tupperware is forced to confront with. He also later confronts Shub-Niggurath at the pit located in the very bottom floor of the police station.

