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2018年5月24日 (四) 17:14的版本





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这一集从南方公园小学开始,吉米正打算给凯尔推广一款特伦斯与菲利普的新免费游戏。凯尔接受了他的建议,并与巴特斯一起玩起了这个游戏。但是在玩了一会,并花了五毛钱之后,他们却发现这个游戏非常无聊,而卡特曼和肯尼也很同意这一点。The episode begins at South Park Elementary, where Jimmy Valmer tries to get Kyle Broflovski to play the new Terrance and Phillip freemium game. Kyle takes his advice and later, with Butters Stotch, plays the game. They find it to be rather boring. Eric Cartman and Kenny McCormick find and agree with them.

在加拿大,特伦斯与菲利普闯进了加拿大手游部门,与加拿大手游部长和加拿大王子对峙。后者二人尝试用个伪装来掩盖他们的行为,但前者很容易就看穿了。因此,他们解释了他们的计划,制作一套劣质而且非常愚蠢的游戏,诱使玩家在玩的过程中花钱——这个计划看起来并没有什么伤害,不仅有趣,还能在这个过程中赚钱。In Canada, Terrance and Phillip barge into the Canadian Department of Mobile Games, confronting the Canadian Minister of Mobile Gaming and Prince of Canada. The Prince and Minister of Mobile Gaming try to pass off a charade but Terrance and Phillip see through it. They explain that they can make low quality games and use micro-transactions to make money and that it's all harmless fun.

在马许家,斯坦因为在手游上花了489块钱而被父母大骂一顿。兰迪声称这一定是他父亲(马文·马什)的心理恶魔遗传给了斯坦,因为马文有赌博上瘾的迹象。莎伦表示兰迪自己可能也在酒上受到了影响,而兰迪则坚决否认,因为他现在只喝蓝带啤酒和葡萄酒。At the Marsh Residence, Stan is being scolded by his parents for spending $489 on the Terrance and Phillip mobile game. Randy Marsh blames his father's "demons" from his gambling addiction. Sharon Marsh says that maybe Randy also inherited those traits with alcohol. Randy denies it because he quit and only drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon and wine.

回到加拿大,手游部长给二人从头到尾解释了一大堆,重心在于这个游戏不能太好玩,这样才能让玩家付钱而获得乐趣。他还用支票和“所有人都在做”的心理解释让二人平静下来。Back in Canada, The Minister of Mobile Gaming explains to Terrance and Phillip that the mobile game has to be barely fun so that the players micropay to make it more fun. He also entices Terrance and Phillip with money and the simple idea that everyone is doing it.

一会之后,凯尔、卡特曼和肯尼Later, Stan is confronted by Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny because of his addiction to the Terrance and Phillip mobile game. Stan inadvertently reveals that Jimmy told him about the game. Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny figure out that Jimmy has been telling everyone about the game.

In town, Kyle and the others confront Jimmy about pushing the game on people. He reveals that he has never played the game and is simply paid to push it to people.

In Canada, once again, Terrance and Phillip decide that they don't want to put out a freemium game because they are afraid people will spend too much money on the game. The Minister of Mobile Gaming presents the idea of using some of the money they are making in order to teach people to be responsible, citing the alcohol industry.

An advertisement for alcohol then plays, showing people having a great time while drinking and showing sexual imagery, only to be followed by the statement "Drink Responsibly".

At the Three Feathers Indian Casino, Randy is showing Stan, Marvin Marsh's terrible gambling addiction. He then takes Stan and Marvin home to scold them some more. Marvin brings up Randy's alcoholism but Randy denies it. Stan and Marvin agree to quit together.

At the Valmer Residence, Jimmy explains to Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny that he needed the money to play another freemium game and that the companies make you pay on purpose.

That night, Stan is trying to sleep, but the Terrance and Phillip game keeps taunting him and he eventually obliges. He spends $26,000. Randy scolds him yet again, citing that just because he is Lorde doesn't mean that Stan can spend this money.

Stan goes to the Kyle's house for help and Cartman, Kenny and Jimmy come over. Jimmy, while alone with Stan, tells him to ask a higher power for help. Meanwhile, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman are trying to figure out how to get the word out about Canada using pushers. Cartman simply tweets it and it starts to trend.

In Canada, Terrance and Phillip confront the Minister of Mobile Gaming about the pushers. The Minister of Mobile Gaming explains the real reason for freemium games. He explains that a small percentage of people pay for freemium games and it's those people who have problems with addictions. Terrance and Phillip won't stand for this.

Later, Stan starts praying to a higher power. Suddenly, Satan appears to tell him all about addiction. He explains that Dopamine is released when doing something pleasurable. In nature, this happens when you survive and sex, but since humans can easily survive and have sex, they get their Dopamine from addictions. If you are addicted and use too much, you need more and more to get Dopamine, meaning that Stan is just a normal human being.

The Minister of Mobile Games continues to explain that they are building a new Canada with micro-payments, finally revealing he's the Canadian Devil, or Beelzaboot.

Satan is explaining that Stan's genetics, from his father, are also a factor in his addictive personality. Stan's iPhone goes off and Satan checks out the Terrance and Phillip mobile game, stating it's different when something isn't fun. Stan tells him that Canada put the game out and Satan immediately knows the Canadian Devil made the game. Satan asks to borrow Stan's soul and Stan allows him to. He possesses Stan's body and makes his way towards Canada.

In Canada, the Canadian Devil now has complete control over the souls of every Canadian. However, Satan in Stan's body fights with the Canadian Devil. The fight leads to the entire area being blown up by Satan and sucked into Hell.

Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny are playing basketball, when Stan rises from Hell and walks off.

Terrance, Phillip, and the Prince of Canada hold a press conference and declare that Canada will not make freemium games and will not use the money from addicts to help themselves. Canada will still be an ethical, respected, "shitty" tundra.

Later, Stan and Marvin are playing board games in order to keep themselves clean. Randy shows up and decides to join them. He asks them if they want to put money on it