(以“{{浣熊侠联盟任务 |标题= |图片=The Many Asses of Dr. Mephesto.jpg |英文原名= |任务性质=主线任务 |任务人= |先决条件= |建议战力=0 |任...”为内容创建页面)
第1行: 第1行:
{{剧集顶部导航|标题1 = 返乡义务|标题2 = “克拉希”机密}}
|图片=The Many Asses of Dr. Mephesto.jpg
|图片=The Bowels of the Beast.jpg
|英文原名 = The Bowels of the Beast
|任务性质 = 主线任务
|任务人 =
|先决条件 =
|建议战力 = 60
|任务地点 = [[薄荷河马]]
|前一任务 = [[返乡义务]]
|下一任务 = [[“克拉希”机密]]
|并行任务 =
== 简介 ==
== 详细故事与指引攻略 ==
=== 前往薄荷河马 ===
今晚的任务是找到带着丁丁纹身的女孩,情报显示她就在[[薄荷河马]]里面。所以第一步就是换好衣服,溜出家门,但是 Your first task is to sneak out of your house, your dad will be seen is passed out on the couch in a drunk and high stupor, so don't worry about waking him up. Throw Snap N Pops at the latch at the top and the chain lock just too far from your reach. They will both shine when you enter Inspection Mode.
There is still a padlock you need a key for, luckily it is not far. Just go to the left, the padlock key is hanging up on the wall by the basement door. Then open the padlock and leave.
The Coon and Friend member awaiting outside The New Kid's house is revealed to be [[Captain Diabetes]]; you're assigned as his new sidekick. Follow him to the right and you'll probably run into Beer Drunk [[Randy Marsh|Randy]] in front of [[Stan's House]], revealing that he's the one keying his wife's car the whole time as part of the side mission [[A Randy Mystery]]. Captain Diabetes will take Randy's keys and you'll have to fight Beer Drunk Randy to keep his key from him.
In this battle, Randy has two attacks: a swinging punch which hits four ways in a cross shape, and a single straight attack which inflicts knockback. You can use Captain Diabetes's attacks to knock Randy to the car, which deals some knockback damage to Randy, this also works if Randy is pushed to The New Kid. It's best to use Captain Diabetes's Insulin Shock ability, as Randy has a rather large movement area. Also if The New Kid has any abilities which applies status effects, use them on Randy to inflict overtime damage, hastening the battle.
击败兰迪之后,可以获得'''酒神大器(Vessel of Bacchus)'''神器,约$0.25,以及45xp。
继续前往凯尔家,风筝侠这时会发来[[浣熊墙]]的消息,说他正在和家人在[[城市中餐]]吃晚饭,可以在房子里随便行动。上二楼,用摔炮把天花板上去往阁楼的楼梯打下来,爬楼梯上去。 左边的包里有运动空瓶x1,杂物x1,药物x1,击碎中间破碎的电脑继续前进,右边的包里有'''Diamond'''装饰品和布匹x1,而正中间的箱子上贴着一张耽美画作'''天使的触碰(Touched by an Angel)''',搜刮完毕之后,就可以拉着小梯子到中间,上到窗子旁边,使用风筝侠的快线离开凯尔家了。
Now follow Captain Diabetes to The Peppermint Hippo. Head left down the street, your path will eventually get blocked by a bunch of concert goers waiting in line to use the port-a-potty. Talk to Captain Diabetes and he'll drink some apple juice, he'll then get a surge of power so great that it lets him topple the port-a-potty, he will proceed take insulin afterwards to go back to normal. After the port-a-potty is toppled, the path will be clear; continue making your way to the Peppermint Hippo.
=== 潜入脱衣舞厅 ===
=== 进入VIP房间 ===
* 第一阶段,环状揉搓:在腿上呈环状移动
* 第二阶段,横向移动:在绅士的右腿上左右摩擦。
* 第三阶段,逆环揉搓:与第一阶段类似,但转动的方向相反。
* 最终阶段,正脸摩擦:直接将屁股对准对方的脸进行上下移动,并最后往他的脸上放一个屁。
这场战斗应当首要关注新来的服务的绅士,因为他不仅没有减速效果,还有着一个更强的伤害技能。For this battle, focus on the unimpeded one first. The other businessman is too weighed down by his erection to get close to harm you for a few turns. Captain Diabetes' Insulin Shock ability is of high usefulness here: it will able slow down the unimpeded businessman, also breaking the centre table if Captain Diabetes is positioned next to it, freeing up an extra space for the battle. Just like the battle against Beer Drunk Randy, use Captain Diabetes' abilities to knockback them, and use any attacks which inflicts status effects if its equipped to The New Kid to quickly end the battle.
=== 引开DJ ===
* 琴汤尼
* 鼻屎和精液
* 老鼠屎
跟着克拉希到后台,可以先搜刮一下,左边的储物柜里有杂物x3,左下角的大箱子里有次等神器'''炫目天珠(Bedazzling Orb)'''和杂物x6,门边的包里有药物x1,胶带x1,面皮x1。写着管理的门目前无法进入,所以还是直接向右边糖尿病队长旁边的门走吧。
After going through the door, a cut scene will play, whereby CLASSi will order her fellow strippers to stop The New Kid and Captain Diabetes. Captain Diabetes will then order the strippers to step aside, however the strippers are having none of his commands and proceed to prepare battling him and The New Kid.
=== 追上克拉西 ===
Once the cutscene ends, you and Captain Diabetes will be forced to battle CLASSi's stripper friends, who will come at you two at a time; when one falls, another will show up. CLASSi herself will quickly move down the hall when you get close, so focus on taking out the attackers instead.
Once you catch up with CLASSi a second time, she'll call in her major ally: '''Spontaneous Bootay''', who is both invincible and capable of knocking out anyone with a single attack. Unlike the other enemies, her turns are tied to a meter at the bottom of the screen; when it fills up, she advances one column and uses a powerful shockwave to KO anyone in range. This interrupts the current fighter's turn, so try to time your moves to have the other strippers interrupted by Bootay - especially since they'll start using a lot of Knockback attacks to push you into her attack range.
Only one of your heroes needs to make it to the end of the hallway to complete the battle, so don't fret if one of them gets smashed by Bootay. Captain Diabetes is well-suited for this battle, as he can blow through obstacles and enemies with Sugar Rush or give himself some breathing room with his knockback abilities. As for The New Kid, it's best if any abilities which has the knockback attribute is fitted right before the start of the battle to facilitate clearing the path, however if there aren't any abilities with the knockback attribute fitted on you can just focus on supporting the Captain and letting him make a break for the exit.
Once you've successfully reach the end of the hallway, the battle will be considered complete; you will be rewarded with the
45xp,'''Eye Flames'''装饰品,药物x10,约$0.25。
After the end of the battle, a cut scene ensues, whereby CLASSi will be knocking on the side door of the [[Buca De Faggoncini]]. A gangster armed with a pistol will appear, asking her to get inside while holding off The New Kid and Captain Diabetes back. He will then fire his pistol into the air, unfortunately a signboard then lands on him, killing him in the process. Captain Diabetes proceeds to induce his strength by drinking his apple juice to move the signboard, however it proved to be futile. He also then realizes he has ran out of insulin, which makes him collapse on the floor, dead.
The Coon will then make a video call to The New Kid, asking the status of the mission. After the video call has ended, the silhouette of [[Morgan Freeman]] will appear to The New Kid, advising The New Kid to eat the '''Enchirito ''' crafted from the mission [[The Burrito Whisperer]]. Press the button prompt when it appears on the screen. You will then be bestowed with your first Timefart power: '''Timefart Glitch'''. Open up the Timefart controls (''LT and RT for Xbox One by default, L2 and R2 for PlayStation 4 by default, zL and zR for Nintendo Switch by default, T key for PC by default''), then press the corresponding buttons to activate Timefart Glitch. The time will then rewind, bringing the gangster and Captain Diabetes back to life. Both the gangster and Captain Diabetes will express surprise on being alive again, as the gangster runs back into the restaurant. Captain Diabetes will then proceed to report to The Coon on the mission status.
=== 搜寻线索 ===
从侧门进入Buca De Faggoncini,餐厅里不能跑步,所以一边搜刮一边前进吧,最左边的袋子里有药物x5,上面一排椅子的第三个上有一个小包,里面有生物危害x1,最右边的小包里有药物x5。和前来的浣熊侠联盟三人对话, by the side door, while looting the restaurant along the way as you look for your friends who are sitting at a table near the entrance of the restaurant. After you talk to them, go into the kitchen.
The chefs in there will start a fight if they see you. First, set the gas tanks on fire and fart on as many of them as possible for an advantage before punching then to initiate the fight.
For this battle, focus on the head chef first (the chef with a curled mustache and speaks with an Italian accent) as he can heal himself and an ally for 80 HP, which can really drag on the fight. Just like the two earlier battles, make use of Captain Diabetes' Insulin Shock, and any attacks that inflicts status effects (The Coon's Coon Claws ability will be of great use here; he will be selected in your party by default after meeting him in the restaurant).
After defeating the cooks, there will be a door on the far left end, but the path ahead is blocked. Since Captain Diabetes is out of insulin, he can't induce his strength rage with sugar. Simply stand next to him and let off a fart. He then realizes that The New Kid's fart also enables him to induce his rage without the use of sugar; he then willingly lets himself be farted on. Open up Inspection Mode, then move the cursor to the boiler with a green base at the bottom. Proceed to scan the boiler, whereby a hologram will appear next to the boiler. Make your way to the hologram and interact with it. Captain Diabetes will then position himself to be farted on by The New Kid. Once ready, press the button prompt (<span>''Y button for Xbox One by default, ''</span>Δ <span>''button for PlayStation 4 by default, X button for Nintendo Switch by default, F key for PC by default''</span>) to have The New Kid fart on Captain Diabetes. Once successful, Captain Diabetes' rage will be induced, giving him his strength to topple the boiler over, clearing the path. This is when you learn about Buddy Power and you will unlock your first one: '''Diabetic Rage'''.
=== 保护钥匙! ===
In this battle, Randy is equipped with four attacks: his four way swinging punch and single straight punch from the earlier battle with him is retained, however he will have another single dropkick attack and a move which involves him drinking the wine from the wine bottle on his hand. You must keep the keys away from the drunk Randy. This means that you have to make sure that Captain Diabetes stays alive. If he dies, then the game will be over, regardless of how many other party members are still standing. The first attack from Randy is usually able to defeat Captain Diabetes right away, so quickly use your Timefart Glitch to stop the attack. Randy will always use his wine boost move first before making his attack, giving him an extra turn to dish out his attacks. To counter this, keep Randy slowed with Captain Diabetes' Insulin Shock and inundated with other status effects like Chilled or Burning, while casting protection and heals on your own team where necessary.
击败红酒醉兰迪之后,就会得到110xp,高等神器'''阴地护符(Nether Talisman)'''和'''[[糖尿病队长]]的角色卡'''作为奖励
=== 审问克拉希 ===
After the battle with Red Wine Drunk Randy, a cut scene will ensue, whereby CLASSi will first admit who is responsible to raise crime in South Park. However, she is interrupted by The Coon, who questions her where Scrambles the missing cat is. She then realizes that the heroes only wants to obtain information from her about Scrambles, so she gives in and appears at the Coon Lair to be questioned by Coon and Friends. However, during the interrogation, Mrs. Cartman comes down to the Coon Lair, warning that it is a school night and threatens to tell the other Coon and Friends members' parents if they don't return home for the night. They then quickly dispersed, with Fastpass bringing back CLASSi to his house.
On the next day in-game, another cut scene will play, whereby it will the South Park Morning News, displaying news relating to the events of the mission. After the morning news, the scene will then shift to South Park Elementary, whereby The New Kid, The Coon (as Cartman), Human Kite (as Kyle) and Fastpass (as Jimmy) is seen leaving the school. They will then part ways, leading to [[CLASSIfied|the next mission]].
== 冷知识 ==
* 和酒醉兰迪的战斗中,有相当一部分的旋律和[[南方公园:手机毁灭者]]的冒险战斗音乐相近——很巧合的,冒险主题的领导角色是[[斯坦·马什]],兰迪的儿子。
* When the Boogers and Cum component is picked up, a [http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/The_Yelper_Special special tune] will accompany it, alluding to the South Park episode "[http://southpark.wikia.com/wiki/You%27re_Not_Yelping You're Not Yelping]".
* 在任务开头可以尝试打开街区同伴们的车库,但除了凯尔的家,所有的住户都锁了车库门。
* 市政府布告板上的大头贴会消失,而且市政府附近的可搜刮包裹也会消失。
[[en:The Bowels of the Beast]]

2020年7月6日 (一) 12:22的版本







今晚的任务是找到带着丁丁纹身的女孩,情报显示她就在薄荷河马里面。所以第一步就是换好衣服,溜出家门,但是 Your first task is to sneak out of your house, your dad will be seen is passed out on the couch in a drunk and high stupor, so don't worry about waking him up. Throw Snap N Pops at the latch at the top and the chain lock just too far from your reach. They will both shine when you enter Inspection Mode.

There is still a padlock you need a key for, luckily it is not far. Just go to the left, the padlock key is hanging up on the wall by the basement door. Then open the padlock and leave.

The Coon and Friend member awaiting outside The New Kid's house is revealed to be Captain Diabetes; you're assigned as his new sidekick. Follow him to the right and you'll probably run into Beer Drunk Randy in front of Stan's House, revealing that he's the one keying his wife's car the whole time as part of the side mission A Randy Mystery. Captain Diabetes will take Randy's keys and you'll have to fight Beer Drunk Randy to keep his key from him.


In this battle, Randy has two attacks: a swinging punch which hits four ways in a cross shape, and a single straight attack which inflicts knockback. You can use Captain Diabetes's attacks to knock Randy to the car, which deals some knockback damage to Randy, this also works if Randy is pushed to The New Kid. It's best to use Captain Diabetes's Insulin Shock ability, as Randy has a rather large movement area. Also if The New Kid has any abilities which applies status effects, use them on Randy to inflict overtime damage, hastening the battle.

击败兰迪之后,可以获得酒神大器(Vessel of Bacchus)神器,约$0.25,以及45xp。

继续前往凯尔家,风筝侠这时会发来浣熊墙的消息,说他正在和家人在城市中餐吃晚饭,可以在房子里随便行动。上二楼,用摔炮把天花板上去往阁楼的楼梯打下来,爬楼梯上去。 左边的包里有运动空瓶x1,杂物x1,药物x1,击碎中间破碎的电脑继续前进,右边的包里有Diamond装饰品和布匹x1,而正中间的箱子上贴着一张耽美画作天使的触碰(Touched by an Angel),搜刮完毕之后,就可以拉着小梯子到中间,上到窗子旁边,使用风筝侠的快线离开凯尔家了。

Now follow Captain Diabetes to The Peppermint Hippo. Head left down the street, your path will eventually get blocked by a bunch of concert goers waiting in line to use the port-a-potty. Talk to Captain Diabetes and he'll drink some apple juice, he'll then get a surge of power so great that it lets him topple the port-a-potty, he will proceed take insulin afterwards to go back to normal. After the port-a-potty is toppled, the path will be clear; continue making your way to the Peppermint Hippo.











  • 第一阶段,环状揉搓:在腿上呈环状移动
  • 第二阶段,横向移动:在绅士的右腿上左右摩擦。
  • 第三阶段,逆环揉搓:与第一阶段类似,但转动的方向相反。
  • 最终阶段,正脸摩擦:直接将屁股对准对方的脸进行上下移动,并最后往他的脸上放一个屁。





这场战斗应当首要关注新来的服务的绅士,因为他不仅没有减速效果,还有着一个更强的伤害技能。For this battle, focus on the unimpeded one first. The other businessman is too weighed down by his erection to get close to harm you for a few turns. Captain Diabetes' Insulin Shock ability is of high usefulness here: it will able slow down the unimpeded businessman, also breaking the centre table if Captain Diabetes is positioned next to it, freeing up an extra space for the battle. Just like the battle against Beer Drunk Randy, use Captain Diabetes' abilities to knockback them, and use any attacks which inflicts status effects if its equipped to The New Kid to quickly end the battle.





  • 琴汤尼
  • 鼻屎和精液
  • 老鼠屎







跟着克拉希到后台,可以先搜刮一下,左边的储物柜里有杂物x3,左下角的大箱子里有次等神器炫目天珠(Bedazzling Orb)和杂物x6,门边的包里有药物x1,胶带x1,面皮x1。写着管理的门目前无法进入,所以还是直接向右边糖尿病队长旁边的门走吧。

After going through the door, a cut scene will play, whereby CLASSi will order her fellow strippers to stop The New Kid and Captain Diabetes. Captain Diabetes will then order the strippers to step aside, however the strippers are having none of his commands and proceed to prepare battling him and The New Kid.



Once the cutscene ends, you and Captain Diabetes will be forced to battle CLASSi's stripper friends, who will come at you two at a time; when one falls, another will show up. CLASSi herself will quickly move down the hall when you get close, so focus on taking out the attackers instead.

Once you catch up with CLASSi a second time, she'll call in her major ally: Spontaneous Bootay, who is both invincible and capable of knocking out anyone with a single attack. Unlike the other enemies, her turns are tied to a meter at the bottom of the screen; when it fills up, she advances one column and uses a powerful shockwave to KO anyone in range. This interrupts the current fighter's turn, so try to time your moves to have the other strippers interrupted by Bootay - especially since they'll start using a lot of Knockback attacks to push you into her attack range.

Only one of your heroes needs to make it to the end of the hallway to complete the battle, so don't fret if one of them gets smashed by Bootay. Captain Diabetes is well-suited for this battle, as he can blow through obstacles and enemies with Sugar Rush or give himself some breathing room with his knockback abilities. As for The New Kid, it's best if any abilities which has the knockback attribute is fitted right before the start of the battle to facilitate clearing the path, however if there aren't any abilities with the knockback attribute fitted on you can just focus on supporting the Captain and letting him make a break for the exit.

Once you've successfully reach the end of the hallway, the battle will be considered complete; you will be rewarded with the 45xp,Eye Flames装饰品,药物x10,约$0.25。

After the end of the battle, a cut scene ensues, whereby CLASSi will be knocking on the side door of the Buca De Faggoncini. A gangster armed with a pistol will appear, asking her to get inside while holding off The New Kid and Captain Diabetes back. He will then fire his pistol into the air, unfortunately a signboard then lands on him, killing him in the process. Captain Diabetes proceeds to induce his strength by drinking his apple juice to move the signboard, however it proved to be futile. He also then realizes he has ran out of insulin, which makes him collapse on the floor, dead.

The Coon will then make a video call to The New Kid, asking the status of the mission. After the video call has ended, the silhouette of Morgan Freeman will appear to The New Kid, advising The New Kid to eat the Enchirito crafted from the mission The Burrito Whisperer. Press the button prompt when it appears on the screen. You will then be bestowed with your first Timefart power: Timefart Glitch. Open up the Timefart controls (LT and RT for Xbox One by default, L2 and R2 for PlayStation 4 by default, zL and zR for Nintendo Switch by default, T key for PC by default), then press the corresponding buttons to activate Timefart Glitch. The time will then rewind, bringing the gangster and Captain Diabetes back to life. Both the gangster and Captain Diabetes will express surprise on being alive again, as the gangster runs back into the restaurant. Captain Diabetes will then proceed to report to The Coon on the mission status.


从侧门进入Buca De Faggoncini,餐厅里不能跑步,所以一边搜刮一边前进吧,最左边的袋子里有药物x5,上面一排椅子的第三个上有一个小包,里面有生物危害x1,最右边的小包里有药物x5。和前来的浣熊侠联盟三人对话, by the side door, while looting the restaurant along the way as you look for your friends who are sitting at a table near the entrance of the restaurant. After you talk to them, go into the kitchen.

The chefs in there will start a fight if they see you. First, set the gas tanks on fire and fart on as many of them as possible for an advantage before punching then to initiate the fight.



For this battle, focus on the head chef first (the chef with a curled mustache and speaks with an Italian accent) as he can heal himself and an ally for 80 HP, which can really drag on the fight. Just like the two earlier battles, make use of Captain Diabetes' Insulin Shock, and any attacks that inflicts status effects (The Coon's Coon Claws ability will be of great use here; he will be selected in your party by default after meeting him in the restaurant).


After defeating the cooks, there will be a door on the far left end, but the path ahead is blocked. Since Captain Diabetes is out of insulin, he can't induce his strength rage with sugar. Simply stand next to him and let off a fart. He then realizes that The New Kid's fart also enables him to induce his rage without the use of sugar; he then willingly lets himself be farted on. Open up Inspection Mode, then move the cursor to the boiler with a green base at the bottom. Proceed to scan the boiler, whereby a hologram will appear next to the boiler. Make your way to the hologram and interact with it. Captain Diabetes will then position himself to be farted on by The New Kid. Once ready, press the button prompt (Y button for Xbox One by default, Δ button for PlayStation 4 by default, X button for Nintendo Switch by default, F key for PC by default) to have The New Kid fart on Captain Diabetes. Once successful, Captain Diabetes' rage will be induced, giving him his strength to topple the boiler over, clearing the path. This is when you learn about Buddy Power and you will unlock your first one: Diabetic Rage.









In this battle, Randy is equipped with four attacks: his four way swinging punch and single straight punch from the earlier battle with him is retained, however he will have another single dropkick attack and a move which involves him drinking the wine from the wine bottle on his hand. You must keep the keys away from the drunk Randy. This means that you have to make sure that Captain Diabetes stays alive. If he dies, then the game will be over, regardless of how many other party members are still standing. The first attack from Randy is usually able to defeat Captain Diabetes right away, so quickly use your Timefart Glitch to stop the attack. Randy will always use his wine boost move first before making his attack, giving him an extra turn to dish out his attacks. To counter this, keep Randy slowed with Captain Diabetes' Insulin Shock and inundated with other status effects like Chilled or Burning, while casting protection and heals on your own team where necessary.

击败红酒醉兰迪之后,就会得到110xp,高等神器阴地护符(Nether Talisman)糖尿病队长的角色卡作为奖励


After the battle with Red Wine Drunk Randy, a cut scene will ensue, whereby CLASSi will first admit who is responsible to raise crime in South Park. However, she is interrupted by The Coon, who questions her where Scrambles the missing cat is. She then realizes that the heroes only wants to obtain information from her about Scrambles, so she gives in and appears at the Coon Lair to be questioned by Coon and Friends. However, during the interrogation, Mrs. Cartman comes down to the Coon Lair, warning that it is a school night and threatens to tell the other Coon and Friends members' parents if they don't return home for the night. They then quickly dispersed, with Fastpass bringing back CLASSi to his house.

On the next day in-game, another cut scene will play, whereby it will the South Park Morning News, displaying news relating to the events of the mission. After the morning news, the scene will then shift to South Park Elementary, whereby The New Kid, The Coon (as Cartman), Human Kite (as Kyle) and Fastpass (as Jimmy) is seen leaving the school. They will then part ways, leading to the next mission.


  • 和酒醉兰迪的战斗中,有相当一部分的旋律和南方公园:手机毁灭者的冒险战斗音乐相近——很巧合的,冒险主题的领导角色是斯坦·马什,兰迪的儿子。
  • When the Boogers and Cum component is picked up, a special tune will accompany it, alluding to the South Park episode "You're Not Yelping".
  • 在任务开头可以尝试打开街区同伴们的车库,但除了凯尔的家,所有的住户都锁了车库门。
  • 市政府布告板上的大头贴会消失,而且市政府附近的可搜刮包裹也会消失。
概览 玩法 • 角色 • 图册 • 任务 • 可收集品 • 拓展包 • 成就
角色 主角 新来的
浣熊侠联盟 浣熊侠 • 风筝侠 • 速行侠 • 超级克雷格 • 蚊子侠 • 糖尿病队长
自由伙伴 提莫希博士 • 神秘侠 • 工具侠 • 神奇特维克 • 保鲜盒侠
中立队友 电话女侠 • 亨利埃塔·毕格 • 薄荷浆果酥侠 • 圣诞老人
反派 混沌教授 • 无序将军 • 米奇·康纳 • 莎布·尼古拉丝 • 大师吸血鬼 • 科里·海姆 • 敏西 • 内森 • 扎咖诺
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第二天 “克拉希”机密 | 平行宇宙再相撞 • 药炸危机 | 微侵略学院 • 知心畅谈2:性别确定 • 行动:盲目的正义 | 起源故事3:天外来客 | 内战2:玩乐结束 | 种族学院:第一课 | 工具需求 | 卧床在底 | 混沌百手
第三天 混沌诡计 • 约谈邀请函 | 学雷锋议程 | 起源故事4:终极序章 | 黑夜从命 | 纤细白线
第四天 自由召唤 | 抓住一只浣熊侠 | 莫费斯托博士的屁股们 | 屁转未来 | 英雄巡逻中
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