第9行: 第9行:
*这一集模仿了《帝国反击战》(''The Empire Strikes Back''),[[加里森老师]]在训练乔克森迪克女士如何处理孩子们的时候,表现得像尤达大师一样。加里森老师甚至还用尤达的声音说话。
*The episode parodies ''The Empire Strikes Back'' with [[Mr. Garrison]] acting like Yoda while training Ms. Choksondik how to handle the children. Mr. Garrison even speaks in a Yoda-like voice for a moment.
*[[提米]]以前的词汇量似乎只限于他自己的名字,在这一集里,他的词汇量扩大到了 “请帮帮我!”
*[[Timmy]], whose vocabulary has previously appeared to be restricted to his own name, in this episode manages to expand his vocabulary to ''"Please help me!"''
*The geek's room is littered with aliens from other episodes; including a toy Marklar as well as a poster of the South Park alien and Spooky Fish on their door.
*For once, Mr. Mackey has to go to someone else for help with counseling - he called Chef in for help with Principal Victoria.
*[[卡特曼]]对乔克森迪克女士说“哈哈,你是个魔术师”,这是对平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)的歌曲“Pigs (Three Different Ones)”的引用。这是他第二次引用这首歌,第一次是在“[[猫之恋曲]]”中,第三次也是最后一次在“[[阴毛的故事]]”中引用。
*Cartman says ''"Ha ha, charade you are"'' to Mrs. Choksondik, a reference to Pink Floyd's song ''Pigs (Three Different Ones)''. This is the second time he cites this song, first in “[[Cat Orgy]]” and third and final time in “[[Scott Tenorman Must Die]]”.
*提米无法停下轮椅,也无法下来的情节是对电影《生死时速》(''Speed'')的戏仿。 5英里/小时的时速可能是对爱尔兰/英国流行的喜剧《神父特德》(''Father Ted'')中的一集的参考。
*The situation with Timmy unable to stop the wheelchair or get off it is a parody of the movie ''Speed'', The 5 mph reference may be a nod at an episode of the popular Irish/UK comedy ''Father Ted''.
*The duck taped to the microwave is possibly a reference to ''[[Wikipedia:The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars|The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars]]''.
*粘在微波炉上的鸭子可能是对《面包机火星漫游》(''The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars'')的戏仿。
*When the two geeks talk about the number of episodes in Star Trek they switch between 72 episodes but then they say there are 73 episodes, and back to 72. Either way they would be wrong - there were actually 79 plus a pilot that went unaired until 1988.
*When the two geeks talk about the number of episodes in Star Trek they switch between 72 episodes but then they say there are 73 episodes, and back to 72. Either way they would be wrong - there were actually 79 plus a pilot that went unaired until 1988.
*Although Principal Victoria says that Mr. Garrison hasn't been seen since the last school year, he can be seen in a pew at the South Park church behind a man behind Ms. Cartman in “[[Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?]]”.
*Although Principal Victoria says that Mr. Garrison hasn't been seen since the last school year, he can be seen in a pew at the South Park church behind a man behind Ms. Cartman in “[[Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?]]”.

2020年4月20日 (一) 03:44的版本

卡特曼邪教 卡特曼邪教 升上四年级/冷知识 未来战士 未来战士

该页面内容是关于 “升上四年级” 的冷知识,还包括大众文化、联系、疏漏、肯尼之死、隐藏的天外来客等内容。请注意,如果你想就某一冷知识进行讨论,请移步文章下方的评论区。


  • 这集中乔克森迪克女士首次登场。
  • 麦奇老师在这一集有很多台词,但他却只说过一次“mmkay”。
  • 这一集片头曲有了第一个重大变化——在开场时各种景物和人物从屏幕外进来的原版片段开始后,“4TH GRADE”的字样破土而出,新的片段开始了。新片段包括更新后的主题曲、四位主角的3D电脑生成模型(不知为何还有提米)、更新后的行走循环和更多的爆炸,以及之前剧集的各种片段贯穿始终。这个片头曲一直用到第五季的剧集“肯尼之死”。
  • 这也是迄今为止,片头曲的 “风格 ”唯一一次改变,而肯尼的台词没有改变——另外两次改变,在第六季(肯尼缺席)和第十一季,都是肯尼的台词也发生了改变。
  • 本集引用了一场 “极客辩论”,试图确定《星际迷航》(Star Trek)有多少集。辩论的中心是 “The Menagerie”这一集的状况。
  • 仅在这一集里,乔克森迪克女士尽管来自丹佛,但她的口音却是英国式的。有可能她原本是英国人,但在丹佛生活了一段时间。
  • 说来也奇怪,考虑到他的变态幽默感,肯尼因为斯坦给乔克森迪克女士起了外号(Makesmesick女士)而大笑,而不是因为她的真实姓名,这很奇怪。
  • 两位宅男是根据在节目中工作的配音员创作的。
  • 这一集模仿了《帝国反击战》(The Empire Strikes Back),加里森老师在训练乔克森迪克女士如何处理孩子们的时候,表现得像尤达大师一样。加里森老师甚至还用尤达的声音说话。
  • 提米以前的词汇量似乎只限于他自己的名字,在这一集里,他的词汇量扩大到了 “请帮帮我!”
  • 星际迷航痴的房间里堆满了其他剧集中的外星人;包括一个玩具马克拉星人以及他们门上的天外来客鬼怪金鱼的海报。
  • 这一次,麦奇老师不得不去找别人给自己进行辅导——他把大厨维多利亚校长找来了。
  • 卡特曼对乔克森迪克女士说“哈哈,你是个魔术师”,这是对平克·弗洛伊德(Pink Floyd)的歌曲“Pigs (Three Different Ones)”的引用。这是他第二次引用这首歌,第一次是在“猫之恋曲”中,第三次也是最后一次在“阴毛的故事”中引用。
  • 提米无法停下轮椅,也无法下来的情节是对电影《生死时速》(Speed)的戏仿。 5英里/小时的时速可能是对爱尔兰/英国流行的喜剧《神父特德》(Father Ted)中的一集的参考。
  • 粘在微波炉上的鸭子可能是对《面包机火星漫游》(The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars)的戏仿。
  • When the two geeks talk about the number of episodes in Star Trek they switch between 72 episodes but then they say there are 73 episodes, and back to 72. Either way they would be wrong - there were actually 79 plus a pilot that went unaired until 1988.
  • Although Principal Victoria says that Mr. Garrison hasn't been seen since the last school year, he can be seen in a pew at the South Park church behind a man behind Ms. Cartman in “Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?”.
  • There is a poster on the geeks wall which says Lena, an obvious parody of Xena.
  • This episode hints at the possibility that Stan is aware of Kenny's tendency to die. However, this was disproven in “Mysterion Rises”.
  • A poster of the alien in the beginning of the episode “Spookyfish” is seen on the Star Trek geek's door.
  • The obese Star Trek geek resembles Edgar Jomfru from Metalocalypse.
  • Cartman previously asked Mr. Garrison "How would you like to suck my balls?" in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, however, he did not reply "present them" at that instance.
  • When the class enters the fourth grade classroom for the first time, Token Black appears to be walking off the ground and in front of Craig Tucker for a few seconds.
  • There is a picture of Kathie Lee Gifford on a bookshelf in Principal Victoria's office.


  • The blond-haired geek claims there are 72 Star Trek episodes at the scene where Kenny tries to rescue Timmy and brown-haired geek says there are 73. But when the boys go back to the geeks' houses to ask them to build another time machine, they have reversed their positions. While at the brown-haired geek's house he says he doesn't want to live in a world with 72 (ST:TOS) episodes, which contradicts what he said seconds earlier. This may not be a goof at all, but intentionally done to parody Star Trek fandom since their argument was whether there were  78, 79 or 80 episodes.

Kenny's Death

Kenny is put onto a relay, which rolls down the road straight on at Timmy's out of control wheelchair. While trying to cut the wires on Timmy's wheelchair, Kenny misses the wheelchair and goes straight past it. Kenny hit a pothole, and flipped over onto his face. He says "I'm okay", then suddenly gets jerked back. His face gets dragged along the road, killing him. Stan comments sarcastically: "Well, who didn't see that coming?"

In a later scene directly, after Cartman says: "Au revoir, teacher", Kenny is sitting next to Stan in the class again. He is seen up until one of the nerds yells: "I'll kill you!" In the next scene, Kenny is nowhere to be found.

Hidden Visitor(s)

The hidden visitor is seen when Cartman is singing about third grade; the flashback of them in the classroom has the usual "OUR PETS" noticeboard, but with a drawing of a Visitor's face.