




I come to you with strange fire
I make an offering of love
The incense of my soul is burned
By the fire in my blood
I come with a softer answer
To the questions that lie in your path
I want to harbor you from the anger
Find a refuge from the wrath

This is a message
A message of love
Love that moves from the inside out
Love that never grows tired
I come to you with strange fire

Mercenaries of the shrine
Now who are you to speak for god
With haughty eyes and lying tongues
And hands that shed innocent blood
Now who delivered you the power
To interpret calvary
You gamble away our freedom
To gain your own authority

Find another state of mind
You know it's time we all learned
To grab hold
Strange fire burns
With the motion of love


When you learn to love yourself
You will dissolve all the stones that are cast
Now you will learn to burn the icing sky
To melt the waxen mask
I said to have the gift of true release
This is a peace that will take you higher
Oh I come to you with my offering
I bring you strange fire

This is a message
A message of love
Love that moves from the inside out
Love that never grows tired
I come to you with strange fire
I come to you with strange fire

我爱唱歌 | 罗密欧与朱丽叶 | 我要跟你个娘们做爱 | 上学天 | 要是小伙伴们看见我 | 哦,凯茜·李 | 我要上电视喽 | 熔浆热恋 | 康巴亚 | 爱上橄榄球吧 | 基也没关系 | 爱着你 | 现在你是个男人了 | 爱情汁液 | 象猪基因合不来 | 祝你生日快乐 | 我想飞 | 正是一年佳节时 | 死了都要爱 | 圣诞热恋 | 陀螺歌 | 快乐歌 | 圣诞老人在路上 | 凯尔的妈妈是婊子 | 圣诞便便汉基先生 | 圣诞节的小犹太 | 祝你圣诞快乐 | 回忆初恋时 | 无可取代 | 影子舞 | 奇异火焰 | 撒旦颂 | 我们不一样 | 芭芭拉之歌 | 罗伯特·史密斯之歌 | D大调卡农 | 原来你在这! | 等待姑娘