


《警察故事》(Cop Drama)在電視上首開先河使用了「shit」,然後各個節目的語言就一發不可收拾。但在這個單詞背開放使用的背後,卻揭開了一個古老的封印……

SpoilerAlert 劇透警告!!!



凱爾·布羅夫洛夫斯基告訴斯坦·馬什肯尼·麥考密克他有《獅子王》舞台劇的票的時候,他們正在公交車站等車。斯坦和肯尼顯得有些失望,但卡特曼隨後出現,告訴他們一些大新聞。他告訴他們 "shit" 一詞會出現在當晚的《警察故事》上。凱爾是唯一一個認為這種營銷策略非常愚蠢的人。隨後,凱爾問巴特斯他是否願意和自己一起去看《獅子王》舞台劇,但巴特斯很快拒絕了。他的父母希望他和他們一起看《警察故事》以確保他不會把"shit"這詞用在不該用的地方上。隨後整個小鎮的人都回到家裏或者來到酒吧來觀看這部劇。 最後,在劇集的末尾,一個角色說出了"shit",使得所有人開始歡呼雀躍。凱爾錯過了這一刻,而且因為他的朋友們認為這不是什麼大事而十分惱火。 他說這依然是同一個世界,然後打開門,驚愕地發現正在下着青蛙雨。

第二天早上,第四頻道新聞報道了《警察故事》十分火爆的現象,同時,也報道了一種能讓人們吐出自己腸子的神秘病毒。在學校,學生們學習他們說「shit」的語言方式。卡特曼驚奇的認為」shit「是一個全新的能夠讓凱爾沮喪的詞。凱爾發誓說他會通過查百科全書的方式,來證明那不是一個新詞。加里森老師也開始教幼兒園生說」shit「和 "Shitty shitty, fag fag」。整個小鎮,人們越來越頻繁地使用「shit」這個詞。This awakens the Knights of Standards and Practices.

加里森老師叫某個人是「娘炮」,同時說明了他是同性戀所以他可以說這個詞。斯坦和卡特曼隨後說「shit」這個詞不再好玩了因為所有人都在用。凱爾隨後很激動的告訴他們「shit」這個詞可能很大家開始吐自己的腸子有關係。Stan and Cartman don't believe him and Kyle, then, explains that people started dying after they said "shit" on television and that the word "Shit" first appeared in English around the time of the black death. The boys go and ask Chef. Meanwhile, at the HBC Headquarters, workers complement the head of the company for his "shit" idea and the head of the company announces their next marketing ploy. They are going to say "shit" twice. Chef and the boys, go to the library and learn that the virus going around is spread by saying "shit" as it is a curse word. They also learn that the virus is actually the plague. They go to warn HBC of this but they disregard it and make Chef and the boys leave. They also reveal their latest marketing ploy, which is to air all their sitcoms live but say "shit" in front of their written dialogue. One of the knights of standards and practices attack HBC and is killed, in the process giving Stan a stone called the Rune Stone of Undoing. Chef and the boys go to the Excalibur Casino in Las Vegas to get help from the British in which the hotel and casino employees are pretending to be them during the Middle Ages. Then, a worker explains that saying the word once in a while is okay, but, saying it too often can lead to the plague.

Meanwhile, at the bar, everyone is getting sick of the word "shit" and are saying that the company is going to have to come up with a new word. Mr Garrison says they can say "Fag" and explains that you have to be gay or else you'll be bleeped. Jimbo says it unbleeped showing that he is gay, and Mr Garrison asks him if he wants to make out. On the set at HBC, The Knights of Standards and Practices try to stop the word of the curse (Shit). Everyone thinks it's part of the show. The boys learn that they have to defeat Geldon to save the world using the stone. Kyle kills Geldon with the stone and then explains that everyone is saying "shit" too much and that they need to keep the curse words taboo. Kenny dies of the virus and Stan stops himself from saying "Holy shit!". The episode ends with Cartman expressing his love for his friends.
