


举办年度圣丹斯电影节的南方公园迎来了一大波游客。大厨想要用他的巧克力咸酥球吸引电影节参与者。其他在售的甜点有:“Go Fudge Yourself”曲奇饼以及纯天然“I Don't Really Give A Flying Fudge”。




  • 这首歌曾在英国单曲榜单排行第一,在澳大利亚排行第十四。
  • 虽然名字里有“咸”这个字眼,但是食谱上并没有加盐。
  • 著名Youtuber“Binging With Babish”用大厨的食谱做出了巧克力咸酥球,但成品更像是饼而不是球。
  • 《南方公园》官方在2022年2月21日发布了由一个管弦乐队所演绎出的歌曲。


Two tablespoons of cinnamon,
and two or three egg whites,
a half a stick of butter, melted.
Stick it all in a bowl baby,
stir it with a wooden spoon,
mix in a cup of flour.
You'll be in heaven soon.

Say everybody have you seen my balls they're big and salty and brown.
If you ever need a quick pick me up, just stick my balls in your mouth.
OOH! Suck on my chocolate salty balls, stick 'em in your mouth and suck 'em.
Suck on my chocolate salty balls, they're packed full of vitamins,
and good for you, so suck on my balls.

Pour in a cup of unsweetened chocolate,
and a half a cup of brandy
then throw in a bag or two of sugar,
and just a pinch of vanilla,
grease up the cookie sheet.
'Cause I hate when my balls stick!
then preheat the oven to tree-fiddy, and give that spoon a lick!

Say everybody have you seen my balls they're big and salty and brown.
If you ever need a quick pick me up, just stick my balls in your mouth.
Oh! Suck on my chocolate salty balls, put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em.
Suck on my chocolate salty balls, they're packed full of goodness,
and high in fiber, so suck on my balls.

(sniff, sniff, sniff)

Hey, wait a minute, what's that smell?
It smells like something's burning.
Well, that don't bother me none, as long as I get my rent paid on Friday.
Baby, you better get back in the kitchen, cause I got a sneakn' suspicion.
Oh man baby, baby, you just burnt my balls.
My balls are on fire, come on, my balls are burning, gimme some water pour some water on 'em, o goodness, blow on them, do something

Say everybody have you seen my balls they're big and salty and brown. (They're on fire baby)
If you ever need a quick pick me up, just stick my balls in your mouth.
OOH! Suck on my chocolate salty balls, put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em. (Put 'em out, blow on 'em.)
suck on my balls baby,
suck on my balls baby,
suck on my red hot salty chocolate balls.
Come on,baby, woo, woo, suck on my balls!

(blow, blow, blow)


嘿 大家快点过来吃吃看
喔 吃俺的低脂蔬菜球

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