
"A Fighter has courage, honor, and the ability to kick fucking ass.
" - Cartman

"A white fighter? Haven't seen a good one of those in awhile..."
- Cartman, if the New Kid is white

"Black fighter, huh? Pretty scary."
- Cartman, if the New Kid is black

战士是一个可以造成和承受大量物理伤害的职业 ,不太需要特殊攻击。




总而言之,如果使用得当,他们将会成为一股不可忽视的力量,打出巨额的物理伤害。 不怎么喜欢使用特殊攻击的玩家肯定会很喜欢战士,因此选择战士作为初始职业是一个很好的选择。


Assault and Battery

Cost: 6 PP

Description: Swings for the fences, dealing smash damage. The ball hit, when done perfectly, can damage an additional enemy.


  • PC: Left-Click to throw ball. Left-Click to swing bat before ball hits the ground. For each bat flash, Left-Click.
  • PS3: Press X to throw ball. Press X to swing bat before ball hits the ground. For each bat flash, press X.
  • 360: Press A to throw ball. Press A to swing bat before ball hits the ground. For each bat flash, press A.

Availability: Level 1

Rank 2: Increases the ability's damage.

Rank 3: More damaging against stunned targets.

Rank 4: Restores HP on hit.

Rank 5: Inflicts bleeding damage.


Cost: 8 PP

Description: A swift kick in the balls resolves a surprising number of disputes. Stuns your foe if done perfectly.


  • PC: When fist hits palm, Left-Click. (Rank 2+: Click S for follow-up kick).
  • PS3: When fist hits palm, press X. (Rank 2+: Click X for follow-up kick).
  • 360: When fist hits palm, press A. (Rank 2+: Click A for follow-up kick).

Availability: Level 2

Rank 2: A follow-up kick that ignores armor and shields.

Rank 3: Inflicts Defense Down.

Rank 4: Inflicts Grossed Out on the target.

Rank 5: Inflicts Grossed Out on every enemy.

Bull Rush

Cost: 10 PP

Description: Charge headfirst into an enemy. If successfully performed, strips armor and shields and leaves your foe with Defense Down.


  • PC: Hold Left-Click until you see red. (Rank 4+: Click S for follow-up helmet hit).
  • PS3: Hold X until you see red. (Rank 4+: Press X for follow-up helmet hit).
  • 360: Hold A until you see red. (Rank 4+: Press A for follow-up helmet hit).

Availability: Level 5

Rank 2: Increases the ability's damage.

Rank 3: A damage boost based on the player's armor.

Rank 4: A follow-up attack that causes bleeding damage on a perfect hit.

Rank 5: Haste.

Horn of Irritation

Cost: 7 PP (Rank 5: 4 PP)

Description: Strips all buffs from your primary target while taunting all foes - forcing them to attack you without special abilities.


  • PC: Click the button shown. Possible keys: W A S D
  • PS3: Click the button shown. Possible keys: X Square Circle Triangle
  • 360: Click the button shown. Possible keys: A B X Y

Availability: Level 8

Rank 2: Removes buffs from all enemies.

Rank 3: Reduces enemies' attack and defense.

Rank 4: Boosts the team's attack and ability damage.

Rank 5: Reduces the ability's PP cost.

Ground Stomp

Cost: 20 PP

Description: Crush your foes with a deadly aerial pounce that hits all foes. Deals more damage if done perfectly.


  • PC: Click W to jump, at the peak of the jump, click S.
  • PS3: Click Left-Stick Up to jump, at the peak of the jump, click Left-Stick Down.
  • 360: Click Left-Stick Up to jump, at the peak of the jump, click Left-Stick Down.

Availability: Level 10

Rank 2: A damage boost based on the player's armor.

Rank 3: More damage against slowed or stunned targets.

Rank 4: Enemies' attack is reduced.

Rank 5: Stuns all the enemies.

概览 玩法 • 角色 • 图册 • 任务 • 可收集品 • 拓展包 • 成就
角色 主角 新来的
酷帕王国 巫师王卡特曼 • 圣骑士巴特斯 • 肯尼公主(背叛) • 战士克莱德(背叛) • 长石盗贼(背叛) • 蛮人特维克 • 医师托肯 • 斯科特·马尔金森爵士
精灵王国 精灵王凯尔 • 游侠斯坦 • 吟游诗人吉米 • 克里斯·唐纳利 • 狗屎·帕图斯基 • 杰森·怀特
好友 详见好友列表
反派 肯尼公主 • 暗黑领主 • 首席暗黑杀手 • 政府大坏蛋 • 纳粹僵尸大厨 • 纳粹僵尸
可召唤角色 耶稣 • 唐陆金 • 奴隶先生 • 汉基先生
职业 战士 • 法师 • 窃贼 • 犹太
机制 状态影响 • 技能点 • 魔法 • 特殊指令
可收集品 武器 • 装备 • 补丁 • 垃圾 • 可消耗品 • 小鸡鸡宝贝
使命 第一天 初到镇上 • 战旗会师 • 热咖啡 • 破门而入 • 留堂判决 • 吟游魔曲 • 时候不早 • 外星人绑架
第二天 寻新盟 • 招募哥特帮 • 离经叛道 • 家长教师协会的烦恼 • 进攻学校 • 回家去 • 击败内裤侏儒
第三天 缔结联盟 • 招募女生 • 扮成贝蓓的男朋友 • 为人父母没准备 • 向北前进 • 哦,加拿大! • 胖揍克莱德 • 背盟败约
委托 给公主的花 • 提米特快 • 捉迷藏 • 人熊猪的奥秘 • 拉黑阿尔·戈尔 • 击败人熊猪 • 找到耶稣 • 奴隶先生的包裹 • 流浪汉的麻烦 • 瓦肯星周围 • 蒙古牛肉 • 和金博一起去狩猎 • 地下室里有老鼠 • 送孩子回家 • 魔力乐曲 • 母食人魔 • 恢复平衡 • 无用的藏品 • 纳粹僵尸,人头拿来! • 第一阶段