第25行: 第25行:
继续往左边走,试图进入营地的时候,旁边的[[老机修工]](老农)会试图阻止新来的,他说新来的最好跳上巴士,回南方公园去,他说话的时候没办法继续往左边走,而老机修工的话很多,所以不如先在听的过程之中搜刮一下吧,车站的纸包里面有食物x10,$1.23,右侧树丛后面的背包里有一个新的可消耗品'''精魂木板(Spirit Board)'''和杂物x5。1号加油处前面的红盒子里面有胶带x1,胶水x1和杂物x10,里面的自动贩售机里有卖$2.50的任务物品'''全麦饼干(Graham Crackers)''',是制作'''吃多点心(S'more)'''的必要材料。
继续往左边走,试图进入营地的时候,旁边的[[老机修工]](老农)会试图阻止新来的,他说新来的最好跳上巴士,回南方公园去,他说话的时候没办法继续往左边走,而老机修工的话很多,所以不如先在听的过程之中搜刮一下吧,车站的纸包里面有食物x10,$1.23,右侧树丛后面的背包里有一个新的可消耗品'''精魂木板(Spirit Board)'''和杂物x5。1号加油处前面的红盒子里面有胶带x1,胶水x1和杂物x10,里面的自动贩售机里有卖$2.50的任务物品'''全麦饼干(Graham Crackers)''',是制作'''吃多点心(S'more)'''的必要材料。
第33行: 第33行:
冲凉房Inspect the shower room to trigger a call from Fastpass, where he will conclude that the counselors went missing when fixing the shower room. After Mintberry Crunch proposing something dastardly may be afoot, Fastpass comments that his feet are fine and decided to go into the forest to investigate.
宿舍的左边有一个燃料罐,用摔炮和屁把它炸掉,就可以往右边走,在屋子后面看不见的地方找到'''(Rainbow Roller Suit)'''和'''(Party Bowl)''',以及布料x1。
进入食堂,可以在右边找到一个装着特制奶酪饼和药物x30的饭盒,左边有一本残疾人料理书,大部分都被洒满了东西,但'''吃多点心(S'more)'''的制作方法完好无缺,记住这个,之后会有些支线作用。将右边柜子里的油桶搬到自动贩售机旁边,用摔炮和屁炸掉,可以从里面掉出'''巧克力棒(Chocolate Bars)'''。将油桶恢复也可以做些别的事情,但目前都没有什么用处。
=== 林中小屋 ===
The forest is on the right, use Haywire to disable the electric cords and clear the way to the forest. When the path is cleared, Professor Chaos will return to behold the mystery of the perfectly good lunch box.
搜刮完毕,检查冲凉房上明显的红色液体和斧头划刻的痕迹,速行侠就会打来电话,认为似乎是导员们在整修冲凉房的时候失踪的。After Mintberry Crunch proposing something dastardly may be afoot, Fastpass comments that his feet are fine and decided to go into the forest to investigate.
Enter the forest, Mintberry Crunch and Fastpass will be seen looking at a pit with red paint inside. Just as the kids wondering about what has happened, a bunch of [[monsters]] appear and surrounded them.
=== 林中小屋 ===
<blockquote>'''Battle: Woodland Monsters'''</blockquote>
This battle is not exactly a serious combat, but rather a demonstration of Mintberry Crunch's powers. As a result, Fastpass and Professor Chaos will be standing beside to watch as the New Kid and the mighty Mintberry Crunch take care of the monsters.
The first demonstration is Flavor Burst, when used on the New Kid and a nearby monster, the result can be seen: complete ignorance of any damage. The combat will then continue, when the Ultimate meter is filled, Mintberry Crunch will unleash his Ultimate: Bringing the Crunch. This Ultimate can damage all enemies and grant invincibility to all allies for a turn.
As soon as the Ultimate is unleashed or when the enemies is defeated, the monsters will realize the seriousness their enemies have. And will call upon a powerful helper: [[Spontaneous Bootay]]. Bootay recognise The New Kid and tell the heroes that she wants her revenge for what happened [[The Bowels of the Beast|before]], to much as the kids horror and surprised,
especially Mintberry Crunch, who claimed that his powers are not powerful against her. This forced them to go and hide in the cabin behind them. Unlike the combat before, this is a run-for-life situation.
<blockquote>'''Battle: Spontaneous Bootay...... again'''</blockquote>
Unlike the real-time event way of attack she had before, she now moves two columns every turn, in addition, monsters will come and aid her by pulling and pushing the kids to her. To survive, you need to run to the right side of the battlefield, where a cabin can be seen.
超级臀霸这次并不具有实时攻击的效果,而是每个大回合都会前进两格,而我方每回合能前进的范围也会向右增加两格,我方能通过时空变化来阻止她的回合,但这不能争取逃跑的时间,因为她如果不前进,我方的前进方向会被空气墙挡住,无法逃逸。怪物们每个回合都会出现,在正面有Unlike the real-time event way of attack she had before, she now moves two columns every turn, in addition, monsters will come and aid her by pulling and pushing the kids to her. To survive, you need to run to the right side of the battlefield, where a cabin can be seen.
Only one person is needed to complete the escape, so if you find it difficult to save all of the kids, just let Mintberry Crunch or Fastpass complete the job. However, if you want to leave nobody behind, try using Tome of Teleportation to achieve that.
Only one person is needed to complete the escape, so if you find it difficult to save all of the kids, just let Mintberry Crunch or Fastpass complete the job. However, if you want to leave nobody behind, try using Tome of Teleportation to achieve that.

2020年3月29日 (日) 10:50的版本









继续往左边走,试图进入营地的时候,旁边的老机修工(老农)会试图阻止新来的,他说新来的最好跳上巴士,回南方公园去,他说话的时候没办法继续往左边走,而老机修工的话很多,所以不如先在听的过程之中搜刮一下吧,车站的纸包里面有食物x10,$1.23,右侧树丛后面的背包里有一个新的可消耗品精魂木板(Spirit Board)和杂物x5。1号加油处前面的红盒子里面有胶带x1,胶水x1和杂物x10,里面的自动贩售机里有卖$2.50的任务物品全麦饼干(Graham Crackers),是制作吃多点心(S'more)的必要材料。







宿舍的左边有一个燃料罐,用摔炮和屁把它炸掉,就可以往右边走,在屋子后面看不见的地方找到(Rainbow Roller Suit)(Party Bowl),以及布料x1。

进入食堂,可以在右边找到一个装着特制奶酪饼和药物x30的饭盒,左边有一本残疾人料理书,大部分都被洒满了东西,但吃多点心(S'more)的制作方法完好无缺,记住这个,之后会有些支线作用。将右边柜子里的油桶搬到自动贩售机旁边,用摔炮和屁炸掉,可以从里面掉出巧克力棒(Chocolate Bars)。将油桶恢复也可以做些别的事情,但目前都没有什么用处。

搜刮完毕,检查冲凉房上明显的红色液体和斧头划刻的痕迹,速行侠就会打来电话,认为似乎是导员们在整修冲凉房的时候失踪的。After Mintberry Crunch proposing something dastardly may be afoot, Fastpass comments that his feet are fine and decided to go into the forest to investigate.









超级臀霸这次并不具有实时攻击的效果,而是每个大回合都会前进两格,而我方每回合能前进的范围也会向右增加两格,我方能通过时空变化来阻止她的回合,但这不能争取逃跑的时间,因为她如果不前进,我方的前进方向会被空气墙挡住,无法逃逸。怪物们每个回合都会出现,在正面有Unlike the real-time event way of attack she had before, she now moves two columns every turn, in addition, monsters will come and aid her by pulling and pushing the kids to her. To survive, you need to run to the right side of the battlefield, where a cabin can be seen.

Only one person is needed to complete the escape, so if you find it difficult to save all of the kids, just let Mintberry Crunch or Fastpass complete the job. However, if you want to leave nobody behind, try using Tome of Teleportation to achieve that.

Having gone into the cabin, the team uses every possible item as a blockade for the door, Mintberry Crunch claims that he is suffering from intergalactic jet-lag, and is unable to deliver any help to the situation. Trapped in a cabin in the woods, it's now up to the New Kid to look deep into the time powers, and to figure out the way to escape.

Fastpass then realizes the fact that they are now in the same situation as final girls in movies, with that, Mintberry Crunch suggests if the powers of the Final Girl can be harnessed, then the monsters can be defeated. As told in the instructions, the key to new powers would be finding four important components, which are: Axe, Sledgehammer, Hedge Clippers, Circular Saw. And the ways to obtain them is as follows, each with a different scare.

  • Axe: Use Timefart Pause to drag the ladder to the left, knock down the shelves holding the hammer and the Axe. This will result in hammer being clamped in the beast trap. You can now safely obtain the Axe.
    • Once the Axe is acquired, the planks nailed to the window on the right will be destroyed while a furry claw appears to get the New Kid, it won't succeed, though.
  • Sledgehammer: Drag the ladder to the same position where you get the Axe. If the hammer is knocked down when getting the Axe, use Timefart Glitch to rewind time and restore the item. Then you can knock down the shelf in the middle to reach the drawer, then Glitch to restore the shelf, strike the right of the shelf and the path to the hammer will be there.
    • Once the New Kid get the Sledgehammer, the glass of the door will be broken, and a red claw will appear from the hole to terrify kids.
  • Hedge Clippers:
  • Circular Saw: The Saw is on the rightmost shelf, but is blocked by some items. Use Snap n' Pops to light the fuel container, then blow it up with fart. Then knock down the supporting pillar to reveal the path to the Saw.
    • Once the Saw is in the New Kid's hands, a skeleton arm will appear with a sharp knife, such shock will result in the New Kid's unsteadiness and fall down from the shelf.

Having collected all the items, Fastpass will call the New Kid to his side, asking them to channel the survival power of Final Girls in horror movies, as a result, the New Kid starts spinning around and quickly turns into a Final Girl.

Realizing the New Kid has harnessed new powers, Fastpass comments the rarity of this situation, while Mintberry Crunch decides that it's about time they return fire. Professor Chaos still has some concerns, but Fastpass denies and urges him to go out of the door.

The team leaves the cabin, with Mintberry Crunch shouting the arrival of the Final Girl. Seeing the New Kid's change, Bootay announces that the Final Girl is her Kryptonite and wants out of the battle. So the kids are left to engage with the rest of the monsters.

Battle: Final Girl Attacks

This battle is mostly a demonstration of the new Final Girl powers, the game will direct the actions, the first attack is the Saw Bleed, enemies will walk on it and gain the status effect known as "Hemorrhage".

The second attack is the Hammer Bomb, it allowed you to choose your target and then you able to move again as well as able to choose were you want to knocked the target enemy. Professor Chaos will told you to knock your target to the Saw Bleed.

The Dead Counselors

Friday the 13th

Alien Attack

The Realm of Nightmare