







  • 暴力侵犯罪:他极度狠毒地在卫生间内殴打埃里克·卡特曼(因为他认为卡特曼的言辞使用了针对人种和性别的微歧视),这差点杀了他,并导致他在地狱通道医院住上了一段时间。
  • 戏弄罪:政确德尔塔联谊会使用了多种特定的方式来戏弄和欺凌新人(兰迪·马什在内),比如说用热金属打上烙印。很多洲已经禁止了类似的入门行为。鉴于政确校长为联谊会的组织者兼领导人,他的责任之一为管理并避免这种行为的发生。
  • 侵犯/夜窃/间接仇恨罪:他领导了联谊会成员发起了针对凯尔的行动,在凯尔睡觉的时候骚扰他并在他的屋子里留下很多猪(犹太教对猪有禁忌),这冒犯了他的犹太背景。政确校长使用针对犹太人的手段来疯狂报复凯尔羞辱凯瑟琳·詹纳的事实或许说明了他仇视犹太人。凯尔醒来时也发现自己被绑在了树上,头发被剃掉,头型被弄乱并且脸上画满了阴茎。
  • 童工/强行劳动罪:在“安全空间”中,他强迫巴特斯·斯多奇为多人过滤社交程序上的负面侮辱性言论。大量的工作和劳务导致巴特斯陷入疯狂并尝试自杀。他的自杀失败了,但导致了在整个第19季都出现的创伤。虽然政确校长对此感到后悔,但兰迪·马什提出了一个更操蛋的建议 - 让饱受饥寒的非洲小孩来替班。
  • 滥用/错用紧急号码(911):政确校长呼叫警察并声称发生了一个“红色代码”级别的事件,事实上不过是莱斯利打断了集会而已。警察,认为“红色代码”为紧急事件并荷枪实弹的冲进了体育馆。之后他使用激光指示器闪到了巴布雷迪警官的眼睛,导致他开枪并击中了一名学生。结果他喊来警察只是为了把莱斯利移出学校而已。这可以同时被认作滥用和错用911紧急求助系统。
  • 对少数民族/病残者做出生命威胁:政确校长威胁要打断在学生日报编辑的腿,因为他在报纸中使用了“脑残”来形容学校食堂。但这个学生到头来却是吉米,所以他并没说到做到,而是在他的办公室里和吉米展开对话。
  • 恐怖主义行为:政确校长多次并频繁地使用暴力威胁强迫别人认同和附和自己的政治正确意识形态。
  • 谋杀:在“政确校长的最终正义”中,他杀死了多个俄罗斯人并在结尾杀死了莱斯利,两者皆为采用人类形态的机械化智能广告。但在这些前提下,他的举措可以被定义为自我防卫,并且法律可能并不对广告智能生效。


PC Principal has dirty blond hair and a beard, slightly resembling Stuart McCormick. He visibly had a mustache, which is now stubble. He wears a blue polo shirt, khaki pants, and dark, sporty sunglasses in which he is rarely seen without them off, only in "Stunning and Brave" and at the conclusion of "Sponsored Content". He is heavily implied to be a fitness enthusiast and looks noticeably more realistic than the other characters in terms of build.


PC Principal is, as the name suggests, dedicated to political correctness and social justice causes. He is a maniacal idealist who passionately supports equal rights for all, often to the point of behaving extremely rudely and violently to anyone who shows even the slightest perceived sign of intolerance of any kind. He is therefore prone to aggressive, profane outbursts over minor transgressions, such as a student talking during an assembly. He is highly dedicated to his beliefs and will stop at nothing to enforce them upon others, although he can become very sensitive to the needs of those he feels are oppressed.

PC Principal generally believes in using punishment to achieve his ends, such as up to two weeks of detention, such as when Butters correcting him when the former was talking about Chef, or for not helping Eric Cartman feed out bad tweets. He even gives the faculty detention, giving Mr. Mackey two days of detention for using the term "Black" instead of African American. When he feels pushed further, he has behaved as a bully and resorted to violence and threats as a form of manipulation, beating up Cartman and breaking several of his bones. He also fires Herbert Garrison for a display of racism during an assembly, after previously being warned. In this situation, the firing was justifiable, as Mr. Garrison was openly insulting all Canadians.

He, and all his PC Delta bros, are loud and obnoxious, often being characterized as stereotypical "frat guys" with an uncommon awareness of social justice issues, and they describe themselves as loving "beer, working out, and.. social justice". They are perfectly prepared to stand up for equal rights by whatever means they feel are justified. PC Principal has a wide range of knowledge of equal rights and political correctness issues, and initially seems willing to scare and beat anyone who does not share his views, demonstrating signs of mental instability. Unlike his bros, he does not seem interested in sexual conquests or "pussy crushing".

Despite his violence towards those who disagree with him, PC Principal appears to be relatively mellow and relaxed when he feels he has won out, and can be very patient in these situations. He admits that he feels he has changed South Park successfully in "The City Part of Town" and appears proud of the town. He can also be somewhat forgiving, as he seems to hold no ill will against Cartman in later episodes in the season, and is very sympathetic towards him when he is bullied in "Safe Space", and later realizes and admits to his mistake by putting too much pressure on Butters.

In "Sponsored Content" it is shown that he is uncomfortable with handicapped people, such as Jimmy Valmer. After threatening to "break the legs" of the editor of the school newspaper because a student used the word 'retarded', he was stunned to discover a handicapped child had agreed to it, and had trouble discussing the issue with him. This is because threatening a handicapped with violence, which he does with everyone, would violate his PC ethics. Thus handicapped people disarm him of his only method of getting his way. He acknowledges the use of a "micro-aggression" to his PC frat brothers in the same episode.

After the ad conspiracy, PC Principal seems to cease and relax his prejudice against straight white men as they are now considered just as disenfranchised by ads as every other group, and is not depicted reacting violently to South Park students anymore so far.



  • PC Principal is the only main member of the South Park Elementary School staff to not be referred to by a realistic name of any kind. He is known universally as "PC Principal" to students, adults, and even Russians.
  • PC Principal bears a striking resemblance to FIB agent Steve Haines from Grand Theft Auto V, and shares some personality traits, most prominently a short temper.
  • 政确校长在南方公园:浣熊侠联盟于Comic Con 2016的宣传片中出现了,他似乎是一名反派,但在正式版游戏中确作为友方登场,并训练新来的成为一名正义的社会战士(夺取任何说出微歧视的敌人的回合,并对其进行攻击)


  • "Stunning and Brave" - Becomes the new principal of South Park Elementary.
  • "Where My Country Gone?" - Fires Mr. Garrison for his racist remarks about Canadian students.
  • "The City Part of Town" - Briefly seen during the Whole Foods inspection, and states the town has really turned itself around, P.C.-wise.
  • "Safe Space" - Helps Cartman and other celebrities with online shaming by having Butters filter their social media of any and all negativity. Later, he commends Butters for his efforts.
  • "Tweek x Craig" - He once again yells at Leslie, this time not chatting to her friend. Later he Attempts to educate Tweek and Craig in sexual consent, to their annoyance. He later calls Thomas Tucker to inform him that Craig has been in a fight. In this call, he announces Tweek as Craig's boyfriend, to their annoyance. Then he announces that he wants to be supportive and that he is going to send them both home with some money casing Thomas to be confused.
  • "Naughty Ninjas" - He calls the police asking to remove Leslie from the school, for chatting with her friend, despite not chatting with her friend (again) and witnesses a officer shoot a kid.
  • "Sponsored Content" - Gets into a war with Jimmy over the school newspaper content. Later starts to believe he is an advertisement after a PC Bro shows him and Leslie in a picture selling insurance, much to his horror and confusion.
  • "Truth and Advertising" - Goes missing along with the rest of the PC Delta Frat, despite ostensibly being on hunger strike within their own frat house. According to the Newsman Leader, the story of the hunger strike was made up to protect the ads.
  • "PC Principal Final Justice" - He murders several Russians in an attack against advertising. The South Park residents, believing he is the enemy, all buy guns. He later murders Leslie Meyers, and holds an assembly about how ads want to put an end to mankind, and how he can help stop ads by getting everyone to be as PC as possible.
  • "Member Berries" - Returns as principal.
  • "Skank Hunt" - Seen at the school assembly.
  • "The Damned" - Seen having a discussion with Kyle Broflovski, Stan Marsh, Butters Stotch, and Token Black about Eric Cartman's sudden disappearance from social media.
  • "Wieners Out" - Seen lecturing Wendy Testaburger, Bebe Stevens, Annie Knitts, and Nichole Daniels about the boys' right to protest during the national anthem.
  • "Douche and a Danish" - Seen introducing Eric and Heidi's assembly and supervising the making danishes in the school cafeteria.
  • "Oh, Jeez" - Seen hosting the school assembly.
  • "Members Only" - Seen in his office having a meeting with President Garrison.
  • "Put It Down" - Discusses to raise awareness about being on the phone while driving.