第23行: 第23行:
=== 犯罪记录 ===
=== 犯罪记录 ===
第87行: 第87行:
He is seen on the front cover of ''GameInformer'' magazine's coverage of ''[[South Park: The Stick of Truth]]''. Despite how Cartman treats Scott on the show, Scott joins sides with Cartman's human faction of the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Scott quickly befriends [[Douchebag]]. After Clyde is banished by Cartman, he assumes the role of Kupa Keep's shopkeeper. Scott is later used for practice when Douchebag is trained to use the Cup-A-Spell fart.
He is seen on the front cover of ''GameInformer'' magazine's coverage of ''[[South Park: The Stick of Truth]]''. Despite how Cartman treats Scott on the show, Scott joins sides with Cartman's human faction of the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Scott quickly befriends [[Douchebag]]. After Clyde is banished by Cartman, he assumes the role of Kupa Keep's shopkeeper. Scott is later used for practice when Douchebag is trained to use the Cup-A-Spell fart.
[[en:Scott Malkinson]]
[[en:Scott Malkinson]]

2019年4月6日 (六) 13:03的版本








  • 非法暴露:第二十季的“露出小弟弟运动”期间,他参加了巴特斯的种种集体活动并裸露自己的下体。















  • "The Jeffersons"- Seen at Mr.Jefferson's house.
  • "Elementary School Musical" - The boys hang out with him because he can't participate in musical numbers.
  • "Butters' Bottom Bitch" - He paid to kiss Sally Darson.
  • "Dances with Smurfs" - He bought Cartman's book "What Happened To My School".
  • "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs" - Background character.
  • "HUMANCENTiPAD" - Background character.
  • "Funnybot" - Background character.
  • "T.M.I." - Background character.
  • "Ass Burgers " - Background character at the Cartman Burger Stand.
  • "Bass to Mouth " - Background character
  • "1% " - In the background of the physical fitness class behind Cartman.
  • "The Poor Kid " - In the school hallway running away from the Giant Reptilian Bird.
  • "Cash For Gold" - Seen in the background on the playground.
  • "Jewpacabra" - Seen at the Easter egg hunt.
  • "Butterballs" - Seen in Stan's anti-bullying video.
  • "Cartman Finds Love" - Seen in the background in the school's hallways and on the playground.
  • "Going Native" - Mentioned being beat up by Butters.
  • "A Scause For Applause" - Seen in the background in the school hallways talking to Francis.
  • "Let Go, Let Gov" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
  • "World War Zimmerman"- Briefly seen on the playground.
  • "Black Friday" - Scott is a member of the group that wants to get Xbox Ones on Black Friday.
  • "A Song of Ass and Fire" - Scott goes with Butters to George R. R. Martin's home to seek answers to Game of Thrones.
  • "Titties and Dragons" - Scott returns to South Park, with Butters and George R. R. Martin, on horseback, and was apathetic when getting the Xbox One.
  • "Gluten Free Ebola" - Despite Scott's lack of interest, he is used by the boys to attract others to their party. Later, at the party, Scott is shown as a server.
  • "The City Part of Town" - Is shown singing in the choir.
  • "You're Not Yelping" (background only) - Seen in the hallways.
  • "Skank Hunt" - Tired of being ignored, Scott frequently pesters Mr. Mackey threatening to quit Twitter.
  • "Wieners Out" - Seen participating in Butters' Wieners Out movement.
  • "Douche and a Danish" - Seen in the battle between the boys and the girls.
  • "Put It Down" - Singing with the other students.
  • "Hummels & Heroin" - Seen at Marcus' birthday party. Rallies with Marcus Preston after witnessing his presentation in the school cafeteria.
  • "Sons A Witches" - Seen leaving the pumpkin patch.
  • "Doubling Down" - Seen in the hallway when Kyle and Cartman fight after Heidi leaves Cartman for Kyle.
  • "Moss Piglets" - Seen in the school hallway when Heidi runs away with the Water Bears.
  • "SUPER HARD PCness" - Seen in the hallway evacuating to the gym.


He is seen on the front cover of GameInformer magazine's coverage of South Park: The Stick of Truth. Despite how Cartman treats Scott on the show, Scott joins sides with Cartman's human faction of the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Scott quickly befriends Douchebag. After Clyde is banished by Cartman, he assumes the role of Kupa Keep's shopkeeper. Scott is later used for practice when Douchebag is trained to use the Cup-A-Spell fart.

主角 埃里克·卡特曼 • 斯坦·马什 • 凯尔·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 肯尼·麦考密克
常驻孩子 幼儿园生 艾克·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 弗尔科·史密斯 • 费尔默·安德森 • 珍妮 • 弗尔科·史密斯
1-3年级生 道基·奥康奈尔 • 卡伦·麦考密克 • 翠西亚·塔克
四年级生 吉米·瓦尔莫 • 巴特斯·斯多奇 • 托肯·布莱克 • 提米·伯奇 • 克雷格·塔克 • 斯科特·马尔金森 • 温蒂·泰斯伯格 • 特维克·特威克 • 克莱德·多诺万 • 新来的 • 贝蓓·斯蒂文斯 • 皮普·皮瑞普 • 凯文·斯多利 • 海蒂·特纳 • 瑞德·麦克阿瑟 • 内森 • 杰森·怀特 • 狗屎·帕图斯基 • 布莱德利·毕格 • 弗朗西斯 • 皮特·希尔曼 • 亨利埃塔·毕格 • 莎莉·特纳 • 米莉·拉森 • 安妮·尼兹 • 妮科尔·丹尼尔斯 • 以斯帖 • 萝拉 • 奈莉 • 福西·麦克唐纳 • 比尔·艾伦
5-9年级生 雪莉·马什 • 迈克尔 • 敏西 • 麦克·马考斯基 • 斯科特·泰诺曼
其他孩子 幼儿园生 埃尔文·卡特曼 • 克莉斯托·怀特 • 弗洛拉·拉森 • 戴夫·哈里森 • 夏洛特的妹妹 • 莎莉·邦兹 • 奎德 • 艾莉森·默茨 • 丹尼尔·史密斯 • 康纳·戴维斯 • 尼尔森·布朗 • 比利·哈里斯 • 穿青色兜帽衫的幼儿园生 • 棕发幼儿园女生
1-3年级生 基普·卓迪 • 丽贝卡·科茨沃尔兹 • 毯毯·杰克逊 • 夏洛特的弟弟 • 饥饿马文 • 布莱登·谷尔莫 • 凯西·米勒 • 小带屋跑 • 戈登·斯多特斯基 • 丽莎·史密斯 • 莎拉·彼得森 • 科里·兰斯金 • 维农·特朗斯基 • 卡尔文 • 比利·特纳 • 亚伦·哈根 • 威尔逊·奥布里 • 加里·纳尔逊 • 汉娜·威廉姆斯 • 皮特·西尔曼 • 莎莉 • 劳拉
四年级生 大维·罗德里格斯 • 莱斯利·迈尔斯 • 达米安·索恩 • 特伦特·博耶特 • 格里高利 • 克里斯托弗 • 特伦斯·莫费斯托 • 凯尔·施瓦兹 • 托马斯 • 路吉 • 加里·哈里森 • 丽莎·伯格 • 珍妮·西蒙斯 • 马克·科茨沃尔兹 • 艾拉 • 特蕾莎 • 莎娜 • 南希 • 莫妮卡·莱兰德 • 凯蒂·格尔森 • 莱恩·埃利斯 • 道格拉斯 • 路易斯 • 萨德·贾维斯 • 乔什·迈尔斯 • 丹尼尔·塔纳 • 埃米特·霍利斯 • 皮特·梅尔曼 • 丽兹 • 贝丝 • 杰茜 •  • 马库斯·普雷斯顿 • 帕蒂·尼尔森 • 巴希尔·哈基姆 • 凯莉 • 萨莉·达森 • 汤米·特纳 • 布拉德利 • 布里密
5-9年级生 六年级头领 • 凯文·麦考密克 • 塔米·沃纳 • 拉里·费根 • 杰西卡·平克顿 • 斯蒂芬·泰米尔 • 安妮·巴特利特 • 莫里 • 践踏者 • 珍妮·哈里森 •  • 克拉克 • 埃米尔 • 亚历珊德拉·卡特曼 • 小巴克