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{{剧集内容分类/冷知识|剧集 = 无法禁足|剧集代码 = s12e14-The-Ungroundable|导航栏代码 = {{剧集顶部导航|标题1 = 歌舞童年|标题2 = 贞操戒指}}}}
{{剧集内容分类/冷知识|剧集 = 无法禁足|剧集代码 = s12e14-The-Ungroundable|导航栏代码 = {{剧集顶部导航|标题1 = 歌舞童年|标题2 = 贞操戒指}}}}
* 这是《[[南方公园]]》以“标准清晰度”(标清480i)制作的最后一集。此后的每一集都采用了高清(HD 1080i)制作。
* This is the final episode of South Park to be produced in "Standard Definition" (SD 480i). Every episode after this has been produced in High-Definition (HD 1080i).
* [[麦克·马考斯基]]被绑架时乘的车辆形似于2000-2005年的雪佛兰Impala。
* The vehicle that [[Mike Makowski]] was kidnapped in resembles a 2000-2005 Chevrolet Impala.
* 肯尼在这一季没有死过。尽管他在“[[超欢乐时光]]”中险些丧生。
* Kenny did not die in this season. Although he came close to dying in "[[Super Fun Time]]"
== 大众文化 ==
== 大众文化 ==
* 中出现的售卖吸血鬼服饰的Hot Topic是美国一家专门出售音乐与朋克/摇滚文化有关的服饰饰品零售店。
* 本集中出现的售卖吸血鬼服饰的[[潮品商店]]是美国一家专门出售音乐与朋克/摇滚文化有关的服饰饰品零售店。
*虽然不是彻底的模仿,但[[南方公园工作室]]已经确认这一集是对斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)的《[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twilight_(novel_series) 暮光之城]》(''Twilight'')系列及其对吸血鬼的描写的恶搞。
*While not an outright parody, the FAQ at [[South Park Studios]] has confirmed this episode is a spoof of the ''[[Wikipedia:The Twilight Saga (film series)|Twilight]]'' series by Stephenie Meyer and its portrayal of vampires. The series itself is mentioned in passing by the "sparkly" female vampire.
*在本集的开头,可以看到孩子们在电脑教室里玩《[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_of_Duty:_World_at_War 使命召唤:战争世界]》(''Call of Duty: World at War'')。
*At the beginning of this episode, the kids are seen in the computer lab playing ''[[w:c:callofduty:Call of Duty: World at War|Call of Duty: World at War]]''.
*潮品商店的烧毁参考了电影《[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lost_Boys 捉鬼小精灵]》(''The Lost Boys'')中吸血鬼洞穴的燃烧。
*The burning of [[Hot Topic]] is a reference to the burning of the vampire cave in the movie ''[[Wikipedia:The Lost Boys|The Lost Boys]]''.
*麦克·马考斯基的名字是对《[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monsters,_Inc. 怪兽公司]》(''Monsters Inc'')中的角色大眼仔(Mike Wazowski)的戏仿。
*Mike Makowski's name is an allusion to the ''[[wikipedia:Monsters Inc|Monsters Inc]]'' character, Mike Wazowski.
*[[巴特斯]]偷偷溜进[[卡特曼]]的房间,试图吸他的血的场景,可能是参考了斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的小说和1979年的迷你剧《[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27Salem%27s_Lot 撒冷镇]》(''Salem's Lot'')。
*The scene when [[Butters]] enters through Eric's window to "feed" could be a possible reference to the Stephen King book and the 1979 miniseries ''Salem's Lot''.
*One of the female vampires is called Bloodrayne, her name is based in the videogame of the same name ''[[Wikipedia:BloodRayne|BloodRayne]]''
* 男孩问他的球在哪里的场景与“[[名单风波]]”一集中[[克雷格]]问橄榄球在哪儿的场景有相似之处。
* The scene where the boy is asking where his ball is bears a resemblance to the scene where [[Craig Tucker|Craig]] was asking for the football in the episode "[[The List]]".
* 在这一集中,[[哥特帮]]被误认为是[[吸血鬼帮]]。他们也有两次被误认为是[[Emo小孩]]:前一次是在“[[乳腺癌大决斗]]”中,后一次是在“[[哥特小子3:装逼者的黎明]]”中。这是暗指“外人”都很难区分这些团体。
* The [[Goth Kids]] are mistaken for Vampires in this episode. They are also mistake for "Emo Kids" twice: once before in "[[Breast Cancer Show Ever]]", and then again in "[[Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers]]". This is in reference to how "outsiders" often find it difficult to distinguish between these groups.
*[[Henrietta]]'s lips look different in this episode. They were bigger and had a different shape.
*孩子们正在学校的电脑上玩《使命召唤:战争世界》,但游戏画面是来自Xbox 360版本的游戏。
*The kids are playing Call of Duty: World at War on the school's computers, but the gameplay footage is from the Xbox 360 version of the game.
*在剧集的最后,巴特斯从[[南方公园商城|商城]]回家的时候,[[史蒂芬·斯多奇]]问他的儿子:“你介意告诉我为什么我的咖啡里有Rice-A-Roni吗?” 他从咖啡杯中舀出一勺面条来说明自己的观点,但当他左手拿着勺子时,另一根勺子又重新出现在咖啡杯中。当他把勺子放回去时,杯子里又只有一根勺子了。
*Towards the end of the episode, where [[Butters]] comes home from the mall, [[Stephen Stotch]] asks his son, ''"Would you mind telling me why there's Rice-A-Roni in my coffee?!"'' He illustrates his point by pulling a spoonful of pasta from his coffee mug, but while holding the spoon in his left hand, another reappears in the mug. When he replaces the spoon, there is still only one in the coffee mug.
*Butters runs into the computer lab from the right, but when the camera zooms in, it shows him coming from the left.
*When Henrietta is shown in the office with the other Goth Kids, she is shown wearing lipstick. When she finishes talking her lipstick is gone. After she and the Goth Kids leave the office she is shown wearing lipstick again.

2020年6月17日 (三) 08:36的版本

歌舞童年 歌舞童年 无法禁足/冷知识 贞操戒指 贞操戒指

该页面内容是关于 “无法禁足” 的冷知识,还包括大众文化、联系、疏漏、肯尼之死、隐藏的天外来客等内容。请注意,如果你想就某一冷知识进行讨论,请移步文章下方的评论区。


  • 这是《南方公园》以“标准清晰度”(标清480i)制作的最后一集。此后的每一集都采用了高清(HD 1080i)制作。
  • 麦克·马考斯基被绑架时乘的车辆形似于2000-2005年的雪佛兰Impala。
  • 肯尼在这一季没有死过。尽管他在“超欢乐时光”中险些丧生。


  • 本集中出现的售卖吸血鬼服饰的潮品商店是美国一家专门出售音乐与朋克/摇滚文化有关的服饰饰品零售店。
  • 虽然不是彻底的模仿,但南方公园工作室已经确认这一集是对斯蒂芬妮·梅尔(Stephenie Meyer)的《暮光之城》(Twilight)系列及其对吸血鬼的描写的恶搞。
  • 在本集的开头,可以看到孩子们在电脑教室里玩《使命召唤:战争世界》(Call of Duty: World at War)。
  • 潮品商店的烧毁参考了电影《捉鬼小精灵》(The Lost Boys)中吸血鬼洞穴的燃烧。
  • 麦克·马考斯基的名字是对《怪兽公司》(Monsters Inc)中的角色大眼仔(Mike Wazowski)的戏仿。
  • 巴特斯偷偷溜进卡特曼的房间,试图吸他的血的场景,可能是参考了斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的小说和1979年的迷你剧《撒冷镇》(Salem's Lot)。
  • 其中一个女吸血鬼叫Bloodrayne,她的名字是根据同名电子游戏《吸血莱恩》(BloodRayne)而来。



  • 孩子们正在学校的电脑上玩《使命召唤:战争世界》,但游戏画面是来自Xbox 360版本的游戏。
  • 在剧集的最后,巴特斯从商城回家的时候,史蒂芬·斯多奇问他的儿子:“你介意告诉我为什么我的咖啡里有Rice-A-Roni吗?” 他从咖啡杯中舀出一勺面条来说明自己的观点,但当他左手拿着勺子时,另一根勺子又重新出现在咖啡杯中。当他把勺子放回去时,杯子里又只有一根勺子了。
  • 巴特斯从右边跑进电脑教室,但当镜头放大时却显示他从左边跑进来。
  • 当亨利埃塔与其他哥特小孩一起出现在办公室时,她涂了口红。但当她说完话时,她的口红就不见了。在她和哥特小孩离开办公室后,她的口红又出现了。