





杰拉德在“阿屎彭”中驾驶的是紫红色的林肯导航员(Lincoln Navigator)。在“自负警告!”中,他驾驶的是风田派尔斯(Toyonda Pious,是对丰田普锐斯Toyota Prius的恶搞)混合动力车,它的车牌上写着“1TMYMPG”(1T即Want,连起来读作"Want my Miles Per Gallon?")。



  • 吸猫尿:在“猫尿上瘾”中,他吸猫尿,尽管这是违法的。
  • 过失杀人:在“可恶的人”中,他和许多其他的喷子的行为导致了芙蕾雅·奥伦甘最终自杀。
  • 网络霸凌:在整个20季中,杰拉德扮演的猎婊42在网络上霸凌了很多人。
  • 谋杀:在“连续剧的结束”中,杰拉尔德杀死了莱纳特·贝德拉格
  • 故意伤害:除了杀死莱纳特,他还用拳打他的腹股沟来攻击他。
  • 纵火:在“沃尔玛来袭”中,他烧毁了两家商店:沃尔玛超市和吉米药房。
  • 协助犯罪:在“不算有趣”中,杰拉德告诉他的儿子艾克登录学校的留言板并进行网络欺凌,最终导致艾克被指控为猎婊42。

















  • "圣诞便便汉基先生" - Gerald and Sheila protest against the school nativity play. Later, he holds onto Father Maxi while Sheila beats him up.
  • "卡特曼的荡妇妈" - Revealed to be a possible father of Eric Cartman.
  • "艾克的小弟弟" - Gerald and Sheila explain to Kyle that Ike was adopted.
  • "长水痘" - Gerald and Stuart go fishing together.
  • "援助大厨" - Gerald helps Chef to get his name put on the "Stinky Britches" album of Alanis Morissette.
  • "人体自燃" - Gerald can't get aroused by Sheila, but gets turned on by two girls who want to sue Randy Marsh.
  • "性骚扰熊猫" - Gerald helps the kids sue each other for sexual harassment, which leads to a city-wide case of Everyone vs. Everyone.
  • "两男一缸" - Gerald and Randy have a hard time interacting with each other at the meteor party after they both experiment and masturbate in front of each other in Mr. Mackey's hot tub.
  • "基动力车" - Gerald welcomes Kyle's cousin Kyle Schwartz to South Park.
  • "阿屎彭" - Gerald, Sheila and kin accompany the Marshes, Cartman and Stotches to Aspen.
  • "加拿大的圣诞节" - Gets a visit by Ike's birth parents.
  • "贪婪的印第安人" - He confesses to Randy that he has a gambling problem.
  • "加里森老师变性记" - He is angry that Kyle and Dr. Bieber agreed to a negroplasty. Gerald later gets a "dolphinoplasty", and becomes upset when he doesn't receive special treatment for being a dolphin.
  • "自负警告!" - Gerald gets a hybrid and becomes very smug then decides to move to San Francisco.
  • "师生恋" - Gerald and Sheila find out from Kyle that Ike is having an affair with his teacher, Ms. Stephenson.
  • "流浪汉之夜" - Gerald can't overcome the beggars, and ends up becoming homeless himself.
  • "秽语妥瑞儿" - Him and his wife make Kyle say sorry for saying that Cartman was faking Tourette's Syndrome.
  • "大便竞赛" - Gerald is one of the men supporting Randy in the crapping competition.
  • "幻想大陆·上" - Kyle asks him were leprechauns come from? and he says from Ireland.
  • "猫尿上瘾" - Gerald gets Cheesing outlawed and then later we find out he used to cheese back in the day and he still does.
  • "无处不在" - Gerald and other parents are worried about their sons and say that Craig is a bad influence on them.
  • "贞操戒指" - Seen at the funeral
  • "人体iPad" - Gerald becomes a member of Apple to save his son from Steve Jobs' creation by going to the Geniuses, In which he states, "I am now part of the future."
  • "犹柏卡布拉" - Seen in Cartman's dream about Passover and the plagues affecting Egypt.
  • "讽刺球" - Seen at the PTA meeting with all the other parents.
  • "拔高下限" - Seen asking Cartman about his mobility scooter.
  • "内不安全" - Gerald, dressed as a UPS delivery driver, and Sheila have sex, traumatizing Ike.
  • "信念危机" - Seen in the background while Jesus Christ gives his speech.
  • "谋杀教育成人片" - Complains to the local cable company after his murder porn television programming is blocked and learns to play MINECRAFT.
  • "无谷蛋白埃博拉" - Seen in the USDA meeting when Randy talks to him about gluten making "your dick fly off".
  • "娘炮" - Gerald is questioned by the SPIN reporter about the identity of Lorde.
  • "残障车" - Gerald watches Wacky Races in his pajamas while eating cereal.
  • "无人机风波" - Seen watching TV.
  • "改头换面" - Gerald offers to take Kyle and Ike to the bowling alley.
  • "欢乐投影" - Gerald takes a selfie with a model ship, as Kyle looks on.
  • "英勇的变性人" - PC Principal calls Gerald to his office about Kyle not calling Caitlyn Jenner a hero.
  • "小镇的城市区" - Seen at the Whole Foods Market with a dog.
  • "美食评论家"- Is one of the Yelp critics. He also starts pipe smoking while he creates a Yelp review.
  • "调皮坏忍者" - Seen in the protest against the police.
  • "回忆之莓" - Is revealed to be the internet troll Skankhunt42 at the end of the episode.
  • "猎婊行动" - Increases his trolling as Skankhunt42 and becomes noticed globally.
  • "可恶的人"- Receives a visit from two policemen who question him about Eric Cartman quitting Twitter, is shocked when Freja Ollegard committed suicide, and is stalked by a anonymous figure.
  • "露出小弟弟" - Is seen being stalked by another troll and eventually collaborating with the troll.
  • "灌洗器与丹麦人" - Works with the other trolls to stop TrollTrace.com from running.
  • "表情分析法" - Seen trolling as Skankhunt42 while Dildo Shwaggins tries unsuccessfully to form a closer friendship with him.
  • "噢,天哪" - Is contacted by Hillary Clinton underneath the Freemont Bridge to infiltrate TrollTrace.com.
  • "仅供回忆" - Contacts Ike and has him troll for him.
  • "不算有趣"- Contacts Ike to save him from Denmark. Later finds out Denmark is going to expose internet history as a joke.
  • "连续剧的结束" - Seen at TrollTrace.com's headquarters escaping the conference room and confronting Lennart Bedrager.
  • "快放下它" - Seen at the school assembly.
  • "巫婆之子" - Seen dressed up as a witch along with other men.
  • "死去的孩子"- Seen when Sharon calls the other parents together to speak about school shootings. Later seen when Randy sings.
  • "该屎的麻烦" - Mr. Hankey fails to get him as a lawyer for his hearing. Later seen watching Mr. Hankey leave South Park.
  • "滑板车惊魂" - Frantically gives out treats to trick or treaters.
  • "至肃时刻" - Seen in a photo at Kyle's house.
  • "无人至肃" - Seen in front of Park County Courthouse, waiting for Stan's verdict on the negotiation with ManBearPig.
  • "佛系盒子" - Seen at the PTA meeting.
  • "触手难及" - Seen protesting against Amazon on the customer's side.
  • "单车巡游" - Gets a new job at the Amazon Fulfillment Center to get his stuff, but later quits after the town unanimously decide to stop working for Amazon.
  • "墨西哥小丑" - Gets arrested by ICE after Cartman tips them off.
  • "疫苗风波" - Tries with the other parents to make Cartman get his shots.
  • "素食风潮" - Randy gets him to try his Tegridy Burger.
  • "季末终章 - Seen at Sharon's party at Tegridy Farms.
  • "圣诞嗨雪" - Loses his "Christmas Spirit" after liquor is prohibited during the holidays, but cheers up after Randy comes up with his Christmas special.




