
The Martial Artist is a class in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. It uses kicks and punches along with knockback moves to slow and subdue the enemy. This class currently has the highest damage of all the classes in-game. 


The Martial Artist specializes in dishing massive amounts of damage at close to range. Among all of the classes in-game, the Martial Artist's abilities deals the most direct attack damage.

Dragon Force Punch might have a limited attack range, however it serves out a massive knockback effect, essentially clearing any enemies with can badly affect the Martial Artist out of the way. However, this ability has a cooldown time of 2 turns.

Dragon Reversal can be regarded as one of the most punishing regular abilities among all the classes available, it can affect enemies within a range of up to four tiles in a row, inflicting Defense Down and Slow while applying additional knockback damage to the enemy at the last tile of the row. On the downside though, this ability also has a cooldown time of 2 turns.

Dragon Dance may not be as punishing compared to the first two Martial Artist's regular abilities as above, however it affects a wide attack range, able to apply direct damage up to 8 targets in a single attack.

The Martial Artist's Ultimate ability, Dragon Swagger might not be as damaging compared to its regular abilities (in fact it does not deal any damage at all), however it serves as more of a battle tide shifter, as it will affect all enemies into the Enraged status (excluding enemies immune to it), making them focus all of their attacks to the Martial Artist while gaining a massive defensive shield (basically similar to Call Girl's Blocked and Super Craig's Shining Hate Finger abilities, with the exception of affecting more than one target). This will allow your other party members to focus attacking the distracted enemies, while hardly being affected by their attacks.



  • 日常:130%
  • 英雄:100%
  • 大师:75%
  • 恶魔:60%


名称+图标 简介 范围 属性 效果 状态影响
Dragon Swagger
激怒所有敌人,获得格挡状态 整个战场上的所有敌人,增益效果加到使用者身上 勇毅 攻击敌人 激怒
Kungfu power4
Stats mc nondmg
Icon enraged
Icon blocking
Dragon Force Punch
超级强大的少林拳法,产生超级击退效果 使用者水平前方一格 武力 攻击敌人 超级击退
Kungfu power1
Stats mc brawn
Effect knockback damage
Dragon Dance
以龙形打击身边的敌人 使用者身边八格 武力 攻击敌人
Kungfu power2
Aoe square debuff
Stats mc brawn
Dragon Reversal
造成迟缓、击退的脚法 使用者水平前方四格 武力 攻击敌人 击退两格
Kungfu power3
Stats mc brawn
Effect knockback damage
Icon encumbered


  • The Martial Artist's default costume and artwork during class selection are primarily inspired by Karate Kid, as for the Martial Artist abilities it is inspired by real-life legendary martial artist Bruce Lee, making this class the only class not to be primarily inspired by comic book superheroes.
  • The class was originally called "Karate Kid", indicated by trailers, example playthroughs.
  • The Dragon Force Punch ability is somewhat similar to Captain Falcon's special move, Falcon Punch, from the game Super Smash Bros.

概览 玩法 • 角色 • 图册 • 任务 • 可收集品 • 拓展包 • 成就
角色 主角 新来的
浣熊侠联盟 浣熊侠 • 风筝侠 • 速行侠 • 超级克雷格 • 蚊子侠 • 糖尿病队长
自由伙伴 提莫希博士 • 神秘侠 • 工具侠 • 神奇特维克 • 保鲜盒侠
中立队友 电话女侠 • 亨利埃塔·毕格 • 薄荷浆果酥侠 • 圣诞老人
反派 混沌教授 • 无序将军 • 米奇·康纳 • 莎布·尼古拉丝 • 大师吸血鬼 • 科里·海姆 • 敏西 • 内森 • 扎咖诺
可召唤角色 杰拉德·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 金博·克恩内德·格布兰斯基 • 克拉希 • 摩西
职业 蛮兽 • 极速者 • 爆能士 • 生化人 • 元素使 • 灵能师 • 机巧匠 • 刺客 • 植物领主 • 武术家 • 幽冥族 • 最终女孩
机制 神器神器列表 • 状态影响 • 浣熊墙浣熊墙好友 • 服装服装列表
主线任务 第一天 酷帕国之战 | 起源故事 | 浣熊墙启动 | 平行宇宙相撞 • 超级克雷格的羁绊 | 浣熊伙伴的诞生 | 四年仔崛起 | 必须快一点 • 蜜糖罐中蚊子侠 • 一触信仰 • 知心畅谈 • 行动:正当合法 • 玉米卷低语者 | 起源故事2:新的开始 | 内战 | 返乡义务 | 凶兽之腹
第二天 “克拉希”机密 | 平行宇宙再相撞 • 药炸危机 | 微侵略学院 • 知心畅谈2:性别确定 • 行动:盲目的正义 | 起源故事3:天外来客 | 内战2:玩乐结束 | 种族学院:第一课 | 工具需求 | 卧床在底 | 混沌百手
第三天 混沌诡计 • 约谈邀请函 | 学雷锋议程 | 起源故事4:终极序章 | 黑夜从命 | 纤细白线
第四天 自由召唤 | 抓住一只浣熊侠 | 莫费斯托博士的屁股们 | 屁转未来 | 英雄巡逻中
某一天 英雄巡逻中 | 向家前进
支线任务 葡萄干大暴走 • 神气的困境 | 烂底之谜 | 为尼波霸力而战 |义警行销 • 大型肉搏战 | 在混沌上下注 | 幽灵调解人 • 疗心战役 | 薄荷河马的失物招领 | (你可以)打给我 | 一触及天
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拓展挑战 危险甲板 | 拓展挑战:从黄昏到丽家 | 拓展挑战:爽脆降临 • 拓展挑战:荣誉徽章