乐团风云 乐团风云 残疾人的救赎 卡特曼邪教 卡特曼邪教




SpoilerAlert 剧透警告!!!



这一集开头时斯坦卡特曼和肯尼在教堂里玩闹,还有牧师马克西神父(Maxi),警告他们说,如果他们不再信奉自己的宗教价值观,他们将被诅咒。 他们开始与一个叫安妮姐妹的修女一起参加周日学校的课程,她教给他们有关圣餐和认罪的信息。 不幸的是,孩子们感到困惑,以为耶稣是由饼干制成的,吃饼干和喝酒足以阻止他们下地狱。 这些男孩第一次认罪,在那期间卡特曼告诉他们,当他在认罪的时候,上帝的复仇的手臂伸出手,抓住他,并摇了摇他(实际上是马克西神父,因为发现卡特曼是 过去曾对他做过所有这些可怕事情的人),孩子们比以往任何时候都更加害怕。

The children notice that Kyle and Timmy cannot confess their sins, as Kyle is Jewish and Timmy being disabled, can say little more than his own name. Father Maxi guarantees them that these boys will go to Hell if they are unable to confess their sins much to the distress of the Sunday school teacher. The boys then try to help Kyle, Ike and Timmy by baptizing them. However, when Cartman says "ass" causing Stan and Kenny to also swear, they rush off to confess their latest sins for fear of going to hell. The end up running into several other frightened kids, also fearful of hell. As they attempt to cross the street, Kenny is run down by a bus headed to Mexico, causing the kids to become even more afraid of dying with sins unconfessed. As it happens, when they get to the Church, they catch the priest having sex with a woman named Mrs. Donovan in the confessional. Horrified by this sudden display of sinfulness, they break out of their church, and Cartman begins directing the children to the creation of a new Christian community, which he himself is leading.

In the subplot, Satan's love-life is going through a crisis, as his ex-boyfriend, Saddam Hussein is butting in on his new relationship with Chris, an overly sensitive man. Satan realizes that he still finds Saddam attractive, despite all the abuse he received from him when they were dating, and he tries to decide which man he would rather be with. He even consults one of the smaller, more obnoxious demons for advice, but gets nowhere.
