烂货选举 烂货选举 沃尔玛来袭 学前恩怨 学前恩怨


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一家沃尔玛的开张在南方公园引起了热议。由于物美价廉,镇上的每一个人都开始在那里买东西。这使得当地的企业倒闭,并迫使一些失业的居民以最低工资在沃尔玛工作。同样在这一集的开始,卡特曼凯尔赌了5美元,当人们死的时候,他们会“拉在裤子上”。凯尔同意了,于是赌局开始了。小镇居民决定赶走沃尔玛,于是联合抵制沃尔玛。小镇居民找到了沃尔玛的店长,要求他关掉沃尔玛,关掉这家让南方公园的主干道门可罗雀,老实人们都丢了工作的店。他没有正面回答,而是写下了“在沃尔玛里说话不安全,五分钟后门口见”。这个后来发现是有生命的沃尔玛,把店长挂了起来,让他看起来是自杀的(这其实是失败的,因为店长在撞碎玻璃之前尖叫了出来)。店长在死后把屎拉在了裤子上。卡特曼接近了凯尔说:“哈!你现在欠我5刀啦,凯尔。“小镇居民随后决定烧掉这家店(一边唱着 Kum-Bai-Yah),但是它又被重新建造了。=A man rebuilding the Wall-Mart tells Kyle, Stan, and Kenny that the rebuilding order came from the "higher-ups" in Bentonville, Arkansas. The three of them then travel to Bentonville to stop the Wall-Mart. The Wall-Mart then starts "speaking" to Cartman, telling him his friends are trying to destroy it. He catches up with the other boys at a bus station, where he consorts with them, despite "working with the Wall-Mart" to stop them from succeeding. Cartman first tries to stop them by slashing the bus' tires, but they still reach Bentonville. They reach Wall-Mart HQ where they find out they need to talk to Harvey Brown, the current president of Wall-Mart. The boys ask him how they can stop it, and he tells them they need to find and destroy its "heart". As the boys leave, Brown turns to the boys, puts a gun to his head, says, "boys, tell the world I'm sorry," and pulls the trigger. He then dies and "shits his pants". Cartman responds by saying, "Ha! That's ten bucks you owe me dickface!"

The Boys make it back home to the dilapidated South Park which is about to become a jobless Ghost town with Kyle, Stan, and Kenny dressed like the Frog Brothers from The Lost Boys. The Boys are about to enter it when Cartman confronts them with a knife in his hand, and says "Wall-Mart is a great store, I cannot let you fools ruin its terrific bargains. You see, I was working for Wall-Mart all along!" Kyle then tells him he knew that he was, and a "Yes I did" "No you didn't" argument ensues. Kenny is then assigned to hold Cartman off while Stan and Kyle enter the Wall-Mart. Once in the Wall-Mart, they find Stan's father, who tells them they need to go to the television department, and they will need his keys. Immediately, Randy succumbs to Wall-Mart's bargains. He finally caves in to a screwdriver set which is "only $9.98," telling him the bargain is too great. He gives the boys his keys, and the two head for the television department. Once they arrive, they are confronted by a man who says he is Wall-Mart. After a confusing dialogue, he finally tells the boys that the heart "lies beyond that plasma screen television". The boys walk over to find it is a mirror, to which the Wall-Mart responds, "yes, don't you see? That is the heart of Wall-Mart. You. The consumer. I take many forms, Wall-Mart, Kmart, Target, but I am one single entity: desire". The boys then smash the mirror to "destroy the heart." The actual building of Wall-Mart then begins to fall apart, and the man who says he is Wall-Mart starts to laugh diabolically. Everyone evacuates the Wall-Mart as it implodes in a similar fashion (and possible reference) to the house from the movie Poltergeist. After the Wall-Mart disappears, it "shits its pants". Cartman then laughs because of the fact that Kyle now owes him 15 dollars and he now knows that when stores die they "shit their pants". Randy then gives a speech about how the Wall-Mart was "us", and that if they want to keep the small town charm, they need to spend a little more. Jimbo then says they should all shop at Jim's Drug down the street. The store is seen with people streaming in and out of it, and a time lapse shows the store getting bigger and bigger as the number of people grows, its final look resembling the Wall-Mart. The final part of the episode shows Jim's Drugs being burned down, as Randy then says "All right, let's not make that mistake again," to which Mr. Garrison responds "yeah, let's go shop over at True Value!" as everyone goes with him.
