













在超级英雄系列,混沌教授没有表现出什么电磁能量波的超能力(哪怕这些都是假装的),这和他在兵器好时光的超级反派形象很不同,他接着被神秘侠在战斗中打败,即使有无序将军帮助也没有效果。 Cartman, as the Coon, seeks Chaos's assistance in order to figure out the identity of Mysterion. He then allies with Professor Chaos and bullies Chaos into threatening to blow up a hospital if Mysterion doesn't reveal his identity. When the Coon leaves, Mysterion confronts Chaos, and Disarray flees. Disarray soon rejoins the fight and flees again in their brawl against Mysterion. Then, the Coon comes to finish off Chaos by slashing him, thus making Chaos run away home. He later encourages Mysterion to reveal his identity otherwise crime can ensue.

In the later episodes of the Superheroes Arc, Chaos is only seen inside a holding cell at the Coon and Friends Headquarters as a punishment for his misdeeds, though it isn't seen what his deeds were. At the end of "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", The Coon is also in the same cell as Chaos after Cthulhu was defeated by Mint Berry Crunch.




Professor Chaos returns in the Season Twenty-One episode, "Franchise Prequel", where he creates fake Facebook posts about the Coon and Friends, ruining their reputation and keeping them from getting Netflix to greenlight their superhero franchise. He later hires a group of children to act as his minions, the Chaos Kids, and write even more fake posts about them. Butters then works with Mark Zuckerberg, who aids him in his plan, allowing all fake posts to surface, as the public blindly accepts each post as 'news'. However, Professor Chaos is thwarted when the Coon and Friends simultaneously clear their names, defeat Zuckerberg, and force him to shut down Facebook entirely.


A key to Professor chaos's Lair and Professor Chaos's costume can be found at Butters's House, the lair is located at the storage facility where you can befriend General Disarray, get several items, a Chinpokemon and roof access.

Butters 3rd ability is "Professor Chaos" which has butters turn into the anime style Professor Chaos, the player then spins a wheel to choose an ability these abilities include:

Chaos Cloak: Butters gives himself and Douchebag 9 shield.

Life Drain: Butters takes HP off enemies and restores his and Douchebag's.

Hammer Of Chaos: Butters calls down a huge hammer to damage all enemies stunning them.

Chaos Storm: Butters zaps 5 random targets with electricity.

Chaos Blast: Butters blasts all enemies with a laser resembling a Kamehameha from the Dragon Ball series, also butters uses this move against Nazi Zombie Death in the Nazi Zombie Kenny final boss fight.

South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play!

The boys quickly suspect Professor Chaos as behind the attacks on the town and confront him in the "Butters' House" level, but after a brief discussion of his evil plan, he admits his real plan was far less devious and that he was not actually behind the attacks. Villains arrive and battle the five boys, but by the end Chaos shatters a testicle, and is taken to Hells Pass Hospital, the site of the next level, and afterwards is absent from the storyline.

He can be unlocked as a playable character if one has one of several unique special codes which were released with South Park: The Complete Thirteenth Season or are awarded online if you are very skilled at the game. His moveset is the "Sniper"-type used by Kenny McCormick, Craig Tucker and Pip Pirrup, with slow movement but heavy damage. His special ability is akin to that of Eric Cartman, reigning chaos and causing heavy damage to enemies all over the screen.


Professor Chaos was one of the main villains in South Park, employed by Mitch Conner, he was given 20000 dollars to keep the citizens from going into the U-stor-it. However, he had a greater plan, causing great havok to prove his worth to lead the crime wave. With the money he had, he transformed the entire facility into his giant lair, and he hired hundreds of minions to defend his property, purchased countless lego bricks to "lava" the town, he even built a huge "Mecha Minions Chaos Supreme" with missiles to fight the Coon and Friends.

With all the effort the Professor has made, he was still hopelessly defeated, and was brought back to the Coon Lair, locked in the cell previously held him for days. During the discussion, he revealed that the one who was paying was faceless, nameless, and simply wanted crime wave to go bigger.

He remained in custody until the next day, when the New Kid was about to infiltrate the Freedom Pals' base. Seizing a chance, Professor announced that he can help the New Kid get pass the security grid, the Coon objected, but Human Kite disagreed on that. Eventually, Professor Chaos got out of the cell, and decided to take his minions(hamsters) before going to infiltrate. He did retrieve his minions successfully, however, his dad, Steven Stotch, angrily spotted him, along with the New Kid. As Steven Stotch remain his anger against the Professor, he questioned the New Kid regarding their identity, the New Kid, on the other hand, didn't bother answering. As a result, the New Kid was grounded with Professor Chaos in Butter's room. While the Professor sat frustrated beside the bed, playing a harmonica, the New Kid looked around and figured out a way to "Haywire" the door's electrical systems.


混沌教授穿着锡纸做成的手套、头盔和鞋子,还披着一件绿色的披风。他的头盔没有顶,这使得他的金发能够露出来,还有一个红点在他的额头上Professor Chaos wears tinfoil gloves, helmet, boots and a green cape. His helmet has a red dot on the forehead. His helmet has no top, showing Butter's blonde hair. He has aluminum shoulder pads, connected by a chain that goes across his chest, shoulder to shoulder.

In "Good Times with Weapons", his appearance changes, such as becoming a muscular adult, his blonde hair becomes a blonde Mohawk, and boots change to feet wrapped in bandages, mimicking Muay Thai fighters who wear on bandages their feet. Professor Chaos mentions that his green cape is weaved with titanium. His eyes show no iris or pupils, like those of various anime characters in the episode, such as Bullrog's (Cartman) or Craig's.


混沌教授是一个疯狂科学家,目标就是Professor Chaos seems to be a mad-scientist-like villain whose goal is to bring chaos and disorder. In his debut episode, he was able to hack the Jumbotron screen at the stadium to announce that he's going to flood the world. This is the only exceptional act he has done as his immense powers in "Good Times with Weapons" are his imagination. He seems to be frustrated in "The Simpsons Already Did It" because every plan he came up with had already been done by the Simpsons but got over it after Chef and Garrison concluded that ideas have always been done by another, hence passed down.

Super Powers

His super powers are only featured in "Good Times with Weapons". When donning on his costume, he turns into a large muscular man, surrounded with an electromagnetic aura. When introducing himself to The Boys, he is able to hover above the ground and discharge bolts of lighting around him. His titanium cape is able to shield himself from special abilities cast by the boys. He is able jump up in the air and land on the ground causing a miniature earthquake. He is able to instantly cast a web, thus trapping people such as Stan and Kyle in the "Web of Holding". After Kenny's shuriken cuts Chaos's eye, Professor Chaos reverts into Butters. In the Superheroes Arc, there is no indication of the super powers he had in "Good Times with Weapons"





混沌教授拥有着较大的施法距离和状态影响,他还是游戏中唯二可以召唤的伙伴,可他的直接伤害低,使他一直处于二线伙伴,甚至隐隐有要跌入三线中 他的一技能是他唯一的直接伤害技能,伤害算中规中矩,类似风筝侠的一技能 他的二技能没有任何伤害,却是他的核心技能,施法范围大,还能使敌人感电和混乱,要知道,除了幽灵形态的神秘侠外,就没有任何伙伴的技能能造成混乱状态,战术意义巨大 他的三技能能召唤一个仆从,可尴尬的是,这个仆从伤害很低,血量也不算多,勉强能当个半坦使用 而他的大招伤害中规中矩,并造成感电效果,可这个技能和神奇特克前期的大招有所冲突,甚至范围都没有他的大招远 混沌教授血量不高,伤害不算好,甚至可以说是全部伙伴中最弱的,可要知道他的工作不是打伤害,而是充当搅屎棍的一个存在,战术意义远高于伤害性,二技能的存在使他能有几率形成敌人叛变的情况,而且二技能还没有冷却时间,可说要玩好这个教授,你的策略能力一定要好

His field ability is Haywire, which allows the New Kid to fart a "Winged Minion" (a hamster with a tiny helmet and glider) at exposed wiring to deactivate certain devices.




  • 混沌之锤:变身为日漫版混沌教授,使用混沌之锤伤害前方扇形敌人,并使其感电。
  • 混沌爆轰:使用激光伤害一名敌人。
  • 混沌困惑仪:从地底召出混沌困惑仪,释放混沌电子,使单个敌人困惑并感电,但没有伤害。
  • 雇佣帮手:完成混沌教授的特殊任务“在混沌上下注”后解锁,召唤一名混沌帮手(墨西哥人),可操控。


  • 混沌教授一部分设定来自于X战警系列的万磁王,他制造电磁场脉冲的方式与万磁王非常相似。他在“兵器好时光”中的动漫形象也穿戴了一个非常相似的头盔。在南方公园:浣熊侠联盟中,他的头盔给予他阻挡提莫希博士(映射X教授)“思维强奸”的能力,这也是万磁王头盔的能力之一。
  • 他的服式和部分能力则来源于毁灭博士神奇四侠复仇者联盟的主要敌人之一,精通科技和魔法。两者都偏爱使用墨绿色的斗篷,并使用金属外骨骼作为盔甲。他们的名字也很是相似。
  • 他在英国漫画"The Dandy",3565期,第七页中被抄袭了。一个年轻的读者把一张混沌博士的图片发送到了出版方的设计竞赛中,获奖者设计的超级英雄会在漫画中出现。他被描述成了一个成人超级英雄,而竞赛裁判似乎在搞出打新闻前并没有发现“混沌教授”是一个已经存在的角色。[1]


  • "Professor Chaos"
  • "The Simpsons Already Did It"
  • "My Future Self n' Me" - Butters shows his costume to Stan, which he mistakes as coming out as gay.
  • "Krazy Kripples" - Seen at Christopher Reeve's evil meeting along with other villains.
  • "I'm a Little Bit Country" (cameo) - Seen in the crowd with all the characters.
  • "Good Times with Weapons"
  • "Go God Go"
  • "The Coon" - Teams up with the Coon to find out who Mysterion is.
  • "Coon 2: Hindsight" - Seen in the Coon and Friends jail and ask for food.
  • "Mysterion Rises" - Mysterion asks Chaos why he took photo of a hobo with a photo shopped of Captain Hindsight.
  • "Coon vs. Coon & Friends" - Asks if he can see the "double rainbow" and The Coon (character) later joins him as his cellmate.
  • "City Sushi" (mentioned only) - Nearly burned by Butters until Dr. Jauns interrupts him.
  • "Butterballs" - Tries to teach his abusive grandmother a lesson but she had already adapted a new super-villain of her own.
  • "Sarcastaball" (costume only)
  • "Franchise Prequel" - Creates fake Facebook posts about the Coon and Friends to ruin their reputation. Hires an army of children, the Chaos Kids, to help him. Is later thwarted when the Coon and Friends force his business partner, Mark Zuckerberg, to take down Facebook.
浣熊侠 | 风筝侠 | 速行侠 | 超级克雷格 | 蚊子侠 | 糖尿病队长
提莫希博士 | 神秘侠 | 工具侠 | 神奇特维克 | 保鲜盒侠 | 电话女侠

新来的 | 混沌教授 | 亨利埃塔·毕格 | 马后炮队长 | 薄荷浆果酥侠 | 风筝侠二号 | 铁娘子

莎布·尼古拉丝 | 克苏鲁 | 米奇·康纳