


斯坦戴着一顶蓝色的镶钉头盔,头顶上有一根红色的羽毛(模仿他原来的帽子上的红色毛球)。他的手腕上系着灰白色的带子,在无袖的棕色衬衫和蓝色裤子上系着一条棕色的腰带。 在战斗中,会使用他的双手剑。



  • 母食人魔 - 要求找雪莉把他的iPhone要回来。作为回报,他会在脸书上粉你。
  • 离经叛道 - 他和凯尔一起劝你加入他们而不是继续和卡特曼在一起。
  • 进攻学校 - 如果你加入了黑暗精灵,那他会在战斗中帮助你。如果你仍属于酷帕王国,那他将会在BOSS战中出场。
  • 胖揍克莱德 - 合作突袭克莱德的城堡。在克莱德被击败前,他不能成为可用的伙伴。
  • 背叛盟约 - 在最终战中可以作为伙伴上场和你一起战斗。



  • "This ends here, New Kid."
  • "Dude, that's Gary Nelson!"
  • "Give me back my iPhone, DEMON!!!!"
  • "I've brought help! Let's see you try and take us BOTH!"


  • 主线/支线任务
    • "Your days are numbered, She-Ogre!"
    • "Die, you disgusting wench! (Attacking Shelly)
    • "Let's see you handle both of us." (Calling Sparky)
    • "Wolf brother, heed my call!" (Calling Sparky)
    • "Got 'em!" (After calling Sparky)
    • "Oh, no. No! No! No!" (After you defeated Sparky)
    • "My sword hand's got a cramp. I need a minute." (After successfully fending off Nazi Zombie Unicorn Stampede)
    • "So much for that." (When Nazi Zombie Princess Kenny summon Nazi Zombie Death)
  • 收到伤害
    • "Stop!"
  • 燃烧
    • "AH!"
    • "[panicked yell]"
  • 被击败
    • "What..."


Stan facebook message 3 Stan facebook message 2 Stan facebook message


Stan becomes available as an ally once the New Kid is captured during the quest Recruit the Goth Kids. Outside of battle, he can call upon Sparky to pee on electronics to short them out, or make puddles of water larger.

In battle, his attacks usually hit multiple enemies - his sword attack is unique in that it hits all enemies in a column, allowing him to attack hiding enemies. His buddy ability can be used to dispatch dead enemies easily given it deals a bit of damage, making encounters with reviving enemies like Nazi Zombies easier. He also boasts the highest HP of all the buddies without the crippling priority Butters has, ensuring he can survive powerful hits without dying instantly.

Stan has notable weaknesses, however. He doesn't have a lot of PP to use his abilities, limiting his damage potential without items. Additionaly, he lacks a true single-hit or single-target attack, and his attacks rely on good enemy placement. While his standard sword attack is impressive in damage, these flaws make Stan poor against bosses and highly armored enemies.

In the end, Stan is a great buddy for those who don't like spending PP to do a lot of damage and great for those wanting to inflict damage to multiple foes.

Name Description Effect Picture
Marked for Death (Buddy Ability) Stan shines his Laser Pointer of the Ranger on the target's crotch, sending Sparky to attack. Stan uses a laser pointer to direct Sparky to attack an opponent, dealing minor damage and the Defense Down status.
File:Stan marked for death.jpg
Discus of Might Stan hurls a deadly disc at the target. The disc can Chain to random targets. Stan throws a frisbee at an opponent for decent damage. The attack also ricochets to two other targets when executed perfectly.
File:Stan discus of might.jpg
Whirlwind Slash Stan executes a spinning sword attack that hits multiple foes. Stan hits the target and anyone adjacent multiple times, and unleashes a finishing slash on the main target, causing 2 stacks of Bleeding.
File:Stan whirlwind slash.jpg
Way of the Sword Stan channels his inner action hero and attacks an enemy with a flurry of blows. Stan slashes a target seven times, with the last dealing more damage. Each hit rends 5% of the target's armor and the first hit also inflicts Burning.
File:Stan way of the sword.jpg


Stan is not present until about halfway through the game, when you are brought to the Elven Kingdom. Despite being a main character in the show, he has a relatively minor role in the story. He is either a boss or a buddy when you attack the school and helps to attack Clyde's Fortress. He also helps in the final boss fight.


  • In all the ads and promotional artwork, Stan is labeled as a Warrior, but in the game he is only referred as a Ranger.
  • In addition, Stan is shown in ads and promotional artwork wielding a simple wooden sword, but in-game, he wields his personal sword.
  • Tom Cruise is hiding inside Stan's closet from the episode "Trapped in the Closet". If the player tries to open the closet, Tom would be heard yelling "I'm never coming out!" This is why the player cannot check Stan's equipment inside his closet.
  • Stan makes a reference to his line "Oh, my God! They killed Kenny!" when defeating Nazi Zombie Princess Kenny the first time.
  • Stan appears far later in the story compared to his family members.
  • Stan is one of the only Buddies with other characters helping them out when fought, being Sparky in Stan's case. The other is Kyle, who summons Ike for his Summon Elven Berserker attack.
  • 斯坦是精灵王国的干将,但他的外形却是人类。
    • 在游戏中可以了解到,斯坦的背景设定是被精灵养大的人类,因而忠于精灵一方。
概览 玩法 • 角色 • 图册 • 任务 • 可收集品 • 拓展包 • 成就
角色 主角 新来的
酷帕王国 巫师王卡特曼 • 圣骑士巴特斯 • 肯尼公主(背叛) • 战士克莱德(背叛) • 长石盗贼(背叛) • 蛮人特维克 • 医师托肯 • 斯科特·马尔金森爵士
精灵王国 精灵王凯尔 • 游侠斯坦 • 吟游诗人吉米 • 克里斯·唐纳利 • 狗屎·帕图斯基 • 杰森·怀特
好友 详见好友列表
反派 肯尼公主 • 暗黑领主 • 首席暗黑杀手 • 政府大坏蛋 • 纳粹僵尸大厨 • 纳粹僵尸
可召唤角色 耶稣 • 唐陆金 • 奴隶先生 • 汉基先生
职业 战士 • 法师 • 窃贼 • 犹太
机制 状态影响 • 技能点 • 魔法 • 特殊指令
可收集品 武器 • 装备 • 补丁 • 垃圾 • 可消耗品 • 小鸡鸡宝贝
使命 第一天 初到镇上 • 战旗会师 • 热咖啡 • 破门而入 • 留堂判决 • 吟游魔曲 • 时候不早 • 外星人绑架
第二天 寻新盟 • 招募哥特帮 • 离经叛道 • 家长教师协会的烦恼 • 进攻学校 • 回家去 • 击败内裤侏儒
第三天 缔结联盟 • 招募女生 • 扮成贝蓓的男朋友 • 为人父母没准备 • 向北前进 • 哦,加拿大! • 胖揍克莱德 • 背盟败约
委托 给公主的花 • 提米特快 • 捉迷藏 • 人熊猪的奥秘 • 拉黑阿尔·戈尔 • 击败人熊猪 • 找到耶稣 • 奴隶先生的包裹 • 流浪汉的麻烦 • 瓦肯星周围 • 蒙古牛肉 • 和金博一起去狩猎 • 地下室里有老鼠 • 送孩子回家 • 魔力乐曲 • 母食人魔 • 恢复平衡 • 无用的藏品 • 纳粹僵尸,人头拿来! • 第一阶段