
特克·崔克是南方公园小学的一名四年级的学生。他经常喝很多咖啡,咖啡里头含有毒品(在南方公园:真实之杖游戏里有出現表示) ,导致他高度紧张,经常妄想和肌肉痉挛。






  • 过分暴露:第二十季中,他加入了巴特斯发起的“露出鸡鸡”运动,并在这段时间内频繁地暴露自己的生殖器。
  • 性骚扰(争议):在“性骚扰熊猫”中,他因为对麦奇老师的屁股做出评论而被后者起诉。
  • 打架斗殴:特克曾在“特克大战克雷格”以及“男孩之爱”中与克雷格打作一团。
  • 报假警:在“南方孩子国”中他报警诬陷自己的父母虐待自己。























Snapshot 1 (6-23-2011 12-31 AM)





304 faceoff






















  • 哦天啊,那压力实在太大了!
  • 嘎啊!
  • 哦神啊!
  • 呃啊啊!
  • 咦!


  • 在“歌舞童年”之后,特克就从班级场景中消失了,不过他在“皇家布丁”中短暂出现过。
  • 他的体重在“特克大战克雷格”中表明为48磅重
  • 特克在极端压力/惊恐的情况下会拔下自己的头发。
  • 在“免费帽子”中,他会在需要冷静下来时进入一个被称之为“开心的地方”的幻想世界
  • 在“小矮人”中,他父母的咖啡店“崔克兄弟咖啡”停业了,因为哈巴克咖啡(影射星巴克)在南方公园开设了连锁店,这带走了特克父母的顾客。尽管在剧集最后,理查德·崔克被委任为本地哈巴克的总经理,崔克兄弟咖啡还是在后来的剧集中多次出现,这说明了理查德很可能让自己的咖啡厅恢复营业了。
  • 在“免费帽子”中,特克似乎有宿命论信仰
  • 在“辛普森做过了”中,特克被“海地人”当做神明祭拜,不过他却开始紧张,因为“压力太大了”。他的追随者很快就因为和卡特曼的追随者发起自杀战争而全部覆灭了。
  • 在“绑架风波”中,特克和其他孩子一样,能流利的说蒙古语并在加入蒙古部落后可以与部落领袖流畅沟通。
  • 在“南方公园一起来玩塔防”中,特克被移出了队伍,因为他“对四人组不够关心,而且总体上过度紧张”。
  • 在“南方公园一起来玩塔防”中,特克是一名可以解锁的角色。他的特殊能力为加速,并且在五秒之内击杀任何他碰到的东西。
  • 在“乳腺癌大决斗”之后,特克再没有出现在加里森老师的班级上。
  • 在最近的剧集中,特克的不自主发抖和眼部肌肉痉挛看起来有了一定缓解。
  • 在“南方公园:真实之杖”中,特克和他的父母被暗指为瘾君子,尽管特克似乎并没有意识到“货物”到底是什么,他还是让新来的帮助自己去肯尼家取回“货物”并把它送回崔克兄弟咖啡。理查德·崔克在尝了尝“货物”中的毒品之后提到了味道“还真他妈不错”,并把它拌到了咖啡中。这说明了不只是咖啡,这些毒品可能才是特克异常的罪魁祸首。
  • 虽然特克声称自己不能演戏,在“男孩之爱”中,他过度完美地配合了克雷格上演了一段分手戏。在他完成表演的一瞬间,他露出了微笑,说明了他对自己的表演很满意。
  • 特克看起来比其他孩子要矮上一些,因为他的腿部比其他孩子短。这可能是影射大众观点中咖啡会停止孩子的身高增长。
  • 在“瘸子大战”中,一个看起来和特克一样,但有黑色头发的小孩和主角们坐在一起。
  • 特克拔下自己头发以转移注意力的方式在一定程度上说明了他有自我伤害倾向
  • 特克和克雷格是南方公园中头一对公开的同性恋小孩。


Although Tweek has fewer speaking roles than other background characters such as Craig or Clyde, he generally plays a larger role in the episodes in which he does appear.

In the Season 6 episodes "The Simpsons Already Did It", "Red Hot Catholic Love", "Free Hat", "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", and "Child Abduction is Not Funny", he replaces Butters (who in turn replaced Kenny) as the fourth friend.

Following the episode "Child Abduction is Not Funny", Tweek stopped appearing as part of the main group, due primarily to Kenny's re-introduction, first as a spirit sharing Cartman's body, and later when he was brought back permanently in "Red Sleigh Down". He has made several background appearances, but does not have another major role until the episode "Tweek x Craig," in Season 19.

  • "Gnomes" - First appearance, is placed in the boys' presentation group by Mr. Garrison.
  • "Tweek vs. Craig" - The other boys trick him into fighting Craig for their amusement.
  • "Sexual Harassment Panda" - Is sued by Mr. Mackey.
  • "Chinpokomon" - Seen with Chinpokomon.
  • "Chef Goes Nanners" - Seen on Stan and Kyle's debate team.
  • "Fourth Grade" - Joins the other boys in attempting to stay in the third grade.
  • "Scott Tenorman Must Die" - He laughs among a bunch of other children at Cartman's video "I'm a little piggy".
  • "Proper Condom Use" - Joins the other boys in their fight against the girls.
  • "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants" - Acts more paranoid than usual in the atmosphere of paranoia.
  • "Professor Chaos" - Appears as one of the prospective fourth friends, ultimately winning the competition.
  • "The Simpsons Already Did It" - He is worshiped as a god by the sea people along with Cartman.
  • "Red Hot Catholic Love" - Is forced into becoming and atheist by his parents.
  • "Free Hat" - Helps the boys in their efforts to stop Raiders of the Lost Ark being remastered.
  • "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" - Appears as one of the boys mesmerized by Bebe's boobs.
  • "Child Abduction is Not Funny" - Almost gets kidnapped, precipitating the events of the episode.
  • "The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers" - Plays Lord of the Rings with the other boys.
  • "The Death Camp of Tolerance"- He is there with the boys at the Museum of Tolerance and with the boys at the Death Camp of Tolerance when they first arrived at the camp.
  • "South Park is Gay!" - Is a Metrosexual along with the rest of the boys, seen as part of Craig's Gang.
  • "Red Man's Greed" - Appears in the background with the other kids opposing the buyout of the town.
  • "It's Christmas in Canada"- Seen in the crowd of people at the Christmas tree lighting in South Park.
  • "Quest for Ratings" - Is seen abusing cough medication in the news report.
  • "The Losing Edge" - Seen on the baseball team.
  • "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow" - Is seen with the other South Park Elementary students watching the news coverage of the Beaverton flood. He and the rest of the school students and teachers are later seen running out of the school in fear of a flood coming to South Park caused by global warming.
  • Marjorine - Is with the other boys who want to capture the so-called "future telling device" from the girls.
  • "Erection Day"- Briefly seen in the audience in Jimmy's nightmare.
  • "Free Willzyx" - Helps the rest of the fourth grade boys free the imprisoned whale.
  • "ManBearPig" - Is seen in the audiotorium with the rest of the South Park Elementary students listening to Al Gore's presentation on ManBearPig.
  • "Make Love, Not Warcraft" - Tries to stop the griefer with the other boys. His avatar in the game gets set on fire.
  • "Hell on Earth 2006" - Appears with the other boys summoning Biggie Smalls.
  • "Go God Go" - Seen in Mr. Garrison's class with the rest of the students.
  • "Night of the Living Homeless" - Watches Cartman with a crowd of other children jump over a homeless guy with his skateboard.
  • "Le Petit Tourette"- Seen in the classroom.
  • "Imaginationland" - Seen searching with his male classmates for the Leprechaun Eric Cartman supposedly saw.
  • "Super Fun Time" - Seen as Boy with C Cap's partner during the field trip.
  • "Breast Cancer Show Ever" - Seen during the fight between Wendy and Cartman.
  • "The Ungroundable" - Listens to the Goth Kids' speech about the difference between Goths and Vampires.
  • "The Coon" - Seen in the school hallway.
  • "Eat, Pray, Queef" - Is with the other boys who want to see the new Terrence & Phillip episode, but ends up being disgusted by queefing along with the rest of the male population of South Park.
  • "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs"- Seen in the hallway.
  • "201" - Seen with his family when Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse is destroyed by Mecha-Streisand.
  • "Insheeption" - Seen in the hallway.
  • "Funnybot"- Seen in the audience at the Special Ed. Department's Comedy Awards.
  • "1%"- Seen at the assembly.
  • "Cash For Gold" - Seen in the background on the playground.
  • "Faith Hilling" - Seen in the memeing class with the other 4th Grade students.
  • "Jewpacabra" - Seen at the Easter egg hunt.
  • "Butterballs" - Seen in the background at the school assembly and in Stan's anti-bullying video.
  • "Cartman Finds Love" - Seen in the background in the school's hallways.
  • "Raising the Bar" - Seen in the hall waiting to use the boys bathroom.
  • "Let Go, Let Gov" - Seen in the background on the playground.
  • "World War Zimmerman" - Seen in class.
  • "Informative Murder Porn" - Informs Stan and Kyle that his parents got past the parental block on the murder porn channels.
  • "Black Friday" - Tweek is a member of the group that wants to get PS4s on Black Friday.
  • "A Song of Ass and Fire" - Tweek is a member of the group that wants to get PS4s on Black Friday.
  • "Titties and Dragons" - Tweek was a member of the group that wanted to get PS4s on Black Friday, but apathetically got the Xbox One after watching Bill Gates kill the Sony President in the Red Robin.
  • "Gluten Free Ebola" - Tweek is seen in the party.
  • "The Cissy" - Seen in the hall near the restrooms.
  • "Stunning and Brave" - Seen when PC Principal is announced as the new principal and fires tacos at PCA under the command of Cartman.
  • "Safe Space" - Seen talking to an unknown girl during the start of cartmans song "Safe Space"
  • "Tweek x Craig" - Episode focuses on Tweek and Craig Tucker. The female Asian students at South Park Elementary draw Yaoi artwork of him and Craig. At the end, the two become a couple.
  • "Sponsored Content" - Seen in the hallway.
  • "PC Principal Final Justice" - Seen walking past Kyle while holding Craig's hand.
  • "Member Berries"- Seen at the school assembly.
  • "Wieners Out" - Seen participating in Butters' Wieners Out movement.
  • "Douche and a Danish" - Seen in the battle between the boys and the girls.
  • "Oh, Jeez" - Seen calling Stan Marsh a traitor at the restaurant.
  • "The End of Serialization as We Know It" - Seen in the video call with Kyle and Craig, when Kyle asks Tweek and Craig about what's the worst thing you can say about gay people.
  • "Put It Down" - Stresses over North Korea.
  • "Hummels & Heroin" - Rallies with Marcus Preston after witnessing his presentation in the school cafeteria.
  • "Splatty Tomato" - Traumatised from seeing Mr. Garrison skulking about town, Craig tries in vain to calm him down from his panic attack.



Tweek serves as an unlockable character in the racing game South Park Rally. To unlock him, the player must enter championship mode with any character and collect five caffeine turbos.


Tweek plays a small role in the storyline of South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! and appears at the end of the "Great Wall of South Park" level to inform the player the villain is hiding at the Docks, panicking that he was explicitly told not to tell him. The boys show a lack of trust in him, and run off to fight without him. He is in the same "Medic"-type class as Kyle Broflovski, Timmy Burch and Bebe Stevens, moving quickly but dealing minimal damage. His special ability causes light himself on fire and as long as he's on fire, any enemy he touches is dealt heavy damage or dies.


Hot Coffee is part of a main quest where Cartman asks the player to recruit Tweek. He can be found in the Tweek Bros. Coffeehouse behind the door marked Employees Only. He sends Douchebag on a mission to get the "Special Delivery" from Kenny McCormick's house, since he won't be allowed to play with the boys until he finishes his chores. Once Douchebag obtains the delivery from the meth-making tweekers in Kenny's garage, he returns to Tweek's house, where Tweek friends him on Facebook and his father allows him to go play.

He also assists in aiding the raid on the Inn of the Giggling Donkey, coming in after Cartman tells the player to go and rescue Princess Kenny. While not playing an actual role here, he goes along with the others to aid Cartman while the player heads upstairs.

He is seen again at the school if the player decides to side with Cartman rather than Kyle. Here, he is assisting in the fight against the elves alongside the player. He sends the player a message asking if everyone was dead and is not seen again after this.

If you talk to him after the end of the game, he will say that he's glad yesterday is over, while worrying that today might be worse. He'll also say that he can't talk because he needs to practice.

主角 埃里克·卡特曼 • 斯坦·马什 • 凯尔·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 肯尼·麦考密克
常驻孩子 幼儿园生 艾克·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 弗尔科·史密斯 • 费尔默·安德森 • 珍妮 • 弗尔科·史密斯
1-3年级生 道基·奥康奈尔 • 卡伦·麦考密克 • 翠西亚·塔克
四年级生 吉米·瓦尔莫 • 巴特斯·斯多奇 • 托肯·布莱克 • 提米·伯奇 • 克雷格·塔克 • 斯科特·马尔金森 • 温蒂·泰斯伯格 • 特维克·特威克 • 克莱德·多诺万 • 新来的 • 贝蓓·斯蒂文斯 • 皮普·皮瑞普 • 凯文·斯多利 • 海蒂·特纳 • 瑞德·麦克阿瑟 • 内森 • 杰森·怀特 • 狗屎·帕图斯基 • 布莱德利·毕格 • 弗朗西斯 • 皮特·希尔曼 • 亨利埃塔·毕格 • 莎莉·特纳 • 米莉·拉森 • 安妮·尼兹 • 妮科尔·丹尼尔斯 • 以斯帖 • 萝拉 • 奈莉 • 福西·麦克唐纳 • 比尔·艾伦
5-9年级生 雪莉·马什 • 迈克尔 • 敏西 • 麦克·马考斯基 • 斯科特·泰诺曼
其他孩子 幼儿园生 埃尔文·卡特曼 • 克莉斯托·怀特 • 弗洛拉·拉森 • 戴夫·哈里森 • 夏洛特的妹妹 • 莎莉·邦兹 • 奎德 • 艾莉森·默茨 • 丹尼尔·史密斯 • 康纳·戴维斯 • 尼尔森·布朗 • 比利·哈里斯 • 穿青色兜帽衫的幼儿园生 • 棕发幼儿园女生
1-3年级生 基普·卓迪 • 丽贝卡·科茨沃尔兹 • 毯毯·杰克逊 • 夏洛特的弟弟 • 饥饿马文 • 布莱登·谷尔莫 • 凯西·米勒 • 小带屋跑 • 戈登·斯多特斯基 • 丽莎·史密斯 • 莎拉·彼得森 • 科里·兰斯金 • 维农·特朗斯基 • 卡尔文 • 比利·特纳 • 亚伦·哈根 • 威尔逊·奥布里 • 加里·纳尔逊 • 汉娜·威廉姆斯 • 皮特·西尔曼 • 莎莉 • 劳拉
四年级生 大维·罗德里格斯 • 莱斯利·迈尔斯 • 达米安·索恩 • 特伦特·博耶特 • 格里高利 • 克里斯托弗 • 特伦斯·莫费斯托 • 凯尔·施瓦兹 • 托马斯 • 路吉 • 加里·哈里森 • 丽莎·伯格 • 珍妮·西蒙斯 • 马克·科茨沃尔兹 • 艾拉 • 特蕾莎 • 莎娜 • 南希 • 莫妮卡·莱兰德 • 凯蒂·格尔森 • 莱恩·埃利斯 • 道格拉斯 • 路易斯 • 萨德·贾维斯 • 乔什·迈尔斯 • 丹尼尔·塔纳 • 埃米特·霍利斯 • 皮特·梅尔曼 • 丽兹 • 贝丝 • 杰茜 •  • 马库斯·普雷斯顿 • 帕蒂·尼尔森 • 巴希尔·哈基姆 • 凯莉 • 萨莉·达森 • 汤米·特纳 • 布拉德利 • 布里密
5-9年级生 六年级头领 • 凯文·麦考密克 • 塔米·沃纳 • 拉里·费根 • 杰西卡·平克顿 • 斯蒂芬·泰米尔 • 安妮·巴特利特 • 莫里 • 践踏者 • 珍妮·哈里森 •  • 克拉克 • 埃米尔 • 亚历珊德拉·卡特曼 • 小巴克