





































  • 在“霍比特人”中瑞德是唯一一位没有被温蒂辱骂的女生。
  • 硬梆梆的日子”是瑞德唯一一次被称作“贝莎”的一集。
  • 瑞德目前是唯一出现在广告的女生,她出现在了奇基奶酪酥的广告中。
  • 尽管曾被称作瑞德、贝莎、丽贝卡,她在“蠢婊子摄影套装”中被卡特曼骂道:“不管你叫什么!”。她在“歌舞童年”中被称为瑞德,而在“名单风波”中则是丽贝卡。
  • 她是凯文·斯多利的前女友。
  • 瑞德似乎是贾斯汀·汀布莱克的粉丝,在“玛乔莉”的睡衣派对上她带来了他的专辑。


  • "卡特曼的肛门探针" - 在校车上,她和贝蓓·斯蒂文斯坐在一起。
  • "要你肥4000" - 她在学校表演中扮演一位印第安人。
  • "饥饿马文" - 一大群变异火鸡袭击并摧毁了教室,瑞德对此感到害怕。
  • "圣诞便便汉基先生" - 她站在第一排第二列,合唱“圣诞快乐歌”。
  • "撒旦之子达米安"- 第一次拥有台词。达米安碰到她在玩的滑梯时,她大叫了起来。
  • "恋鸡狂"- 瑞德在操场上荡着秋千。
  • "卡特曼家的圣诞节" - 她出现在内布拉斯加州的一家商场。
  • "男孩之战"- 她参加了家政课。
  • "小鸡鸡宝贝" - 她参加了小鸡鸡宝贝训练营。
  • South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - She was in Mr. Mackey's program with the other kids. She also assisted in helping Terrance and Phillip.
  • "Hooked on Monkey Fonics"- She was seen dancing with Token Black.
  • "Chef Goes Nanners" - Seen on Wendy's debate team.
  • "Something You Can Do with Your Finger" - She, along with Bebe, Annie, and Millie act as groupies for Fingerbang's makeshift music video. She goes crazy over Matt Lauer.
  • "Scott Tenorman Must Die" - Seen in the crowd of citizens watching Cartman feed Scott Tenorman his parents.
  • "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" - She and the other girls gossip about Bebe, with her saying that she heard Bebe made out with eight different boys in one minute.
  • "The Jeffersons" - She asks who the Jeffersons are.
  • "Douche and Turd" - She is part of the cheerleading squad presenting in front of the school at the pep rally.
  • "Quest for Ratings"- She is seen getting high on cough medicine with Bebe in the girls bathroom.
  • "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset" - Arguably her biggest role so far; as Wendy becomes unpopular with the girls, Red takes Wendy's place.
  • "South Park is Gay!"- Briefly seen watching the metro pride parade.
  • "Raisins"- Seen on the playground.
  • "Erection Day" - When Jimmy asks her to have sex with him, she slaps him and calls him a jerk. This is the first and only time as of yet when she has been called "Bertha".
  • "Marjorine" - She is one of the girls at Heidi's sleepover, and is the object in the game "Light as a feather, stiff as a board". She also speaks the most out of all the girls, next to Heidi.
  • "Follow That Egg!" - She is officially referred to as "Red" for the first time.
  • "Cartman Sucks" - Seen in the classroom.
  • "Lice Capades" - She wanted to know who had the head lice.
  • "Imaginationland" - Seen at Cartman's party.
  • "The List" - She is now called "Rebecca", she is part of the voting committee and warns Wendy to quit looking for the secret behind the rigged voting.
  • "Eek, A Penis!" - Seen in hallways; background only.
  • "Super Fun Time" - Seen with the rest of the class in the final scene.
  • "Breast Cancer Show Ever" - She calls the Goth Kids "emo kids".
  • "Elementary School Musical" - She says that Bridon Gueermo will never go out with her because she's nobody, but Wendy reassures her that she is special, and breaks into song. Wendy refers to her as "Red", once again making her real name a mystery.
  • "The Ungroundable" - She uses the flak jacket perk, and then tells Stan that "It's not a cheat because she ranked up".
  • "Eat, Pray, Queef" - Comments on the boys' stupidity a number of times.
  • "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs" - Along with Lola, she defends Butters against the boys.
  • "Insheeption" - Asks Wendy if Stan really has a problem.
  • "Coon vs. Coon & Friends" - She is seen at the Justin Bieber concert.
  • "Funnybot" - Seen being held hostage along with rest of the school.
  • "Bass to Mouth" - Part of the group of kids trying to catch Wikileaks.
  • "1% - Present at Clyde Frog's funeral.
  • "Reverse Cowgirl" - Seen in the background of Mr. Garrison's class.
  • "Cash For Gold" - Seen in the background on the playground.
  • "Faith Hilling" - Seen in the memeing class with the other fourth grade students.
  • "Jewpacabra" - Seen at the Easter egg hunt.
  • "Butterballs" - Seen in the background at the school assembly and supported and participated in Stan's anti-bullying video. She is the primary female 4th-grade student.
  • "Cartman Finds Love" - Seen in the background in Mr. Garrison's classroom and in the hallways, when Cartman asks her and Bebe about Nichole.
  • "Sarcastaball" - Seen in Butters' dream, with Wendy, kissing Butters.
  • "Going Native" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
  • "A Scause For Applause" - Seen in the background in the school hallways.
  • "Let Go, Let Gov" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
  • "Informative Murder Porn" - Speaks at a meeting about murder porn at the community center after a murder in South Park.
  • "Taming Strange" - Seen in the cafeteria.
  • "The Hobbit" - Seen as a cheerleader.
  • "The Cissy" - Seen with Wendy and Bebe, in the girls bathroom, trying to stop Cartman from using their toilet.
  • "Member Berries" - Cartman attempts to prove girls can be funny by asking her to tell a joke in front the school assembly.
  • "Skank Hunt" - Conspires with her fellow female classmates to get back at the boys for Skankhunt42's wrongdoings; breaks up with Kevin Stoley.
  • "Wieners Out" - Seen at the volleyball game when the boys begin their Wieners Out movement during the national anthem.
  • "Douche and a Danish" - Seen in the battle between the girls and the boys.
  • "Oh, Jeez" - Seen at the school assembly.
  • "Put It Down" - Sings Put It Down with the other students.
  • "Holiday Special" - Seen in the hallway rampaging due to a cancellation of Columbus Day.
  • "Hummels & Heroin" - Rallies with Marcus Preston after witnessing his presentation in the school cafeteria.
  • "Doubling Down" - Takes Heidi out to eat with the other girls. Teases her for her relationship with Cartman, although playfully, she unintentionally hurts Heidi's feelings.
  • "SUPER HARD PCness" - Seen in the hallway evacuating to the gym.
  • "Dead Kids" - Seen in class.
  • "The Problem with a Poo" - Seen in the school band. Later seen watching Mr. Hankey leave South Park.
  • "Tegridy Farms" - Seen in the playground and in the lunchroom.
  • "The Scoots" - Seen trick or treating on an E-Scooter.
  • "Time To Get Cereal" - Seen in the school's playground after evacuation.
  • "Buddha Box" - Seen in the classroom.
  • "Bike Parade" - Seen at the bike parade.



Red plays no role in the storyline of South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play! and is one of the 'additional characters' unlocked at the game's completion. She is the same class as Eric Cartman, Wendy Testaburger, and Token Black, moving slowly but dealing heavy damage. Her unique special ability has her yell out "Sunshine!" and causes damage to all enemies within a small radius. She also has a fast charge rate.


Red plays a minor role in this game; the player helps her, Wendy, and Bebe find out who amongst them is a "two-faced bitch" in order to recruit the girls for the final battle. The player then goes on to the next mission to pose as Bebe's boyfriend, before posing as a girl to enter the abortion clinic. After successfully completing the quest and recruiting the girls, Red adds the player as a Facebook friend, dubs him an "honorary girl", and asks him if he wants to do some shopping.
