
阿屎彭 阿屎彭 畸形人罢工/冷知识 受虐小牛 受虐小牛

该页面内容是关于 “畸形人罢工” 的冷知识,还包括大众文化、联系、疏漏、肯尼之死、隐藏的天外来客等内容。请注意,如果你想就某一冷知识进行讨论,请移步文章下方的评论区。


  • This is the first time Cartman's mother lies to get him onto/into something.
  • The Thompsons, Kevin, and Nurse Gollum can be seen in the crowd during the strike.
  • This episode features a completely new opening sequence. It replaces the one used since "Fourth Grade". It features the boys being made out of construction paper while clips are shown. With Kenny being "dead," Timmy replaces him and sings his name repeatedly followed by "Livin' a lie!". The new theme is a more country-like version. Butters holds "The Butters Show”" sign over the "South Park" sign at the end.
  • The Star Trek Nerds are shown to have some of level makeup skills when they make Butters' Chin Balls.
  • There is an actual disease that causes rapid aging, it's called progeria, though it's very rare.
  • The threat made to Butters about Lobster Boy is a reference to Grady Stiles, a real life person whose family hired a hit-man for $1500 and had him murdered as revenge for the abuse he caused them.

References to Popular Culture

  • The Geeks who make Butters' fake balls are a parody of The Lone Gunmen from The X-Files. They also appeared in the episode "Fourth Grade".
  • The scene where a man tells Maury that "the ratings have just started to plummet" is a play on the original Star Trek series, where crew members often viewed computer displays in such a way. The man also bears an uncanny resemblance to Leonard Nimoy.
  • When Cartman appears on The Maury Povich Show and is arguing with the other out-of-control girl about who’s worse than the other, he states he “ran for Congress, won, and then had sex with an intern, killed her, and hid her body.” This is a reference to the Gary Condit scandal.
  • In the circle of picketers, you can spot out a miniature Incredible Hulk walking but not holding a sign.
  • When Cartman is trying to convince his mother to go on the Maury Povich Show with him, he says “I have such a pretty mother, such a wonderful mother...” These quotes and this tone were often used by Rhoda, the sadistic little girl in The Bad Seed to win favor from her mother.
  • In the crowd of strikers, you can see a character similar to Roy L. "Rocky" Dennis, the subject of the 1985 movie Mask staring Eric Stoltz.
  • The "True Freak Label" video sabotage that the freaks make Butters star in is a shot-by-shot parody of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union commercial from the 70s, which showed the workers singing a song known as "Look for the Union Label".
  • The "out-of-control teens" subject on Maury Povich is a direct parody of the very same subject and the way it’s treated on Povich’s show, and other morning/afternoon talk shows such as Jenny Jones.
  • Vanity's line "You ain't bad! You ain't nothing!" comes from the full-length music video of Michael Jackson's "Bad".
  • In the TFU video there is a deformed man in a football jersey who looks remarkably like Sloth from The Goonies.


  • When Cartman and his Mother are on the Maury Povich Show, he mimics what the teenage girl from "Clubhouses" says, "Yeah, it's my body. My mom always gives me shit for smoking, but it's my body. I should be able to do whatever I want with it."
  • In Butters' bedroom, two Chinpokomon toys can be seen.
  • On the door of the Star Trek dork's room is a poster of the alien that appeared at the beginning of the episode "Spookyfish".


  • Man With No Face said that he made his sixth appearance on TV. However, later he said that he appeared on Oprah twice, Jenny Jones once, and Sally Jessie five times.
  • Cartman phones the TV company and says he has the "chin balls" permanent disfigurement but makes an appearance on the Maury Povich show without them.
  • The large-breasted woman in the teal dress first appears to be a normal woman with very large breasts when she is first shown at the rally. However, in the "True Freak Label" video, her face becomes upside-down, most likely being the actual cause of her parcipitation in the rally.