第49行: 第49行:
* "[[汉基先生的圣诞特辑]]" - Seen during one of the Christmas.
* "[[汉基先生的圣诞特辑]]" - Seen during one of the Christmas.
* "[[乐团风云]]" - She, along with Bebe, Annie Knitts, and Red act as groupies for Fingerbang's makeshift music video. She apparently goes crazy over Matt Lauer. In the video she "falls for" Kenny.
* "[[乐团风云]]" - She, along with Bebe, Annie Knitts, and Red act as groupies for Fingerbang's makeshift music video. She apparently goes crazy over Matt Lauer. In the video she "falls for" Kenny.
* "Trapper Keeper" - Seen walking in the background.
* "[[未来战士]]" - Seen walking in the background.
* "Fat Camp"
* "[[减肥营]]"
* "Scott Tenorman Must Die" - Seen as part of the crowd at Cartman and Scott Tenorman's public video viewings.
* "[[阴毛的故事]]" - Seen as part of the crowd at Cartman and Scott Tenorman's public video viewings.
* "[[传奇的背后]]"
* "Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow"
* "Proper Condom Use" - She is seen shooting nails at the male fourth graders. She was later shown being carried into an ambulance.
* "[[性教育]]" - She is seen shooting nails at the male fourth graders. She was later shown being carried into an ambulance.
* "Here Comes the Neighborhood" - Millie is seen with her family at the Zoo, telling her mother to "look at the little black lion".
* "[[邻居来也]]" - Millie is seen with her family at the Zoo, telling her mother to "look at the little black lion".
* "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" - Millie is one of the girls gossiping about Bebe.
* "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" - Millie is one of the girls gossiping about Bebe.
* "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" - Seen at the end being seduced by Kenny/Rob Schneider.
* "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" - Seen at the end being seduced by Kenny/Rob Schneider.

2019年10月20日 (日) 00:25的版本























  • 在"哈雷飞车党"中,可以看到米莉穿着的夹克是紫色的而不是平时的浅绿色。
  • 肯尼可能对米莉有好感。在"乐团风云"中,肯尼选择米莉在MV中扮成他的迷妹并“爱上他”。在“宇宙级混蛋”中,被肯尼附身的罗伯·施奈德试图亲吻米莉,但随即被巴布雷迪警官以恋童癖为由逮捕。
  • 在"南方公园:真理之杖"中,在与女孩们的第一次见面期间可知米莉的姓是“拉森”。这是第一次也是唯一一次提到米莉的姓。
  • 在"猎婊行动"中,我们可以知道她有一个男朋友,因为在这一集的结尾,她手里拿着一张分手信。


  • "热带雨林惊魂" - She was in the Getting Gay with Kids choir.
  • "男孩之战" - She was seen in Home Ec.
  • 南方公园加长未删减版 - She is seen seeing the Terrance and Philip movie.
  • "小鸡鸡宝贝" - Seen buying Chinpokomon.
  • "家庭与社会" - Seen at the dance.
  • "汉基先生的圣诞特辑" - Seen during one of the Christmas.
  • "乐团风云" - She, along with Bebe, Annie Knitts, and Red act as groupies for Fingerbang's makeshift music video. She apparently goes crazy over Matt Lauer. In the video she "falls for" Kenny.
  • "未来战士" - Seen walking in the background.
  • "减肥营"
  • "阴毛的故事" - Seen as part of the crowd at Cartman and Scott Tenorman's public video viewings.
  • "传奇的背后"
  • "性教育" - She is seen shooting nails at the male fourth graders. She was later shown being carried into an ambulance.
  • "邻居来也" - Millie is seen with her family at the Zoo, telling her mother to "look at the little black lion".
  • "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" - Millie is one of the girls gossiping about Bebe.
  • "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" - Seen at the end being seduced by Kenny/Rob Schneider.
  • "Grey Dawn" - Seen at the farmers market.
  • "Casa Bonita" - Seen in the cafeteria.
  • "Raisins" - Seen on the playground.
  • "AWESOM-O" - Ask Butters on what AWESOM-O does.
  • "The Jeffersons"
  • "Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset" - Millie dressed like a whore along with the other girls, this is also one of the first times we hear her strong Southern accent.
  • "Wing"
  • "Marjorine" - Seen in the crowd when Butters fakes his death, in the classroom, and at Heidi's sleepover.
  • "Smug Alert!"- Seen at Cartman's party.
  • "ManBearPig" - Seen in the auditorium.
  • "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy" - Seen in the hallway.
  • "Le Petit Tourette"- Seen at Whistlin' Willy's.
  • "Imaginationland" - Seen at Cartman's party.
  • "The List" - Seen in the list-making meeting discussing who has the cutest purse.
  • "Eek, A Penis!" - Seen in hallways; background only.
  • "Super Fun Time" - Seen as Heidi Turner's partner during the field trip.
  • "Breast Cancer Show Ever"
  • "Elementary School Musical" - Millie says that Bridon Gueermo is "a dream".
  • "The Ungroundable"- Seen in the background on the playground.
  • "The Ring" - Seen at the Jonas Brothers concert.
  • "Fatbeard" - Seen in the cafeteria.
  • "Medicinal Fried Chicken" - Staring at Randy Marsh's big testicles.
  • "Insheeption"
  • "Funnybot" - Seen in crowd scenes; background only.
  • "T.M.I." - First one to notice and comment on the list about the boys' penis sizes.
  • "1%"- Seen at the assembly and in the gymnasium.
  • "The Poor Kid" Seen when Kenny McCormick returns to South Park Elementary.
  • "Faith Hilling" - Seen in the memeing class with the other 4th Grade students.
  • "Jewpacabra" - Seen at the Easter egg hunt.
  • "Butterballs" - Seen in the background in the cafeteria.
  • "Cartman Finds Love" - Seen in the background in the school cafeteria.
  • "Insecurity" - Seen in the background in the school hallways.
  • "Going Native" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
  • "A Scause For Applause" - Seen in the background in the school hallways.
  • "Let Go, Let Gov" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
  • "Informative Murder Porn" - Seen in the community center when the kids were discussing how their parents were still watching murder porn.
  • "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers"- Seen in the school gymnasium.
  • "Taming Strange"
  • "The Cissy" - Appears in Bebe's room with Bebe and Nelly while listening to Lorde's new song.
  • "Grounded Vindaloop" - Appears briefly in the lunchroom.
  • "Member Berries"- Seen at the school assembly.
  • "Skank Hunt" - Conspires with the other girls to get back at the boys for Skankhunt42's wrongdoings.
  • "Doubling Down" - Takes Heidi out to eat with the other girls. Teases her for her relationship with Cartman, although playfully, she unintentionally hurts Heidi's feelings.
  • "The Problem with a Poo" - Seen in the school assembly.
  • "Tegridy Farms" - Seen in the playground.
  • "The Scoots" - Seen at Halloween Outlet.

