第72行: 第72行:
=== 目标出现! ===
=== 目标出现! ===
搜刮完了就可以继续前进了,但这一次, stairs are guarded by turrets that does not have switches. To avoid troubles, use Timefart Pause to drag the propane tank to the crack on the left, then light it up with Snap N Pops and throw a fart on it to blow it up; an entrance will be revealed .
搜刮完了就可以继续前进了,和上次很相似,这里的阶梯上面有见之即死的机关枪,但这一次,机关枪没有开关stairs are guarded by turrets that does not have switches. To avoid troubles, use Timefart Pause to drag the propane tank to the crack on the left, then light it up with Snap N Pops and throw a fart on it to blow it up; an entrance will be revealed .
Upon entering, first head right to an opening where a rat is seen standing next to. You will end up in the left cell of the earlier area; loot the bag inside the cell to obtain the '''Prison Tat''' costume item. Leave the cell, then scan the fan in the void. Use Fartkour to make your way to the top, then use Haywire to damage the circuits, disabling the turrets at once. Now you can go to the third floor!
Upon entering, first head right to an opening where a rat is seen standing next to. You will end up in the left cell of the earlier area; loot the bag inside the cell to obtain the '''Prison Tat''' costume item. Leave the cell, then scan the fan in the void. Use Fartkour to make your way to the top, then use Haywire to damage the circuits, disabling the turrets at once. Now you can go to the third floor!

2018年9月4日 (二) 01:25的版本


















拉响警报的效果就是启动两台瞄准楼梯的机关枪,遇之即死。第一台机关枪可以用时空暂停跑上楼去关上开关,至于第二个,由于开关已经坏掉,就需要复杂一点的操作。首先打开第一台机枪旁边的通风道,用它爬上管道上方,在那里用电线乱套断开第二台机枪的电源。现在两个威胁全部解除,就可以通往二楼了,在继续前进之前,可以打开通风管道下方的红色盒子,可以获得 Monk Dots costume item。


二楼是监狱和审讯室的所在地,在进入之前可以看见旁边有一些盒子,其中包括Tantalum Accelerator的图纸。







胜利时会得到Hyper Glass作为奖励。


危险解除,就可以解救这些“罪犯”了,但直接按按钮并不会有效果,要先从地上的警察身上拿走Holding Cells Access Card,再按下按钮。无辜的黑人们在铁门打开的时候就从里面涌了出来,其中包括布莱克夫妇,他们对自己的孩子玩得太大这一点很不满意。保鲜盒侠还想为自己的行动申辩,他告诉父母,自己是免疫疼痛的,但是琳达·布莱克不以为意,回问“那他有没有免疫打屁股啊?”



右边的通风道通向证据室,里面有不少好东西,包括一件神器:Song of the Drunk Knight。至于左边,则还有醉酒室,右边的房间可以用时空暂停进入,在进入的时候要看准时间,发动暂停,这样就能进入拿取物品了,里面有一个包装着Infectious Encryptor


搜刮完了就可以继续前进了,和上次很相似,这里的阶梯上面有见之即死的机关枪,但这一次,机关枪没有开关stairs are guarded by turrets that does not have switches. To avoid troubles, use Timefart Pause to drag the propane tank to the crack on the left, then light it up with Snap N Pops and throw a fart on it to blow it up; an entrance will be revealed .

Upon entering, first head right to an opening where a rat is seen standing next to. You will end up in the left cell of the earlier area; loot the bag inside the cell to obtain the Prison Tat costume item. Leave the cell, then scan the fan in the void. Use Fartkour to make your way to the top, then use Haywire to damage the circuits, disabling the turrets at once. Now you can go to the third floor!

Open the door, and you will see a police guard looking at people in their bathrooms. He kills on sight, so you need to take him out first. Use Sandblaster on the left pipeline to move the monitor over his head, then throw a Snap N Pops to make it fall down, knocking out the police guard. Now you can safely use the Haywire ability to breach the lock, and enter the third floor.

Sargent Yates is there to greet you, again. He claims that the cops are simply told to do, and politicians are the real bigots, then he reveals that they raised crime in the streets only to get the mayor down, so that cops can finally do things "the old way again", but none of this seem convincing as he immediately try to get high by sniffing a cat's urine. The cat is revealed to be Scrambles, and both Coon Friends and Freedom Pals arrive to see your success in finding the missing cat.

Although his cover is blown, Sargent Yates still remains calm; he then opens a cell while explaining that there is one white person being held in the prison. With a set of commercial music, Jared Fogle appears while having sandwiches in his hands. With Jared as cover, Sargent Yates proceeds to flee to the elevator.

Battle: Jared, and his Aides

For this battle, you will only need to take down Jared. He is a powerful attacker, he has a close up attack and a telegraphed ability to inflict Charmed and Slow. His close up attack can basically terminate one of your teammates, so the best way to do this is not to get hit by his attacks. He targets children only, that means stuff like turrets, bombs......all kinds of summoned ones are safe beside him, so Professor Chaos' minions and Tupperware's turrets can be used to block him, Gadgeteer class abilities are also good for this.

However, after some hits, his aides will arrive to help him, one of them have abilities to heal, and the other inflicts slow and reverse knockback, but they can only attack the same line, and has only one movement, if they are slowed, they can not do anything.

Once Jared is defeated, you will be rewarded with the Tumbler of Erupting Youth artifact.

After the battle, the team members are outraged, demanding information about the cop's secret, at first, Jared fails to offer any help, but he quickly complies after The New Kid delivers a threat to fart in his face, he reveals that, prisoners go down from the elevator, but don't come back. Then the team demands the code to the lift, he tries to keep it a secret, but his attempt fails miserably as The New Kid makes the threat to fart on his face once more. He then reveals that the code for the elevator is 1-4-7-7 (Protect Serve Bang Bang), and confesses that his obsession with children originates from his lack of childhood.

You then get to choose to subdue him with a fart or not, it doesn't really affect the later plot, but you will get some praise for being forgiving if you spare him.






新来的在这段时间之内多次露出了害怕的表情,并在打开灯后,在警察可怖的死状面前明显吓坏了。房间的安全部分看不见铁门的钥匙,所以就要想办法进入危险区域。首先,用电线乱套打开门锁,解开封锁门的封闭状态,接下来,用时空暂停进入门内,拿取排气管门的钥匙。用这把钥匙打开玻璃柜,就可以看见里面的管口。这个管口便可以用喷砂器吹入,将猫喷出风扇,从而保证排气系统正常工作。做完这些,里面的危险毒气就会被吸出房间,这样就可以进入玻璃房了。Use Haywire to breach the door, and use Timefart Pause to get the key inside. Next, use the key to open the glass cabinet, and use Sandblaster to blow the cat off the fan and get the ventilation system working again, so that the hazards can be neutralized. Once the contamination in the room has been sucked out by the ventilation system, enter the glass room and use Diabetic Rage to open the green trap door. You will see a key with a lot of cash inside, but you can only pick up the key, known as the Skeleton Key. You can now access the lowest floor below ground.

At the bottom floor, you will see Sargent Yates performing a ritual to "Shub-Niggurath", and after his words, he will make a cop let go a black person he's restraining, making him fall into a big pit, in which some tentacles can be seen. Realizing the kids are here, Sargent Yates once again try to explain that what they are doing isn't racist, but that the all mother requires black flesh to appease, he then sarcastically claims that H.P Lovecraft, the teller of the creature, is a racist. However another cop walks up and reveal to him that Lovecraft is a racist indeed, creating an awkward situation. CLASSi at the back sees the kids and demand their rescue. So defeating Shub would be a target to achieve the salvation!

Battle: Shub-Niggurath

Attacks on the outside doesn't work on this outer god, luckily, CLASSi pushes a white police into the pit, revealing that Shub can't stand white meat, so the objective is clear, feed her with white meat!

Having allies with rush abilities or is a good idea to get out of the range, and knockback powers get the cops into the feeding range. Captain Diabetes, Mysterion, Tupperware and Super Craig are ideal candidates for this battle. As for The New Kid, Plantmancer's Root Burst ability is a good power to ensure every cop go near the pit. Equip The New Kid with any ability with knockback or reverse knockback possible to simplify positioning the enemies to the telegraphed danger areas.

After Shub takes the first bite of white meat, Sargent Yates will join the battle, but you don't have to be too intimidated by him, just move him into the red squares and he is dead for sure.

If you want the feeding to go even more rapidly, you can try feed some of your teammates to her, don't worry, they get spit out after they got swallowed (with the exception of Tupperware, she instead gets healed if Tupperware is devoured by her).

You will be rewarded with the Necronomicon artifact, the Ungodly Strength DNA slot and the Mummy Costume set upon defeating Shub-Niggurath.

After the battle, a cut scene will play, whereby CLASSi will thank everyone for their efforts, while Coon and Friends will happily take Scrambles with them and proceed to leave the place.


Having get out of the police station, the Coon and Friends are happy that they will get the $100 reward, however, Freedom Pals appear shocked and confused. Doctor Timothy then appears, and explain to Freedom Pals that this is all a ruse by The New Kid and Coon and Friends; as a result, the Freedom Pals got enraged and demands for the cat, but The Coon refuses, so it seems to be another Civi l War......

Only that it will no longer be a war be tween sides.

In no time, Doctor Timothy unleash his powers of brainwashing, and take over the command of the four Coon Friends beside The New Kid.

Yeah...everyone is trying to take down The New Kid, is that it? So bring it on then!

Battle: A Target for All !

Luckily, you are not a one-man army for this fight, Call Girl (although she never appear in the cut scenes) and Professor Chaos will join by your side, providing backup.

You will be facing The Coon, Human Kite, Fastpass, and Mosquito first. Note that Fastpass will be given a big attack boost for this battle, dealing more damage than usual, him being close to Professor Chaos means that Professor Chaos is in serious trouble, it would be a good idea to draw Fastpass's attention to Call Girl via her Blocked ability or focus your fire on him. Also, make use of Timefart Summon and Professor Chaos' Minion summon ability (if already obtained) to provide even more backup for yourself.

Once a mind-controlled Coon Friend is defeated, they will come to their senses and return to your team. You will then be given the upper hand, so the tables can be turned once you take down more of the manipulated Coon Friends. Mosquito is a good ally for you as he can regenerate his health through his abilities. Also, make use of Fastpass's Transporter ability and Human Kite's Jetstream ability to recover health to yo ur team members.

Once you take down one of them, the others can easily be taken down as well, eventually, get all the Coon Friends back on your team.

As a result, Super Craig and Captain Diabetes will then be controlled and enter the battle, defeat them to make them a part of your team. Eventually, defeat Doctor Timothy to end the battle.

Upon victory, you will be rewarded with the Energizing Codex artifact and Doctor Timothy's Character Sheet.


After the defeat of the Doctor, a cut scene will ensue, where the Coon Friends will completely wake up from their mind controls, confused over what has happened, while the Freedom Pals quickly run to Doctor Timothy and aid him up back to his wheelchair, while Mysterion proclaims that The New Kid is an animal. Human Kite then points out the Freedom Pals are the ones who started it all in the first place, to which Mysterion then states that Doctor Timothy was trying to help all superheroes in their franchise plans all this while, leaving Human Kite, alongside Toolshed looking confused.

Back at the Freedom Pals Base, Doctor Timothy is being comforted by Mysterion and Tupperware, as Fastpass and Super Craig comments on the Freedom Pals Base. Human Kite then asks what were the Freedom Pals up to, as Tupperware then displays the plan that Doctor Timothy has been working on: a superhero franchise plan involving everyone, with equal rights to each other. Human Kite then realizes that Coon and Friends were wrong trying to stick it up to Freedom Pals, when all along they were trying to include them in the superhero franchise in a fair manner. Mysterion then points out to The New Kid, blaming The New Kid for trying to ruin everything.

Human Kite then picked up Scrambles, stating that there's a $100 reward for it, with Tupperware then claiming that Coon and Friends wanted the reward money for themselves. Human Kite then proceeds to say that Coon and Friends does not want the reward money for themselves anymore, and lets go Scrambles off his hands. Toolshed then states that from the events of the night, they are best when they're all working together. In the end, all Coon and Friends members agree that it is a great idea to merge with Freedom Pals to have one mega superhero franchise, except The Coon which expresses slight doubts over the superhero franchise name Freedom Pals. After a while though, The Coon is convinced that Freedom Pals is a better sounding name than Coon and Friends, as all superheroes then proceed to place their hands together while exclaiming the motto of Freedom Pals; this will mark the end of the civil wars between the two factions.

The next morning, The New Kid will be seen back at home, leading to the events of the next mission; the mission will then be fully complete.


  • 在证据室里把自己作死的人的形象是超级英雄系列“神秘侠崛起”中出现的克苏鲁邪教的领导者。他在这一集里用刀杀害了神秘侠。
  • 电话女侠没有在这一任务中的任何过场动画里出现。
  • 最终战斗胜利之后,可以获得提莫希博士的角色卡,但奇怪的是,这个获得的角色卡完全没有出现在游戏中。


  • 在离开警察局时,糖尿病队长和浣熊侠联盟的其他人一起,他还在手里拿着乱乱,但后来提莫希博士出现时,他又消失了,接着在正面全景他再次出现,然后又在提莫希博士开始控制众人时不见了。接着在战斗开始时,糖尿病队长从警察局里和超级克雷格、混沌教授和电话女侠出来了。
概览 玩法 • 角色 • 图册 • 任务 • 可收集品 • 拓展包 • 成就
角色 主角 新来的
浣熊侠联盟 浣熊侠 • 风筝侠 • 速行侠 • 超级克雷格 • 蚊子侠 • 糖尿病队长
自由伙伴 提莫希博士 • 神秘侠 • 工具侠 • 神奇特维克 • 保鲜盒侠
中立队友 电话女侠 • 亨利埃塔·毕格 • 薄荷浆果酥侠 • 圣诞老人
反派 混沌教授 • 无序将军 • 米奇·康纳 • 莎布·尼古拉丝 • 大师吸血鬼 • 科里·海姆 • 敏西 • 内森 • 扎咖诺
可召唤角色 杰拉德·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 金博·克恩内德·格布兰斯基 • 克拉希 • 摩西
职业 蛮兽 • 极速者 • 爆能士 • 生化人 • 元素使 • 灵能师 • 机巧匠 • 刺客 • 植物领主 • 武术家 • 幽冥族 • 最终女孩
机制 神器神器列表 • 状态影响 • 浣熊墙浣熊墙好友 • 服装服装列表
主线任务 第一天 酷帕国之战 | 起源故事 | 浣熊墙启动 | 平行宇宙相撞 • 超级克雷格的羁绊 | 浣熊伙伴的诞生 | 四年仔崛起 | 必须快一点 • 蜜糖罐中蚊子侠 • 一触信仰 • 知心畅谈 • 行动:正当合法 • 玉米卷低语者 | 起源故事2:新的开始 | 内战 | 返乡义务 | 凶兽之腹
第二天 “克拉希”机密 | 平行宇宙再相撞 • 药炸危机 | 微侵略学院 • 知心畅谈2:性别确定 • 行动:盲目的正义 | 起源故事3:天外来客 | 内战2:玩乐结束 | 种族学院:第一课 | 工具需求 | 卧床在底 | 混沌百手
第三天 混沌诡计 • 约谈邀请函 | 学雷锋议程 | 起源故事4:终极序章 | 黑夜从命 | 纤细白线
第四天 自由召唤 | 抓住一只浣熊侠 | 莫费斯托博士的屁股们 | 屁转未来 | 英雄巡逻中
某一天 英雄巡逻中 | 向家前进
支线任务 葡萄干大暴走 • 神气的困境 | 烂底之谜 | 为尼波霸力而战 |义警行销 • 大型肉搏战 | 在混沌上下注 | 幽灵调解人 • 疗心战役 | 薄荷河马的失物招领 | (你可以)打给我 | 一触及天
寻宝游戏 寻宝游戏:大基佬阿尔的大基猫 | 寻宝游戏:大头贴活计 | 寻宝游戏:耽美工程耽美画作列表
拓展挑战 危险甲板 | 拓展挑战:从黄昏到丽家 | 拓展挑战:爽脆降临 • 拓展挑战:荣誉徽章