

最初,肯尼公主是XBOX ONE的支持者,并在那时被称为麦考密克夫人。但是因为巫师王卡特曼不愿意让他当公主,他背叛了XBOX ONE并倒戈为PS 4的支持者阵营领袖。


在“黑色星期五”中,巫师王卡特曼叫上了麦考密克夫人来参加关于如何得到打折的XBOX ONE的会议。在背叛花园中,卡特曼告诉麦考密克夫人他很担心凯尔爵士可能会背叛他们,因此在有需要的时候,他希望麦考密克夫人可以发挥他的影响力“照顾”凯尔。然而,后来是肯尼背叛了卡特曼和XBOX ONE支持者,加入了PS4 支持者并成为了他们的领袖,获得了“肯尼公主”的头衔。

在“屁与火之歌”中,肯尼公主在开头自述,XBOX ONE和PS4的支持者阵营之间的战争即将开始,他的支持者会一直战斗下去,直到他成为两个阵营的公主为止。最终,卡特曼召集了他的XBOX军队,来到了肯尼公主的后院,要求他投降并侮辱了肯尼想要成为公主的想法。肯尼公主拒绝投降,并称卡特曼是“舔球的女同性恋(ball-licking lesbian)”。之后索尼总裁来到了肯尼公主面前,给他献上公主的饰物,让后者拥有魔法并成为了有打赢“主机战争”能力的日本公主。

在“奶子与恶龙”中,肯尼公主在索尼总部接受命令,解除了微软对装载PS4运到南方公园商场的船只的封锁。之后,肯尼被卡特曼邀请去参加在红罗宾餐厅举办的“婚礼”。卡特曼声称,肯尼会成为了双方共同的公主。在向索尼公司的员工告别后,他跳出了窗外,摔在地上,流了一滩血。索尼的员工非常沮丧时,肯尼公主又站了起来,又是没有血迹的可爱样子。“婚礼”现场起初看起来很平静,但是凯尔爵士随后闯入,他背叛了卡特曼和XBOX支持者,并决定要为朋友带回PS4。之后,比尔·盖茨索尼总裁也出现在了红罗宾餐馆,并展开了一场战斗。最终比尔盖茨杀死了索尼·总裁,肯尼公主和其他人一道穿过南方公园商场的血海,在EV游戏拿到了XBOX ONE。








Princess Kenny becomes an ally after starting Detention Sentence. Princess Kenny has some decent abilities and an unusual Buddy Ability, which allows her/him to use her/his Double D Buddy Power to Charm just about anyone into giving her/him access to any area. In battle, (s)he has moderate power with her triple striking basic attack and powerful abilities, but cannot do any melee attacks, rendering her/him useless against Reflecting enemies if his/her PP is too low. Her/His abilities are powerful and debilitating, capable of Gross Out, Bleed, and hitting multiple enemies; but has the downside of Kenny dying for a whole 2 turns if (s)he fails two of them (Furry Friends and Unicorn Stampede) or runs out of HP. 2 turns after (s)he dies, (s)he revives her/himself with full HP and PP. In the end, her/his usefulness is dependent upon how good players are with the timing of her/his attacks. While Kenny is "dead" for those 2 turns, you cannot revive them with a Revive Potion, or switch out your Buddy. If you lose all of your HP while Kenny is in the middle of the reviving period, it is still a Game Over.

技能名 描述 效果 类型 图标 演示图
Charm Distract enemies with Princess Kenny's royal presence. Lowers an opponent's Attack. Amusingly works on anything, no matter how strange. Buddy Ability
File:Kenny charm.jpg
Royal Kiss Princess Kenny plants a kiss on enemies to catch them completely off-guard! Grosses-Out the target. Causes damage and inflicts Gross Out on an opponent. Will cause Gross Out on Princess Kenny if done imperfectly. Any STD's shown during the attack will have no actual effect on an opponent. Ability
File:Kenny royal kiss.jpg
Furry Friends Princess Kenny charms creatures of nature with her beauty and sends them against your foes! Inflicts damage and a stack of Bleeding, even if you fail to shake the rats off. Failure results in Princess Kenny dying for two turns. Ability
File:Kenny furry friends.jpg
Unicorn Stampede Princess Kenny summons a magical unicorn to trample a row of enemies! Princess Kenny calls upon her/his unicorn to inflict very high damage on a single row of enemies, even if failed. If not done perfectly, the unicorn will impale Princess Kenny with its horn and kill her/him for two turns. Ability
File:Kenny unicorn stampede.jpg


Kenny appears in the game South Park: The Stick of Truth in his princess alter-ego as a companion to the player, and later reveals herself as the final antagonist of the game, betraying her friends and becoming the final boss of the game.

Kenny first appears as a member of the human army, being Cartman's right-hand man and the princess of the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Despite her high rank, she is still mocked by Cartman due to Kenny's choice of being "a chick" and uses her as a target to test Douchebag's new fart ability. Kenny later becomes a companion to the player and can accompany her through battles, having abilities like calling her rat friends for help (who can also kill her in the misuse of the power), exposing her "Double D's" to charm enemies and take their guard down, etc. She participates in many battles, including Craig's rescue mission at the school, the assault to the Inn of the Giggling Donkey and the battle against the elves at the school. Like many other characters, she is a member of the army that assaults Clyde's fortress.

However, after the government shows up and the chief agent takes the Stick and offers it to the kids to share power with him, Princess Kenny allies herself with the agent and takes the Stick for herself, betraying her friends, who refused the Stick for friendship. Morgan Freeman explains that inside the game's fiction, Kenny is the daughter of an orc and an elf, the original holders of the Stick of Truth, and that her entire orc community was slain by human and elves, and then she had sworn revenge on them, by getting the Stick of Truth and avenging her fallen people. 

The player and his companions battle Kenny and after being defeated for the first time, Princess Kenny drinks a sample of the Nazi virus, and becomes a Nazi Zombie, greatly increasing her strength and resistance. As all the companions are taken out of battle (or he avoids this and kills her enough), Douchebag is left with little chances of defeating Kenny, so Cartman decides to break the Gentlemen's Code by having Douchebag fart on Kenny's balls. As Cartman holds Kenny, Douchebag releases a fart on Kenny's groin, defeating her and causing a flash that expands through the town and cures the Nazi Virus. If he doesn't fart on Kenny's balls, she'll break Cartman's hold and kill him, and Douchebag will have to start the boss battle all over again.

Despite being defeated, Kenny can still be used as a companion after the credits end. It is implied she made up with the others and as said by Butters she was just "PMSing".

Facebook Messages

Kenny message


The following quotes are in Japanese and are from Princess Kenny's anime incarnation. She retains Kenny's usual muffled speech in her regular incarnation.

  • "プリンセスケニーレポート!" ("Princess Kenny repooto!": "Princess Kenny is reporting!")
  • "はい、プリンセスケニーアシスト!" ("Hai, Princess Kenny ashisuto!": "Yessir, Princess Kenny will help!")
  • "みんなさん、ケニー来ます!" ("Minna-san, Kenny kimasu!": "Everyone, Kenny has arrived!"
  • "みんなさん、いいよ。プリンセスケニーがんばる。" ("Minna-san, ii yo. Princess Kenny ganbaru.": "Everyone, it's all right. Princess Kenny will try her best.")



  • 肯尼的服装似乎是对塞尔达传说的致敬,因为这套服装几乎和塞尔达传说:黄昏公主里的塞尔达服饰完全相同。
  • Despite an earlier screenshot showing Kenny in his Princess costume without his parka, he still appears in the game wearing it with the costume. This may be like this because he rarely appears without his parka, and he wore his parka with his costume in The Black Friday trilogy.
  • Kenny is one of the only two buddies whose boss fight is not determined by choice, the other being Jimmy Valmer.
  • 肯尼的外观可以作为一套服装在扎隆遗物中获得。

概览 玩法 • 角色 • 图册 • 任务 • 可收集品 • 拓展包 • 成就
角色 主角 新来的
酷帕王国 巫师王卡特曼 • 圣骑士巴特斯 • 肯尼公主(背叛) • 战士克莱德(背叛) • 长石盗贼(背叛) • 蛮人特维克 • 医师托肯 • 斯科特·马尔金森爵士
精灵王国 精灵王凯尔 • 游侠斯坦 • 吟游诗人吉米 • 克里斯·唐纳利 • 狗屎·帕图斯基 • 杰森·怀特
好友 详见好友列表
反派 肯尼公主 • 暗黑领主 • 首席暗黑杀手 • 政府大坏蛋 • 纳粹僵尸大厨 • 纳粹僵尸
可召唤角色 耶稣 • 唐陆金 • 奴隶先生 • 汉基先生
职业 战士 • 法师 • 窃贼 • 犹太
机制 状态影响 • 技能点 • 魔法 • 特殊指令
可收集品 武器 • 装备 • 补丁 • 垃圾 • 可消耗品 • 小鸡鸡宝贝
使命 第一天 初到镇上 • 战旗会师 • 热咖啡 • 破门而入 • 留堂判决 • 吟游魔曲 • 时候不早 • 外星人绑架
第二天 寻新盟 • 招募哥特帮 • 离经叛道 • 家长教师协会的烦恼 • 进攻学校 • 回家去 • 击败内裤侏儒
第三天 缔结联盟 • 招募女生 • 扮成贝蓓的男朋友 • 为人父母没准备 • 向北前进 • 哦,加拿大! • 胖揍克莱德 • 背盟败约
委托 给公主的花 • 提米特快 • 捉迷藏 • 人熊猪的奥秘 • 拉黑阿尔·戈尔 • 击败人熊猪 • 找到耶稣 • 奴隶先生的包裹 • 流浪汉的麻烦 • 瓦肯星周围 • 蒙古牛肉 • 和金博一起去狩猎 • 地下室里有老鼠 • 送孩子回家 • 魔力乐曲 • 母食人魔 • 恢复平衡 • 无用的藏品 • 纳粹僵尸,人头拿来! • 第一阶段