第1行: 第1行:
{{剧集内容分类|标题 = 象猪交配|剧集代码 = s01e05-An-Elephant-Makes-Love-to-a-Pig}}{{剧集顶部导航|标题1 = 诺亚基舟|标题2 = 寻死}}{{南方公园剧集
|图片 = SP105.JPG
|图片 = SP105.JPG
|英文原名 = An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
|英文原名 = An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig

2018年7月3日 (二) 03:31的版本

诺亚基舟 诺亚基舟 象猪交配 寻死 寻死


SpoilerAlert 剧透警告!!!





The boys are waiting at the bus stop when Cartman notices Stan has a black eye. As it turns out, his sister, Shelly, has been beating him up and he doesn't know what to do. Kyle has problems of his own, as his mom won’t let him keep his new pet elephant (that he got in mail order from Africa) in the house. At school, Mr. Hat teaches the class about genetic engineering, which prompts Kyle to decide to splice his elephant with Cartman’s pot-bellied pig, Fluffy, to make little "pot-bellied elephants". Upon hearing this, Terrance bets Kyle that he can clone a whole person before Kyle can get a pot-bellied elephant. Thus, the cloning war begins.

Mr. Garrison suggests the boys use their genetic modifications for the upcoming science fair and that Kyle and crew should check out the genetic engineering ranch outside of town. Mr. Garrison then asks Stan to stay after class to talk about his black eye. When Stan explains that bruise is from his sister Mr. Garrison calls him a pansy and sends him home.

Once at home, Shelly again beats up Stan and throws him out the window, where the guys are waiting for him. They head off for the South Park Genetic Engineering Ranch.

While at the ranch, Dr. Mephesto shows them his genetically engineered collection, including several monkeys with multiple asses. Mephesto then explains that, just like the Loverboy song says, "pig and elephant DNA just won’t splice." He then steals a blood sample from Stan and the boys flee.

Back at school the boys learn Terrance has cloned a human foot. The boys go to Chef with their genetic engineering problem, and after he too cites the Loverboy song, he gives them the idea to try to have the animals "make sweet love" to breed. Stan goes home and gets beaten up by Shelly again.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Mephesto and his assistant have created a human clone of Stan for Terrance (Mephesto’s son)'s science project. The boys attempt to get the pig and the elephant drunk to get them to make sweet love, but it doesn’t seem to be working until Chef stops by and sings to the animals with a little help from Elton John.

The cloned Stan breaks free from Mephesto's ranch and proceeds to terrorize the town. The boys eventually find the clone and take it to Stan’s house and persuade it to attack Shelly, which it does after destroying the house and indirectly killing Kenny. Mephesto shows up and kills the clone, but Stan is afraid he’ll be in trouble for everything the clone did, but Shelly, in a brief moment of kindness, takes the heat (after which she beats up Stan again).

When the science projects are due Terrance presents a five assed monkey, but Kyle has nothing until the pig gives birth to a pot-bellied pig that looks like Mr. Garrison. Garrison quickly awards it first prize over Terrance's five-assed monkey.


  • 本集首次提及了卡特曼母亲的滥交问题。还为卡特曼的种种行为做出了一些解释,有可能是源于他母亲对他的性虐待(比如被强迫打扮成邮递员)。虽然卡特曼在发他母亲牢骚的时候说她“在我老爸的床上和一些我都不认识的人做爱”,但卡特曼并没有父亲,这只是卡特曼只是随便发的一些不切实际的牢骚,也有可能是因为制作者当时还没有决定卡特曼太太是否单身。
  • 有半数在食堂里发生的场景呈现出与第一集相同的定格纸板风格。这种风格与其他几集有明显的不同,包括在声音、嘴部动作、场景色彩以及角色站位这几个方面的不同。这么做的原因是因为这部分场景原本是属于第一集的,但由于时长的缘故被剪去之后又被加入到这一集中。这一场景在本集被高清重制时用电脑动画重新制作了。
  • 虽然兰迪在“火山爆发”中首次登场,但在这集才被揭露为是斯坦的父亲。
  • 莫费斯托在本集被揭露为是一名佛教徒。(“哦,感谢佛祖让我找到了你们!”)
  • 凯尔在本集表示卡特曼从没拿到过高于D的等级。
  • 凯文·斯多利在本集有出场,他被加里森老师称作“凯西”。
  • 雪莉是基于比特雷·帕克年长三岁的同名姐姐创作的。在他们还小的时候她就经常揍特雷,把他锁在屋外,有一次甚至还把他摔下楼梯。
  • 凯文·麦考密克出现在短巴士上。
  • 在DVD评论中,特雷·帕克解释说本集原本叫做“大象操猪”(An Elephant Fucks a Pig),但“被喜剧中心更改了”。
  • 克隆体之后出现在南方公园电子游戏的第二关“你的克隆体”(A Clone Of Your Own)中。
  • 在本集首次出场的角色有雪莉和莎伦·马什,以及特伦斯·莫费斯托和阿方斯·莫费斯托博士。
  • 四屁股猴的哼哼声和内德的有些像。





