



  • 斯坦提到了在平行宇宙中他从阿姨弗洛送给他的金鱼。
  • 乔克森迪克老师的名字终于被揭示为黛安,讽刺的是,这一集是她最后一次出场,也是她的死亡。 
  • This is Ms. Crabtree's final appearance until her death in "Cartman's Incredible Gift".
  • 特克很担心把胡萝卜放到雪人上会使雪人活过来并害死他,对此斯坦回答:“除了那一次这种事哪里发生过?”这句话提及了“圣诞精神:耶稣大战雪人”这一短片的剧情,
  • When Chef sings to the boys after he finds out they killed Ms. Choksondik, the music is reused from the episode "Fat Camp".
  • Cartman correctly pronounces authority instead of saying it like "AUTHORITAH".
  • Even though many characters are "simpsonized" they all look like actual characters from the show.
    • Dougie - Bart
    • Ms. Crabtree - Otto Mann
    • Mr. Garrison - Smithers
    • Chef - Dr. Hibbert
    • News Anchor - Kent Brockman
    • Ms. Choksondik - ?
    • Mr. Mackey - Mr. Burns
    • Stephen Stotch (Unseen) - Principal Skinner
    • Linda Stotch (Also unseen but heard) - Mrs. Krabappel
    • Stan and Kyle - Martin
    • Timmy - Ralph
    • Cartman - Nelson
    • Tweek - ?
    • Liane - Lunchlady Doris
    • Mr. Hat - Groundskeeper Willie
  • A bottle in the background in the autopsy room is labeled "HITLER."
  • Matt and Trey made this episode due to their ideas for episodes having been used by The Simpsons already.
  • This is the last time Ms. Crabtree is seen driving the bus, the bus itself is not seen again until "The Death of Eric Cartman".
  • Many fans believe that Ms. Choksondik really died from actually choking on Mr. Mackey's penis, thus fulfilling the irony of her name and ending her life. It is unknown what happened to Mr. Mackey as he was only seen as Mr. Burns in the episode.
  • The Twilight Zone episode Chef refers to is "The Little People".
  • The boys use the lyrics "Hammer Time" from the song "Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer as a warning when somebody is coming while their in the autopsy room. Tweek sings some of the song when he fails to remember the code words.