第30行: 第30行:
Back at SpaceX, Cartman is trying to tell [[Elon Musk]] about his visions of Mars. Elon doesn’t believe him, saying that women are smart and funny. Heidi walks by and Cartman gives her a half-hearted wave.
Kyle and Ike are now at a computer cafe. He FaceTimes Stan trying to find Butters, as President-Elect Garrison requests to FaceTime with him. Mr. Garrison tells Kyle that the American Government is behind him and is trying to amplify the effectiveness of his trolling.
Kyle and Ike are now at a computer cafe. He FaceTimes Stan trying to find Butters, as President-Elect Garrison requests to FaceTime with him. Mr. Garrison tells Kyle that the American Government is behind him and is trying to amplify the effectiveness of his trolling.

2020年4月3日 (五) 11:24的版本

不算有趣 不算有趣 连续剧的结束 白人改造家 白人改造家


SpoilerAlert 剧透警告!!!






布罗夫洛夫斯基家,凯尔正坐在电脑前,带着耳机设备,背景音乐播放着波士顿乐队的“抽烟(Smokin' )”。他视频问托肯,黑人认为最冒犯的话是什么;又问了特维克克雷格最冒犯同性恋的话。接着斯坦让他去问吉米一些冒犯叙利亚残疾难民的话。与此同时,希拉正在尝试逃出食品储藏室,威胁着要把男孩们永远锁在房间里。

在喷子追踪大楼,电视屏幕正在播放“永远不会放弃你(Never Gonna Give You Up)”,杰拉德在会议室筋疲力尽。突然,假屌流氓冲向显示屏,告诉他服务器正在过载,有个喷子在用他的账号喷人。杰拉德自豪地说“不愧是我的儿子”。









Kyle and Ike are now at a computer cafe. He FaceTimes Stan trying to find Butters, as President-Elect Garrison requests to FaceTime with him. Mr. Garrison tells Kyle that the American Government is behind him and is trying to amplify the effectiveness of his trolling.

In Denmark, Lennart is flying away in a helicopter as he sees Gerald climbing to the up to the servers from his iPhone, he turns around, heading back to the TrollTrace building.

In South Park, people are running around like crazy, as chaos ensues. Sheila knocks on the door to the Tucker Residence, Laura, in shock after what she finds her husband was accessing online, eventually convinces Sheila to use the TrollTrace website. Sheila types in Ike’s name and scrolls through.

At SpaceX, Cartman is torn between staying with Heidi or ending up underground on Mars. Kyle calls Butters, Butters tells him about the energy source they created to get to Mars. Cartman tells Kyle he’s having girl problems and Kyle tells him they could help each other out.

Gerald is approaching the last breaker at Trolltrace. He approaches towards it on a elevated bridge, as Lennart appears. They start to argue about what the Danish are doing as the building shakes and begins to explode.

Sheila is relieved to find out that Ike's history has no trolling. Laura continues to push Sheila to find out what Gerald has been doing online.

Back at The Pentagon, people are still scrambling. Somebody runs by aflame, as advisors are attempting to get Mr. Garrison to go to a bunker. Kyle calls and asks if the internet can be routed to SpaceX.

The elevated bridge is shaking as Gerald keeps pushing Lennart about what he’s doing.

A alarm is going off at SpaceX as Cartman is on the PA, telling everybody to escape as NASA sent them a bomb threat. Heidi approaches, confused about what’s going on as they start to head out. Heidi stops and asks Cartman if she did something wrong. They both keep talking as Cartman tries to look at Butters instead of her. Cartman tells Heidi they have to leave as soon as possible as they run out.

Sheila prepares to type in Gerald’s name on the computer.

Gerald tells Lennart he can’t keep arguing with him and that they made excuses for being horrible. Gerald slowly approaches Lennart and kicks him in the balls, throwing him off the bridge. Gerald gloats as he turns off the last breaker.

Kyle tells Garrison to reroute the internet through SpaceX. The SpaceX building explodes. As Shelia clicks enter on Gerald’s name, to bring up his history, all of the computers everywhere go blank, including the main screen in the Pentagon, which now is displaying a command prompt screen. The same message appears on the computer that Sheila is at that reads “Internet Reset, Global Cache Cleared”. She is confused as to what just happened.

The SpaceX building blows up completely, Cartman, Heidi, Butters, Elon Musk, and a handful of SpaceX staff watch from the hillside nearby. Kyle narrates saying that the world is fine and that the internet was erased. Gerald arrives home and hugs Sheila, as Kyle and Ike give him an angry look, into one of disappointment. Cartman and Heidi arrive back home and kiss. President-Elect Garrison sits in the Oval Office, with a room full of Member Berries looking at him.

The Marsh family watches the news, which talks about the first email sent using the new internet. A old man is shown and says he sent an email with a photo to his friend in Connecticut. He further tells the reporter that he showed his friend his dick, and called him a fag.