英雄巡逻中 英雄巡逻中 酷帕国之战 起源故事 起源故事












The mission then begins with The New Kid sitting on their "throne" (basically the toilet in The New Kid's House bathroom). Complete the toilet mini-game to proceed, Before leaving, make sure to loot the cupboard below the sink.

After leaving the bathroom, a brief cut scene ensues, where The New Kid's father and mother are embroiled in an argument. Upon seeing The New Kid appear from the bathroom, they both stopped arguing, telling The New Kid to go outside and play, and dispersed.

You can interact with the left door first (parents' bedroom) whereby you will see The New Kid's father taking out a small chest from a drawer next to their bed, opening it and eating some 'brown stuff' stored in it. Next, proceed to your bedroom, where you can obtain some items from your closet and your toy chest (you will get items based on any DLCs purchased for the game, or rewards obtained from the Danger Deck and From Dusk till Casa Bonita). Leave your room and make your way downstairs.

Upon arriving downstairs, you will hear a knock on the door. Before exiting the house though, make your way to the kitchen first, and loot the cupboards and the fridge for some items (the leftmost cupboard will contain the Macaroni component). You will also see your mother in the kitchen by the sink crying. In the living room, loot the drawer next to the basement door, and the drawer next to the main door. Interact with the main door to leave your house.

A brief cut scene will play, whereby High Jew Elf King Kyle and Paladin Butters requests assistance to defeat the 'filthy Moorish'.


Make your way outside and head right alongside High Jew Elf King Kyle and Paladin Butters. Three Moorish fighters will then appear to block the path. Simply punch them to initiate combat with them.


This battle serves as a tutorial of sorts into the game's battle mechanics. In this battle, only one attack is given, a triple punch attack with a Knockback attribute. Simply defeat the Moorish fighters, as their attacks deal little damage due to The New Kid's superiority as King Douchebag.

Once they have been defeated, keep heading right until three Guards of the Dark Court blocks the path. Just like the first situation against the Moorish fighters, simply punch them to initiate combat with them.


In this battle, apart from the triple punch attack, another attack is given, which is a fart attack, affecting a 3x1 grid with a Knockback attribute to enemies; this attack has a cooldown time of 1 turn though. Like the first battle, simply defeat them, their attacks too deal little damage due to The New Kid's superiority as King Douchebag.

Once they have been defeated, proceed to the entrance of Cartman's House, whereby they discover it is guarded by two Moorish fighters with a "lava" blockade in front of them. The fighters then called to have the 'Dragon' released, whereby The New Kid will be placed into a 'Under Attack' situation.


In this battle, apart from the triple punch and fart attack, another attack is given, known as the Smite of Heavenly Reign. The Moorish fighter on the dragon will fire an arrow first though, dealing minimal damage. First, defeat the two Moorish fighters below the Dragon with your fart attack (the fastest way, also this will prompt a comment that The New Kid just farted on a dragon). After the turn ends, the Dragon will prepare its Fire Breath attack, simply just move out of the attack's area during your turn. After the Fire Breath attack, your Smite of Heavenly Reign attack will be ready, however as you are preparing to initiate the attack, a car will pass by the area, prompting the battle to be temporarily paused. Once the car has passed through, use your Smite of Heavenly Reign attack to instantly defeat the Dragon, upon which a splash image will display, acknowledging King Douchebag as the Dragon Slayer.

Once the Dragon has been defeated, the Moorish fighters will proceed to retreat, deterred by The New Kid's superior abilities. Make your way to Butters' House, then open its garage door. Break the cardboard boxes inside it, the drag the ladder located on the right side to the middle. Climb up the ladders to make your way to the garage's roof. On the roof, you will then slide down on it to enter Kupa Keep; there will be a button prompt that needs to be pressed as you slide down (if it isn't pressed, The New Kid will fall off awkwardly and the mission is considered over).

Once The New Kid enters Kupa Keep's compound, a cut scene ensues, whereby Le Bard Jimmy is being held hostage by two Moorish fighters while being interrogated by another Moorish fighter about The Stick of Truth. Simply let the cut scene run through, completing the mission and leading to the next mission.


  • 这一任务在所有任务中都有着特殊的地方,特殊之处包括:
    • 不包括任何超级英雄的剧情
    • 不以任何任务形式出现
    • 出现了一个没有提醒的“超大首领”
    • 出现了一次“遇袭”的首领战斗
  • 第一部游戏中新来的被称为“龙裔”,这个称号模仿了一个上古卷轴:天际的同名主角,这个“龙裔”能够通过屠龙来增强自己的能力——可是在真实之杖中,新来的并不曾在任何程度上斩杀过龙。作为上一游戏剧情的收尾,本任务终于让他用强大的“天帝之锤”一招消灭了巨大的龙。
概览 玩法 • 角色 • 图册 • 任务 • 可收集品 • 拓展包 • 成就
角色 主角 新来的
浣熊侠联盟 浣熊侠 • 风筝侠 • 速行侠 • 超级克雷格 • 蚊子侠 • 糖尿病队长
自由伙伴 提莫希博士 • 神秘侠 • 工具侠 • 神奇特维克 • 保鲜盒侠
中立队友 电话女侠 • 亨利埃塔·毕格 • 薄荷浆果酥侠 • 圣诞老人
反派 混沌教授 • 无序将军 • 米奇·康纳 • 莎布·尼古拉丝 • 大师吸血鬼 • 科里·海姆 • 敏西 • 内森 • 扎咖诺
可召唤角色 杰拉德·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 金博·克恩内德·格布兰斯基 • 克拉希 • 摩西
职业 蛮兽 • 极速者 • 爆能士 • 生化人 • 元素使 • 灵能师 • 机巧匠 • 刺客 • 植物领主 • 武术家 • 幽冥族 • 最终女孩
机制 神器神器列表 • 状态影响 • 浣熊墙浣熊墙好友 • 服装服装列表
主线任务 第一天 酷帕国之战 | 起源故事 | 浣熊墙启动 | 平行宇宙相撞 • 超级克雷格的羁绊 | 浣熊伙伴的诞生 | 四年仔崛起 | 必须快一点 • 蜜糖罐中蚊子侠 • 一触信仰 • 知心畅谈 • 行动:正当合法 • 玉米卷低语者 | 起源故事2:新的开始 | 内战 | 返乡义务 | 凶兽之腹
第二天 “克拉希”机密 | 平行宇宙再相撞 • 药炸危机 | 微侵略学院 • 知心畅谈2:性别确定 • 行动:盲目的正义 | 起源故事3:天外来客 | 内战2:玩乐结束 | 种族学院:第一课 | 工具需求 | 卧床在底 | 混沌百手
第三天 混沌诡计 • 约谈邀请函 | 学雷锋议程 | 起源故事4:终极序章 | 黑夜从命 | 纤细白线
第四天 自由召唤 | 抓住一只浣熊侠 | 莫费斯托博士的屁股们 | 屁转未来 | 英雄巡逻中
某一天 英雄巡逻中 | 向家前进
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